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Signed Up January 28, 2014
Last Posted October 30, 2016 at 5:28 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ⋅⋅ 127
#146 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion
not sure if it's just me, but using a skin with viewmodels on causes a big fps drop compared to viewmodels off

Same problem. They must not be optimized very well. If anybody has a script that turns on viewmodels for the length of the inspect thing then turns them back off I'd be very grateful.
alias +M1 "+attack ; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias +M2 "+attack2 ; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias -M1 "-attack ; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias -M2 "-attack2 ; r_drawviewmodel 0"

bind mouse1 +M1
bind mouse2 +M2

bind MOUSE5 "r_drawviewmodel 1;+inspect"

bind "R" "slot1; viewmodel_fov 70; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "Q" "slot2; viewmodel_fov 70; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "F" "slot3; viewmodel_fov 70; r_drawviewmodel 1"
Is what I'm using currently
And as far is I know the only way to do it without the cheat command "wait"

Basically you just bind all your keys to hide your viewmodels and do their regular function, then bind a key to draw the viewmodel and inspect. It is not possible to truly have it leave the viewmodels on for the length of the animation without the wait command.

posted about 9 years ago
#140 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion
MoonieI noticed my medigun viewmodels look the same for uber and kritz.

Already in OP, also see #89

posted about 9 years ago
#659 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Knuckles_yttriumindecencythe fact that you can inspect a skinned weapon but not for example an aussie scattergun is fucking blowing my mind right nowThis is the kind of thing that I'm sure they'll change
It's not hard to do, they have it this way intentionally. Gotta have more reasons to pay them money

How do you know how hard it is to do? There are a lot of Australium weapons that do not have skins and therefore presumably don't have an inspect animation. It would be extremely difficult to just make a bunch of animations. What if the way that they check if a weapon can be inspected relies on the weapon being a stock weapon (in which case Australiums may not be caught by the check because they count as different weapons).

All I'm saying is sure it was probably possible to make Australium weapons be inspected, but you have no idea how easy or difficult it would have been to implement.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 low pc usage, low fps tho in Q/A Help

Maybe check your CPU usage per thread and see if it is maxing out

posted about 9 years ago
#19 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion
Teapot_Kanecopamphleti like halftime and i dont like playing 2 maps a week
what they use at iseries isnt important because iseries might not always be the big tf2 lan
Well between both maps it's technically halftime.

A team that needs and uses the 'halftime' in europe to talk things through will already have condeded the points for one whole map. While in NA, both maps in the week have a half time so you get the chance to gather your heads and pull it back and get points for each map.

In addition to this halftime is important because most maps have different stuff on red and blu sides, and even if it's only a tiny difference (like process or gully) it could still make a huge difference. Hopefully we will be switching to granary pro soon so at least the massive differences per side on granary won't be an issue if halftime is removed.

posted about 9 years ago
#650 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
rock-are you people really enjoying this bag of aids of patch wtf

once they fix the bugs it will have been a great patch aside from the black box nerf imo

also i found this meme

Show Content
posted about 9 years ago
#5 emkay lft IM backup in Recruitment (looking for team)

awesome guy, good at gaming

posted about 9 years ago
#902 rayshud in Customization
RawrSpoonNot sure if this is happening to anyone else but I can't "inspect" whatsoever, I crash the moment I try to finish my collector's recipe. I've tried validation, doesn't work so might be a small oversight on the HUD? Can anyone comfirm?

Recipes crash the game

posted about 9 years ago
#95 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion
Mangachuif you hit a direct with the iron bomber on an enemy player it crashes the server

Doesn't do that for me

posted about 9 years ago
#93 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

If you kill somebody posthumously with the Air Strike it shows up as a Rocket Launcher kill in the killfeed

Edit: Stickies are also always showing as crits in my killfeed, idk if it's my hud or a bug

posted about 9 years ago
#90 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

If you go to change your weapon in your loadout and use a keyboard shortcut to back out of the weapon select screen, you will equip the default weapon rather than reverting back to what you had equipped before entering the weapon select screen.

posted about 9 years ago
#83 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

Skye posted earlier that using Kritz doesn't work, but it looks like what happens is for some reason kritz uses the medigun's model. It still gives you the kritz uber but it looks like a medigun.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Does anyone notice how much smoother it feels? in TF2 General Discussion
AuraMixBefore update FPS: I get about 150-200
After Update FPS: 70-130

Did you switch to dx9 or are you on the same dx level you were before the update? Seems kind of insane to close to half the framerate with one update.

posted about 9 years ago
#69 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

If you pick up a your eternal reward you can still disguise

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Welp, Looks like we did it in TF2 General Discussion
Frost_BiteAlso, I would like to say:
6v6 doesn't necessarily mean "6v6 with the 6s class and weapon restrictions that we are used to". It just means "six players play six other players."

we can dream tho

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ⋅⋅ 127