The fact of the matter is, people are creating(or not finishing) great looking huds, and posting them for the sole purpose of getting some e-popularity.
basically this, its just one giant tease. if you make something and you know it looks good you're gonna post it and in the back of your head you know people are gonna compliment you and ask to share. then for someone to beat around the bush or say "ehh noo sorry not done yet or this is just random im not finishing it." you come off like an asshole.
its good to take pride in your work but if you have zero intent of making it public then stop posting it ! its like you made everyone aware the moment the picture went up and then in reality you already made it public so no it isn't private anymore and for you to not give a download makes you a dick. also you should never be worried about people stealing your work because if you post something way in advance and someone uses it for their hud everyone is gonna know it. you could always ask for credit upon posting its not like you're getting paid to make a hud