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Signed Up September 6, 2012
Last Posted May 2, 2023 at 4:32 PM
Posts 242 (0.1 per day)
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#1 My final community jump movie (reupload from 2016) in Videos

Hey all,

I've been inactive from TF2 for quite some time but I recently stumbled across the original file of the last jump movie I made. Due to some rendering issues at the time of release, it was split into two parts never got much attention, so I figured I'd post it here now in case anyone was interested and didn't see it back then:

It looks like jumping has progressed a lot in the past 7 years so I'm not sure how the jump quality holds up anymore but hopefully it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Thanks to everyone who supported my videos back in the day, I am glad to have been part of the TF2 community.

posted about a year ago
#74 Lawena v4.0 is out. in Videos
MelonTFI just wanna know how you manage to use lawena and hlae at the same time, I can only use one or the other

You can always manually backup your games files then copy the lawena config files into your tf folder when recording with HLAE. Having it built into the tool would definitely be a nice feature though.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Community Jump Movie in Videos
syncGoing full w3sp on the music eh?

I didn't even realize the music was the same, although it's not too surprising as there aren't many songs in the horror genre that fit the pace of jumping well.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Community Jump Movie in Videos
Hellbentthat outro jump was nuts, was that tool assisted or something?

Yes nolem was working on that run using his tool-assisted plugin for a few weeks. The idea to do it in tf2 came from the credits runs in w3sp's defrag movies (although those aren't tool assisted but doing an equivalent run in tf2 without assistance would be extremely difficult).

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Community Jump Movie in Videos

Hey guys,

I made another movie featuring a lot of newer players in the jump community. The movie is really long so it's been split into two parts, both of which you can watch at tf2rjweekly.

If you would like to download the original files you can do that here.

I hope you guys enjoy.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Looking for a file hosting server in Videos
BurningSmileUse Google drive, Google drive doesn't do that shit to the best of my knowledge.

Ah that should work, thanks. I didn't realize the limit was as big as 5 TB.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Looking for a file hosting server in Videos


I've been working on a movie recently and it's nearly ready for release. In the past I've usually put a download link leading to my dropbox account but this always ends up getting the account suspended due to high download traffic so then nobody is able to download a full quality version. Is there anyone who owns a server that could host this file and handle fairly large download traffic?

I can't really offer much in compensation, if anyone helps they can have all the hats off my account.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Help with demos in Videos

Are you talking about POV or STV demos?

posted about 9 years ago
#19 TF2: remember _____? in TF2 General Discussion

remember when this guy was considered the best?

also when the big three teams were around: Evil Geniuses, 20ID, complexity/loaded

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Where could I find demos of sheep? in TF2 General Discussion

if you're just looking for clips of him spadez made a movie a while back

posted about 9 years ago
#10 No Name 3 in Videos
Phoenix21making 4 or 5 howto videos will get him the same revenue.
highly doubt he will make more frag movies, unless it will be like something he made for mad.

Maybe, frag movies are a lot more fun to make than tutorial videos though.

posted about 9 years ago
#51 mustardoverlord in Videos

great movie mustard, I just put out a new jump democall, please consider sending me some submissions thanks

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Video playback program that can play 240 fps vids? in Videos

It's not the actual framerate causing the problems, it's due to the filesize of the raw recording being too large to be processed correctly. If you want to preview them ahead of time you'll need to encode them so they are small enough to view (and then I would recommend using VLC as it tends to be the smoothest). Is there a reason you can't just preview them in your editing program?

posted about 9 years ago
#114 How to Make Videos for TF2 in Videos
Jaggerguys i have a question... how can i make a video with my ingame(fps) config? i mean, i want to make it how it looks ingame for me.

You can add all the commands from the fps config as custom commands in lawena, just make sure you don't overwrite any of the recording binds.

Otherwise you can always just use the recording commands through the console manually.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 An in-depth competitive guide series in Videos
LeyrAtomicusflufnAtomicusNot sure how I could get in touch with SIN and I've already posted the guide in the MM group.Add him on steam
He states that he doesn't take friend requests. I left a comment on his profile, we'll see if he accepts my invite that way, otherwise I'll try his steam group.

Maybe see if you can go through shounic or sideshow, as both seem to have lines ofcontact with him

I sent him a message for you.

posted about 9 years ago
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