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Last Posted May 2, 2023 at 4:32 PM
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#112 How to Make Videos for TF2 in Videos
moleI have the same problems as a lot of other people in this thread. After lawena and virtualdub, my video in sony vegas is very choppy and of poor quality. This is really odd as I've used this method in the past, with my best looking video looking like this I follow the guide except my lawena settings look like this: I have also tried recording with a higher fps, and with 1280x720. Higher fps just made the video way choppier, and 720p made it more smooth, but way worse quality wise. I'd be surprised if it was my hard ware not being good enough, since the video I linked above was recorded, rendered and encoded on the same computer, just a year earlier.

If someone knows how to fix this or knows a different way of recording and editing a video, then I'd very much appreciate your help.

What is the length/file size of the raw video file you're loading into vegas? Try encoding with a lossless codec out of VDub if you aren't doing so already. Also make sure you have "Preview>Auto" selected in the Sony Vegas preview window, anything higher will most likely cause the preview to be too choppy.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 democall in Videos

Just reposting from in case anyone is interested in submitting demos that doesn't visit that site.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 radium lft (medic, scout?) in Recruitment (looking for team)

radium would you be interested in putting together a team with some older players? I've been thinking about returning recently too.

I can't remember if we were on a team together back in 2010 or so, I know we used to scrim against each other a fair amount.

posted about 9 years ago
#41 Honeysuckle | by Jay in Videos
AlmiekirbyAlmieSorry mate, but all of those videos with the exception of 1 or 2 are pretty damn boring to me.
How are any of them boring? I'm actually curious. They are some of the absolute best videos ever made. This isn't really even coming from me as an opinion. All of those videos are done brilliantly.
In most cases its the absolutely terrible editing (and mainly colour correction, eugh) that bothers me, sometimes overused music, sometimes the lack of editing, sometimes mediocre frags (also that one 4:3 video, wtf?). Now, a good bit of these videos are still entertaining, but only for about 3-5 minutes, then it gets really boring. The exceptions are PREM by CUBE and The Experiment highlights, but then again, even though those videos are well done and entertaining I wouldnt dare to call them the best of all time. <- now that is a longer video that I can watch being entertained from the beginning to the end enjoying everything, the music, the frags, the editing.

Do you actually play TF2? It sounds like you don't even enjoy any video where the frags are the focus.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 - Jump Community Movie - in Videos

NaF will do a good job with this. I hope you're contacting jumpers directly for submissions though, it's hard to get much response through forums usually (unless the forum is specific to jumping).

posted about 10 years ago
#69 TotH discussion in TF2 General Discussion
d_bare you going to upload that surfing highlight video dellort??

Yeah I can put it up on my channel after the event is over.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 TotH discussion in TF2 General Discussion
cosmophilicdellortConsidering play-by-play casting doesn't really work for the surfing is there anything in specific that people would like the casters to talk about?
Last year there was some interesting discussion about the differences between surfing in tf2 vs CS. You could maybe talk a bit more about surfing's history? If this year's segment is half as good as last year's, I could watch it without any commentary at all.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. We have demon and habitat casting too this year so they should be able to provide some good insight into the history of surf. I agree that the surfing on its own will be entertaining, so commentary will likely be minimal again this year.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 TotH discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Considering play-by-play casting doesn't really work for the surfing is there anything in specific that people would like the casters to talk about?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 St. Baldrick's Fundraising in Off Topic

I just thought I'd give a final update of this fundraiser. The event was held in Toronto last Thursday at the Hockey Hall of Fame. I managed to raise just over $1400, and the event overall raised over $125 000. A few donations came from members of so I appreciate those who helped me out.

If anyone cares to see the shaving here's the video link

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Prominence in Videos

Nice job Afterglow, and I'm sorry to War that the project didn't work out with me as the editor, glad to see you still ended up with a good frag video.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 St. Baldrick's Fundraising in Off Topic

Between real life and online fundraising I'm up to $300 now. :)
Big thanks for the help online, I still have a long way to go to reach $1000 though and would appreciate more support if possible.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 St. Baldrick's Fundraising in Off Topic

Bump, I've raised $89 so far (8.9% of my goal) online, a huge thanks to the people who have donated. Still would appreciate some more help if anyone has a bit of money to spare.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 St. Baldrick's Fundraising in Off Topic


The name is due to the nature of the event (shaving the heads of participants) and the fact that the first event was held on St. Patrick's Day fourteen years ago.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 St. Baldrick's Fundraising in Off Topic

Hey everyone, I'm doing a fundraiser for the St. Baldrick's Foundation which is hosting an event in Toronto on March 20 where I'll be getting my head shaved. The proceeds raised go towards cancer prevention research (82% of donations go directly towards the research). I wouldn't usually ask for donations on a public forum like this but given the tf2 community's history of generousity I figured it was a good place to ask.

You can find my donation page at
Tax receipts are available, just make sure you check that you would like to receive one. I have a goal set for $1000.00 so even if you could spare just a few dollars that would be amazing.

Also the Tip of the Hats 2 event is approaching soon, if you're tight on cash please ignore this and choose to donate towards that event instead. I'm helping to run the surf event again this year and putting together a trailer for it at the moment so I certainly don't want this to detract from any donations TOTH2 might receive.

Thanks in advance for anyone who donates.

Edit: Also I literally just launched the page which is why there are no donations yet.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Adobe Illustrator help in Off Topic

Thanks but I ended up doing it on my own. It's about time I learn to use this program anyways.

posted about 11 years ago
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