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Signed Up June 20, 2018
Last Posted March 24, 2025 at 3:55 PM
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#34 The Case for Unlocks in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know if it's leagues just caring less about HL, but it's always been weird to me how big the discrepancy between the HL and 6s whitelist is. Most of the reasons weapons are banned in 6s applies to HL, minus maybe the cowmangler since the damage reduction on engineer buildings is more important.

Only reason I can think of why bonk/parachute/cleaver aren't banned in HL is cause they're good dumb fun.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Describe Yourself in One Article in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#54 Why aren't you prem/invite yet? in TF2 General Discussion

as a tftv staff member im contractually obligated to be shit at the game

posted about 3 years ago
#52 What legacy will you leave for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
AmaterasuBeing probably the first EU Anti-Cheat admin who will get banned for cheating and receiving a VAC ban just now...
As the gig is up, I will be honest and admit that I was cheating in this match I was using ESP to see invisible Spies and I got too cocky, I mean who will ever report an AC member? You can actually see it in the demos if you look for it.

I'm sorry to all my previous teammates and friends at ETF2L staff.

this woman makes 1 play in HL and wont let anyone forget it

posted about 4 years ago
#53 The flaws of 6's in TF2 General Discussion
Opti_You make 5cps with round limit to 3 or 4. You set round time to 5 or 4 minutes. If last is capped, team who caps gains 1 round. If no one caps, at the end of the round timer, whoever has mid wins 1 round.

The big issue with a 5 minute round timer and whoever has mid wins after, is that it puts a huge amount of importance on mid fights.

Let's say it takes a team a minute to win a mid fight, and another 30 seconds or so to get their spawns and get buffed on second. The enemy team now has 3 and a half minutes to push out of last, cap second, and cap mid. Throw uber disad on top of that, what if the enemy team uses their uber to just pick up some frags and backs out again? Now you've got less than 3 minutes to wait for spawns, organise a push, and cap two points.

I think it would just make for boring gameplay of extremely passive mids and teams !gg'ing after losing the mid fight.

edit: on a similar note I really dislike ETF2L's current golden cap rules, where if the golden cap lasts longer than 15 minutes the round is reset and whoever caps mid wins. Its a decent solution to avoiding hours of gameplay, but there's more to the game than mid-fights and boiling a match down to a mid-fight feels like a cop-out.

posted about 4 years ago
#13 aoshi steps down in TF2 General Discussion
DoughyireSorry to hijack Aoshi's exit, for them, thank you for all your work, and I hope that whatever comes next for you treats you well, o7.

But, I did want to highlight rebite's quote. The absolute disregard for production and casters that people put out is absolutely shameful. People at every point entirely disregarding that both casters and production give their time for the community is so fucking selfish.

No one wants to imagine a #cov-eu where DuMmTm steps down, or where Arch and Beater refuse to produce. So for prem players, cooperate with us when you can, and EU, recognize what people do for you in casts, NA had louster200 leave and almost completely kill coverage, appreciate and thank the people who give their time for you, it does mean a lot.

Whilst I do appreciate what etf2l admins and tftv streaming staff do for the EU scene and I also call out people who immaturely bad mouth some of the hard workers, noone who takes on these positions should ever feel forced to. Any admin or caster or streamer or anything is a volunteer and if you aren't enjoying it, don't do it. Get a hobby you enjoy. Someone who wants to take over should, not someone who feels forced to.

I get the feeling from quite a few people that they don't enjoy being in the public eye from most of the immature people who play the game, but i still don't know why they do it.

This is also fixed by people not being stupid cunts, but that is more of an entire humanity thing rather than just this community.

The issue with telling ire that "if you aren't enjoying it, don't do it" is that he's currently the Editor in Chief of all writing regions and also currently the head of NA production. Without ire NA production would fall apart and so would a lot of NA/Asia writing. I wouldn't be surprised if ire feels obligated to continue what he does.

posted about 4 years ago
#357 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
MrSmithers96it baffles me that f1 cant seem to work out track limits when everyone else can. surely its 2 options, you let them go anywhere a la indycar, or its white lines/outside of kerb everywhere a la WEC. f1s never been good with this but im not sure ive ever seen the track limits change between sessions in any other motorsport, its bizzare. also enforcing white lines means you gotta stop letting drivers push each other off the track like leclerc did to norris.

all the time you have to leave da space.

race was still nuts though im hype af

The best solution if safety wouldnt be an issue is just put walls on the limits, I'd love to see F1 have strict track limits so you can't go off track every lap. I don't think we'll ever see the squeezing people off track thing stop though, the "my racing line my rules" mindset is too ingrained in the culture.

posted about 4 years ago
#348 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

you for real cant make this shit up

posted about 4 years ago
#341 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
dempseyPuttting my money on mazepin either crashing with or holding up another driver under blue flags within 3 races

does spinning and ruining a bunch of drivers quali laps count?

posted about 4 years ago
#16 tftv comedian in The Dumpster

wann sagt ein chinese guten tag?

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wenn er deutsch kann
posted about 4 years ago
#338 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

Puttting my money on mazepin either crashing with or holding up another driver under blue flags within 3 races

posted about 4 years ago
#6 What does tftv eat for breakfast in Off Topic

Oatmeal with oat milk and mixed berries :)

posted about 4 years ago
#3 top5rocket reaches the top level once more in News

You forgot to change before "pushing" lol

Thanks for pointing this out, aelkyr has been removed from his editor position as a result of this slip-up.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 TFTV Producers Call in TF2 General Discussion

please god we need writers for eu

posted about 4 years ago
#15 coolest type of cigarette in The Dumpster

L&M blue

posted about 4 years ago
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