Do you not realize that Obama inherited an economy in recession from Bush? lmao trying to defend Trump's economic policies is laughable, anyone with an understanding of macroeconomics will that you that his plan will further fuck the US economy
1) He wants to cut taxes on the rich (and cut the number of tax brackets from 7 to 4) which means that even though everyone gets tax reductions, the rich in particular are taxed even less which means that Trump is essentially widening the already large gap between the rich (himself) and everyone else. He also wants to reduce corporate tax to 15% (lol) which further reduces revenue. Such steep tax reductions mean that in the first decade of his plan the US will lose 9.5 TRILLION dollars in revenue and another 15 million and additional $15.0 trillion over the subsequent 10 years. And that's before accounting for added interest costs or considering macroeconomic feedback effects.
2)He wants to build a fucking wall. First of all, over 40% of illegal immigrants come by plane and then overstay their visa, a wall won't help with that. Secondly, the wall would theoretically cost around 25 billion dollars to build, not counting maintenance or staffing costs. The Mexican government has already said they won't pay for the wall, so where is he going to fund such an expensive (and braindead) project from if he's cutting the revenue by trillions of dollars via his tax plan?
3) He wants to impose a 35% and 45% percent import tax on Mexico and China lol???? While that, in theory, could make American consumers buy American goods, it also means that Mexico and China would likely impose import taxes on incoming AMERICAN goods which not only would sour international relations but also destroy American trade considering that Mexico and China are 2 of America's largest trading partners (after Canada) and US exports to the two comes around 350 billion dollars.
4) He wants to increase military spending. How is he going to do this with such expansive revenue cuts? He hasn't explained how he will cut public spending, and such a reduction in revenue would require cuts in public spending never before seen in American history.
5) He says he wants to reduce the deficit. How is he gonna do that when he wants to increase government spending through the wall and military funding without any increase in US revenue? He's going to widen the deficit rofl.
But Hilary is being investigated by the FBI so lets ignore her objectively better policies :OO
I have no problem with Trump supporters lol just don't try to justify a terrible economic plan that objectively goes macroeconomic principles and would hurt everyone besides the rich.
Your knowledge of what lead to the 2008 recession is laughable. It’s all Bush’s fault! Rofl. Please educate yourself.
Under the Clinton administration, they ordered lenders like Fannie and Freddie to expand loans to risky borrowers from 30% to 50% in order to expand home ownership. What happened then was people that shouldn’t have been given loans were given loans. This lead to more demand for houses than there was supply. This doubled and tripled homes prices in a matter of years in some cases. So people bought overpriced homes they couldn’t afford. Then when SHTF and companies started failing borrowers saw their assets dwindle, and the price of their home fall so sharply that they owed more than the home was worth, so many walked away. The policies that lead to the crash are far more than Bush or Clinton did it, but the start of the home crisis is primarily the result of policies dating back from the Bill Clinton administration. Also it extends past either administration, the Federal reserve played a large part in keeping interest rates low which created the housing bubble as well as bubbles in other commodities.
1) You do not seem to understand the effects that high taxation has on the economy. Do I 100% agree with cutting taxes for the rich? No. I’d be in favor of no income tax and a flat sales tax. The more you consume the more tax you pay. The ultimate reality is companies are leaving the country because they are being taxed too much and they feel they can make more money overseas. Why would increasing taxes help? Cutting taxes for companies and rich that employ people, introducing an exit tax, and introducing higher import taxes is a pretty damn good deterrent to keep companies from leaving the country.
2) He wants to build a wall. He sure does. Every country in the world has a wall. Maybe not across their entire border, but think of it this way. You go to the airport, pass through immigration and there is a wall. One side you are on international grounds, and the other side (past the immigration officers) you are in another country. It doesn’t matter if 40% of illegal immigrants are visa overstays, a physical wall on our southern border will factually cut down on illegal immigrants. There are other very easy ways to significantly cut down on visa overstays. For example requiring an entry deposit that is given back to you when you exit the country. If you can’t afford that deposit, you then borrow from friends/family or some other insurance company that trusts you and believes you will not overstay puts up the money in exchange for a small fee. When someone visa overstays they lose a few thousand dollars and some of that money goes towards tracking them down. The Mexican government doesn’t have to agree to pay for the wall. Do you literally think Trump is just going to say, hey Mexico here is a bill for 15 billion, please pay. No that is not how it works. They can pay for it in an indirect manner regardless of their consent. Two examples: increased tariffs pay for it. Or a border entry fee for everyone crossing the border from Mexico into the US. Millions cross legally every year. $10/20 fee per person even could add up very fast and pay for the wall.
3) 35% import tax would be for companies LEAVING the US and manufacturing overseas, not for existing companies that import into the US. Obama actually really hurt the US recently (although he benefited my business by it). He increased tax free imports from $200 to $800. So you can now import up to $800 worth of crap from China and pay $0 in import fees. This increases consumption from overseas and decreases manufacturing from the US. Another example of government failure that hurts our manufacturing and exporting. I've been running an online business for 6 years. In that time I've seen USPS First Class International rates increase from $2.50 for the first ounce, to $12.50+. China/Taiwan/Hong Kong etc, can literally send a 1oz item to the US for 40 cents, and it costs us $12.50+? How is that allowing us to compete on the global marketplace?
4) He wants to increase military spending only in some circumstances. But he also wants the countries we protect to PAY up.
5) If American manufacturing increases significantly, tax revenue increases and that money can be used to pay off things like the national debt. Thinking the wall is a significant expense though is laughable. 10-15 billion is like pocket change for our government. Just a reminder, the DOD is unable to account for 6.5 trillion dollars. You can’t run a country like that.
We need politicians that understand how businesses work and how they succeed. We don't need a crook that is under FBI investigation and has been proven beyond doubt to have engaged in many many illegal activities over the years (pay to play, illegal email server, lying under oath to congress, lying to the FBI, deleting emails while under a subpoena from the United States congress etc.) And that is why I am voting for Donald Trump. Not because he's perfect, but because I agree with most of his policies and I believe crooked Hillary needs to be locked up.