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SteamID64 76561197997914944
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:18824608
Country United States
Signed Up June 6, 2013
Last Posted November 21, 2016 at 6:20 PM
Posts 274 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.6
Windows Sensitivity 6 inches 360
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse CM Storm Spawn
Keyboard CM Storm Quickfire
Mousepad Razer Sphex (lol like it matters)
Headphones Beats
Monitor Acer 120hz
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#30 Source Recording Tool in Customization
hl2mukkeldrakCan anybody provide any feedback on the mp4 (it says avi?) creation, it'd be really appreciated.

Also: Upon launching TF2 from it, the source recorder crashed, and then my custom files were replaced and unable to be deleted, even with an unlocking tool. If you could, can you make a restore custom files button?

Many thanks for the creation of this.

Mp4 (h264 encoding) is a feature by valve added to startmovie, you need QuickTime in order to use it, maybe that's what you're missing.

Alrighty, so it provides an error since my tf2 directory isn't in the usual place (C://)
However, if I allow it to play out, it launches, and works wonderfully. You have really created a refined yet robust TF2 moviemaking experience. Thank you.

However, I still have an issue with the video file creation. It goes into what seems frame by frame recording, so that's excellent. However, when the video is stopped, I can't find a file created anywhere? I changed my avi directory, but it appears in neither that one nor the default one.

Thanks for the help!

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Source Recording Tool in Customization

Can anybody provide any feedback on the mp4 (it says avi?) creation, it'd be really appreciated.

Also: Upon launching TF2 from it, the source recorder crashed, and then my custom files were replaced and unable to be deleted, even with an unlocking tool. If you could, can you make a restore custom files button?

Many thanks for the creation of this.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 this duck is from sweden he is a good duck in Off Topic
zephyrDunderBroMan I can't unsee the dog, damn you reddit

I'm trying on this one,

and I think it's the beak?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 free time in Mentoring

I'd be down (as roamer). I only have one season of experience, and it is UGC, but I'm looking to improve, and it is definitely in terms of timing, positioning, and the such. Could be as simple as one or two demo reviews or something, but anything would be appreciated.

If not, maybe post up some of your reviews you do, I'd watch them. Always useful to learn from anyone.

posted about 11 years ago
#1015 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
BananasaurusUltrazShowing some screens for my beta hud


I added all the #tf2mix channels to bloody's bookmark menu (Thank you bloody jesus this is convenient) for anyone who is lazy :/

Please can i have link? :3

I second this

Can't delete my post, so here's the link ultraz posted above:

posted about 11 years ago
#4 cp_change in Map Discussion

Both of the maps on that page look really cool, thanks to map makers for making these and keeping the game fresh and sexy.
Rock on.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 textures in Q/A Help
EricIt's a flat textures pack, being used on a server that doesn't quite support the flat textures. This effect happens more with the Flat World Textures pack than with the Solid Textures pack, in my experience (but it can still happen with either). The Solid Textures pack also allows you to see through chicken wire/metal grate textures (2fort grate or old Snakewater), unlike the Flat World Textures pack, so I would recommend using Solid Textures over Flat World Textures.

I've actually heard that neither improves FPS *that* much.
If we're talking about changing the game for FPS gains, as I understand it, minimal textures = flat/solid world textures FPS gains, and I'd rather play with flat/solid world textures.

Thanks for the assistance!

posted about 11 years ago
#10 textures in Q/A Help
cemberThe grainy look comes from the picmip hack using radeonpro or rivatuner or some shit.

Do you know how to remove that? It's quite annoying, looks almost...if you know the Matrix, when they're going through the computer screens...

posted about 11 years ago
#536 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 11 years ago
#15 Off Days in TF2 General Discussion

take nootropics
turn into a god after a few days of your muscle memory becoming godlike

or, try meditating, it acts like a soft reset for your brain

or, load up a practice map like tr_newbots, helps me get my aim down sometimes (try standing still, that works wonders for direct mouse-eye coordination)
for those types of things, make sure to do net_fakelag 20 or so (I believe that's the command and the value I use to simulate ~30 ping, someone feel free to correct either)

Devoninstead of practicing aim in mge/dm practice keeping your focus, if you can keep focus in mge/dm then you should be able to keep focus in scrims/matches. that will lead you to the key for true consistency.

most people get burnt out from simply playing the game too much. from my knowledge that is where the source of the problem comes from

Maybe I can take a stab
I find that sometimes I'll make really dumb decisions, and be playing the game almost on autopilot without thinking about my decisions. TF2 takes a lot of active (and ofc passive) thinking. When I find that I'm not doing things with a reason, which everything really should be done (when to jump, where to jump towards, where to land, when to shoot, when not, etc) then I'm not focused, and playing at very sub-par levels.

To solve, I'll usually leave though, or pub, or play with friends something else that doesn't incite frustration.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Weird Stutter not related to FPS in Q/A Help

check to see that your drivers are up to date
and specifically your USB drivers

I had mine be not up to date, and after a while a single port would overload, and cause any input to produce incredible lag, until restart.

I don't know, worth a shot.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Trigger Spree in Off Topic
kirbydrakI'm kinda bummed he doesn't show any gameplay, with respect to mechanics of movement, some sorts of physics, that kind of stuff.

The art style looks cool, and maps look interesting. I just don't see making maps without knowing what gamestyle you're catering to, and if you know already, why not show it.

Not sure if it really says anything, but he told me there's no bhopping in the game, though the possibility of having it isn't gone.

In terms of TF2 bhopping, or quake style, with speed increases?

As I understand, bunny hopping preserves your speed?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Trigger Spree in Off Topic

I'm kinda bummed he doesn't show any gameplay, with respect to mechanics of movement, some sorts of physics, that kind of stuff.

The art style looks cool, and maps look interesting. I just don't see making maps without knowing what gamestyle you're catering to, and if you know already, why not show it.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 SSD Space on my computer is random. in Hardware

Try some CCleaner juju

posted about 11 years ago
#3 cp_whitefrost (3CP) in Map Discussion

I can't load it up now, but it looks as though there's heavy sightlines for snipers to be run on this map, and being a 3CP, they wouldn't have very far to go before accessing them.

Otherwise, I'm pretty in love with this layout, it looks very clean and nicely made. I'm interested in what people have to say after pugging on it a bit. Nicely done!

posted about 11 years ago
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