Scoffer_It never quite looks right I could sit here all night and still not feel like they are on a straight line or in the right xpos
Just make a mathematical system.
For the health counter. Just use this formula.
xpos = l + width (l is the length)
Also I recommend to use the prefix c. Why? Because c stand for center. If the xpos is c0. This will move your x-angle to the center of your screen. Your element origin will, of course, placed at the center of your screen. The result is your health counter peeking from center to the right side.
You are wondering "why this formula?" It's because the coordinates' origin is the NORTH-WEST corner of the element you are editing. That's why you have to add the width, otherwise you will be "a width" short on the length from the center.
To place it in middle. Use this formula.
xpos = width/2 (divide the width with 2)
..and then make it negative and place the prefix c BEFORE the value. If your counter width is 50. The xpos should be "c-25".
Anything that's below than c0 is moved to LEFT. (Remember, it has to be a NEGATIVE value to work)
Above? It will be moved to RIGHT.
What's left... hmhm. Yes!
The Ammo Counter!
There's more you need to keep in mind else than you should use "c{value}" for your xpos.
For the ypos, it's tricky because you start from the TOP. But I prefer to use "c{value}".
If you have "c{value}" for both xpos and ypos. It will work the same as the coordinate system.
Knowledge about coordinates and the system itself is one of the most important vital acknowledges for this kind of modding. Ability to understand, calculate based on and to create formulas is also one of them.
If you don't want to reopen your game for a single change to your hud.
Just open up the console and type in "bind "F5" "hud_reloadscheme".
This binds the command "hud_reloadscheme" to your F5 key. Pressing this key causes your game to reload the files (.res). Aka, refreshing your HUD.
But keep a thing in mind. This won't work with any .res files afflicted with the Main Menu. This includes non-in-game .res such as the Items, the Loadout. As well files which are only read during bootup. (clientscheme and more that's not in a folder. This applies to the scripts too.)
Sorry for the grammar goofs and not-so-well-explained segments. I wrote this together in haste.