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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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Monitor Benq 120hz
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#220 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News
Shooshgemmpersonally, and probably controversially, im annoyed at the people who stepped in with good intentions but 0 organisation and still blinded by hopes of an LA lan, completely unaware of how impossible the lan is to salvage, and continued to get people's hopes up, only to 'cancel' again a few weeks later.
I love you gemm but I have to disagree on this one. From the beginning the attempts at salvation from the rest of the team were not promised to be successful, everyone was transparent that this wasn't a promised thing. Nobody said it was a 100% chance, yes the possibility was slim and everything you say is true but there was an effort from people that cared and that should be appreciated rather than giving up.
The only reason I would agree with you on this is if:
1 - they promised a 100% success rate - as this WOULD be "cancelling again"
2 - People had the opportunity or possibility to refund their tickets etc a week or two ago but because of the chance of revival they didn't and now they cant refund tickets.

To further this, people were told NOT to buy more tickets or accommodations, and were encouraged to cancel if waiting would have put them at risk of not being able to.

Also, the team assembled was a mixture of realistic and experienced in doing exactly what is being said could not be done. Throwing a lan in 2 months and saving an event are hard, but not impossible, and not unprecedented. It had been done several times by several of the community members that stepped up.

This re-"cancel" comes from the people who were most likely to be able to do it so I can feel pretty comfortable (and it helps that I'm in the discord where they were organising it so I have direct affirmative knowledge of this) that if they could not do it, it could not be done.

posted about 5 years ago
#214 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News

I've been kinda going back and forth about how mad I should be about this. I've settled on pretty fucking mad.

The new team did everything they could to secure a venue, talked to multiple sites, at the end it would have been thousands of dollars for a setup that would probably not have been adequate for the players or a stream. (No one wants to be swapping computers every round with nowhere to setup, warmup, etc) .

But it all could have fucking been avoided. No one needed to pull any plug early in this process. Someone made a questionable admin decision and instead of taking community feedback and opening up a dialogue (this is possible without compromising either a potential "victim" or the banned user's privacy) they lost their cool and bailed.

And then defending sexual predators, making questionable decisions for talent.

But even after all that fuckery and dumb shit, no plug needed to be pulled. There were 6-7 people, all of whom have event running experience (many of them more than the original leaders) all of whom were willing to take over. A transition team could have been established, BTS could have been told that a personal matter came up with the head organizer but a competent and trusted replacement had been chosen and brought up to speed, and the whole FUCKING EVENT could have been saved. Or at least a better attempt at it.

It's not fucking hard. It's really not. Have a backup plan, be transparent, don't make decisions from an emotional state that affect others.

Maybe I'm desensitized because I work in high stress high impact conditions every day and sometimes I make the wrong decision and I have to deal with it. But for fucks sake, have some resiliency. You can't implode because of some criticism, you can't go on an emotional rollercoaster of depression because someone doesn't like your decision. If that's your response, don't be an admin. Administration is 90% making decisions no one else wants to, it's not a complicated job, but it's one where you will have people mad at you all the time. If you can't handle that, then don't open yourself up to it.

Maybe I'm overreacting, I'm not out any money because I'm not dumb and I got trip cancel insurance on my plane ticket. And it was money I was fortunate enough to have to spend anyway. But not everyone is in that boat and I'm super pissed that at no time did any of the original team seem to care about that.

Edit: I used scare quotes around victim not because I don't believe anyone. I don't know all the details about why the ban was handed out and I'm not making a statement about whether it was deserved or not. I more don't know if there was actually a victim or not.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Now that the cat's out of the bag in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, I kinda agree. I have mad respect for (now most of) the people who worked on it, but eventually this little game will fade away and leagues will all shut down and for those of us for whom this was a hugely important and formative part of their lives, we'd be better served by having a happy and fun filled documentary to remember our little community and game by.

posted about 5 years ago
#111 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News
deykuzorI don't know if this has been said before, and I haven't done more than lurk on these forums in a year but it needs to be said if it hasn't:

If admin reactions to being called out for the improper handling of a player ban (regardless of who is right in that context. My experience with alfa in stream chats was always on the cuff and semi-cordial) is enough to make them throw their hands in the air, cry "boo hoo, everyone should just do the event without me!" and then nuke the event another organization was willing to go out on a limb to assist us in organizing, clearly, we should have not trusted them to organize the event in the first place.

Seriously, can we as a community just start electing some level-headed ambassadors with no drama attached? I don't care how good they are at the game, or how often they've been involved in production or whatever, just get some nice, level headed community members into power and start feeding them resources. Seriously. Drama from community organizers has been plaguing us since at least 2011.

The problem is that we as community organizers are not elected. We are the people who are willing to put the time and effort and (significant amounts of) personal money into this game. With very few exceptions, no one has gotten paid for their involvement in the TF2 scene, and even those few that have will tell you that they did not make a positive return on their investment.

Every project I've ever helped with has had an open call for volunteers. In almost every case, people with no real skillset other than patience and willingness to herd cats for 2-3 hours have been welcome. Every time we get a flood of positive responses then no one shows up, people flake, we end up with the same core dozen or so people doing everything. That's how I ended up doing servers for every NA TF2 LAN for like 4 years. Its not a complex job, anyone who has ever put in rcon commands and seen a linux terminal could do what I do, and probably better, but no one else seems to want to sit in a corner for the entirety of LAN and keep things moving.

The people who are "ambassadors" are really more like organizers. Samiface worked super hard and leveraged contacts she's made in the industry to try and help get this off the ground. You couldn't "elect" anyone into her position.

posted about 5 years ago
#66 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawdrshdwpuppetWe (the community) did a bad job of protecting its members, many of whom are or were in the exact same situation you were when this was done to you.not really fair to blame the 'community' for this one maybe a few people close to dashner (sami), but how would 99% of people have any idea what was going on

I'm not just talking about this specific incident either.

How many people need to be outed as either pedophiles or sexually aggressive or taking advantage of power differences in the community before people realize that its a community problem. It is not our fault, that will 100% lie with the perpetrators of whatever crime or shitty thing that happens, but to pretend that we do not have a community wide problem with this sort of thing is to be completely ignorant.

No individual is responsible for "protecting the community". We are all responsible for keeping the community the kind of welcoming and safe place that it has enjoyed a reputation of being for years. We all benefit from things like this NOT happening and idk about you but I feel some sort of responsibility for my fellow TF2 player.

posted about 5 years ago
#52 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Console and anyone else he may have hurt.

We (the community) did a bad job of protecting its members, many of whom are or were in the exact same situation you were when this was done to you.

I'm so very sorry. When the uberchain thread first came out now (years?) ago, I knew exactly who she was talking about immediately. I'm sure I'm not the only one, and that it continued to happen says a whole lot more about us as a community than either of you as victims.

I hope you can look back on your time in TF2 with fondness. I only met you that once but you are passionate and dedicated.

posted about 5 years ago
#46 BTSTF2 in LAN Discussion


Somehow got roped into doing servers again.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Legendary TF2 Matches in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure how actually good the match was, but seasons and seasons ago I casted a Gravelpit match from an ESEA LAN with some early rendition of ascent and I want to say a pure team (though which one I can no longer remember) where the first team set an unbelievable time in the upper 1m50s range and then during the setup time I went on like an ass about how that time was essentially unbeatable and then wouldn't you know it the fuckers won by an additional 2-3 seconds or something.

It was just an insane game from a long time ago that I had a lot of fun casting/producing for so maybe nostalgia is muddying the waters.

posted about 6 years ago
#149 RGB LAN - March 2018 in LAN Discussion
ConsoleFor anyone who did not get a chance to watch the stream, the VOD can be found here
Edit: All casted matches are now labeled and timestamped, just click on the matchup you want to see below :D

Upper Bracket Round 1 - Snakewater - Salty Seamen vs. BLANC eSports

Upper Bracket Round 2 - Metalworks - BLANC eSports vs. Sparkle Gang

Upper Bracket Final - Snakewater - Hooligans 4 Hire vs. Sparkle Gang

Lower Bracket Round 3 - Gullywash - BLANC eSports vs. mr_popo_lan

Lower Bracket Final - Process - mr_popo_lan vs. Sparkle Gang

Grand Finals Map 1 - Gullywash - Hooligans 4 Hire vs. Sparkle Gang

Grand Finals Map 2 - Process - Hooligans 4 Hire vs. Sparkle Gang

Oh god please don't watch my casting x.x

posted about 7 years ago
#141 RGB LAN - March 2018 in LAN Discussion

all rgb demos that were recorded by the server can be found at https://mega.nz/#F!D8oFSAjb!rSaBz4rr-QmwTh9oHN9dnQ

not all of those will be matches. I've done no sorting or renaming.

posted about 7 years ago
#133 RGB LAN - March 2018 in LAN Discussion

DM and MGE servers are in your server browser.

Pug server available on request with RCON, same with scrim server.


posted about 7 years ago
#16 Rewind 2 Demo/STV Dump in LAN Discussion


posted about 7 years ago

It is time for my annual contribution to the community again! I am starting with Day 2 and 3, invite bracket only. I will upload the open demos, but I will not sort through them, they will be posted as one big zip file for people. This is primarily because I have neither an official record, nor an official team roster list to work from. Sorry!

se7en vs svift

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No third map

Froyotech vs Ascent

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No third map

Big Chips vs Velocity eSports on gullywash LOGS
Black Swan vs King's Crew on process LOGS GC LOG


Ascent vs Winner LR1 g1

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Svift vs Winner LR1 g2

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Svift vs Black Swans
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Winner LR2 g1 vs Winner LR2 g2

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Ascent vs Svift
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Winner UB1 vs WINNER UB2

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Froyotech vs Se7en
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Winner LR3 vs Loser UBF

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se7en vs Ascent
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Froyotech vs Ascent
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If there are any errors, post here or send me a PM. Open demos to come later this evening (they are uploading on my shitnet while I sleep)

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Rewind 2 Demo/STV Dump in LAN Discussion


Sorry its taking so long, working a ton and I came down with post lan crud. Working on it right now and will not sleep until posted

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Rewind 2 Demo/STV Dump in LAN Discussion
glitturedrshdwpuppetdemos will be uploaded either at the end of the event or as time/schedule allows.eta?

Tomorrow night

posted about 7 years ago
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