AimIsADickAlso: "Flankonto alsaltas min!" and "Poduope puŝas ili!" try and replicate those in english...
flank/ont/o • al/salt/as • mi/n
flank - side [or flank]
ont - ending of future active participle in verbs
o - ending of nouns (substantive)
al - to
salt - jump
as - ending of the present tense in verbs
mi - i [meaning me]
n - ending of the objective; also marks direction
literal - "side is jumping me"
"rudimentary english" - soldiers bombing, demos bombing, scouts in
po/duopo • pus/as • ili
po - at, at the rate of, by
duope - by twos "pairs"
pus - push
as - ending of the present tense in verbs
ili - they
literal - "they're pushing in twos(pairs)"
"rudimentary english" - both scouts in, soldiers double bomb, flanks pushing, etc.
depending on scenario you would use different terminology that can all be shortened down to two-four words
cannot believe i just looked through grammatical rules and a glossary to able to write it out, and yet i was still able to come up with potentially shorter sentences.
don't even quote me, this is my only post. i think this entire conversation is pointless because nobody is going to want to learn a new language to "maximize talking efficiency/brain processing speed". people arent computers, they dont have data tables that output certain emotional or physical reactions based on the syllables they hear. get a grip jesus christ.