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Signed Up January 2, 2016
Last Posted November 20, 2024 at 6:37 AM
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#25 im really f*cking happy in Off Topic

Did it suck the enjoyment out of the subject?

posted 4 months ago
#13 Dark and Darker in Other Games

^ Someone who doesn't gaf

posted 9 months ago
#50 Timeguessr in Other Games

add: equal

posted 9 months ago
#194 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

I'm taking the bait.

Mongeven using Hamas sources it says it is 65% which sounds pretty good to me given that Hamas hides in civilian buildings.

How about you link that source boss because I can't find it. The closest I found was 35% of all deaths are males above 14, which you know, Palestinian males above 14 might as well be Hamas militants for all the IDF cares; unless Hamas has a gender quota that I've not heard about.

Strangely enough, Oct 7 had 61% civilian casualties, with 3% children compared to 30-50% in Gaza, so by your metric Hamas did a great job, no? With the Israeli conscription, militants are hiding among civilians! Everyone could be a threat! You said it yourself:

Mong I wouldn't find much wrong with Hamas attacking Israeli military.

Before you go off chasing a red herring, I don't think Oct 7 was good, just pointing out that your arguments are contradictory from the get go (which is why I think you're just an edgy troll).

"As of December 30, 2023 Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor estimated Gaza Strip deaths as 30,034 total and civilian deaths at 27,681 which would mean about 2,353 militant deaths." This is the closest to a hummus source on this wiki which is way off 65%.

posted about a year ago
#44 cp_entropy (5cp) in Map Discussion

tldr go here: Google form

With the ETF2L season wrapping up, I'm planning out future changes, thus I'm looking for feedback on entropy. The more the merrier so if you really dislike the map then here's your opportunity.

To ease the feedback-giving process feel free to use the google form above, its anonymous so you can say whatever you please.

DMs or any other way of giving feedback is of course welcome as well. Thank you to all who played it and made an effort to learn it, I now have copious amounts of data to use.

posted about a year ago
#43 cp_entropy (5cp) in Map Discussion

Despite having been given some great ideas by multiple people, there won't be any gameplay changes before the season starts. With that said this is a small update fixing some bugs/annoyances. Thank you to everyone who pointed them out to me.

EDIT: Its rare but the collision boxes by dropdown randomly break on online servers sometimes. This should be fixed now, if not please let me know.

- Fixed bad clipping on the ramp by the rubble

- Removed the small fences
- Blocked sniper sightline from spawn

- Optimization
- Removed Splashbugs
- Removed some more wallbugs
- Fixed pixelbug on flank

There also seems to be some confusion about the rollouts. While this isn't orthodoxy, I've made a video with the fastest rollouts I'm familiar with.

I know it can be daunting to learn/play a new map so if there's any team that wants some information regarding entropy send me a message and I will try to help.

posted about a year ago
#12 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion
DomoCatFaceMassive respect to you equal for having the passion and patience for creating a playable map and I'm sure nobody here means it to you personally so I really hope you aren't taking it that way. I would like to see you keep working on it and improving it.

That being said it's not league ready in its current state and at the moment nobody but contrarians want it to be in the pool.

I appreciate that, and no need to worry, I'm not taking it personally.

I am not in charge of a league so I can't know what league ready means, all I can hope to do is make the map as good as I'm capable of. Therefore I would appreciate it if you could provide me with your own opinion on what you think the map is missing, there are many avenues to do so and I'm genuinely keen to hear what you have to tell me. I'm yet to be contacted by anyone.

With all due respect, unless there is some obvious oversight I'm missing. A large group of people, including yourself, are finding things wrong with it without actually having played it yet. I hosted the cups for the map to improve, not to stay the same and while the map is fundamentally the same, I ask for the courtesy to play it at least once or twice and then you can call it anything under the sun.

posted about a year ago
#8 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

No one is forcing you my friend.

If you have an issue with the map there are many channels for you the give feedback. There's a thread on 4 different forums, or you can message me on discord or steam. I have been very active in adjusting to feedback, especially from the cups yllen and I hosted. If you feel like it, get back to me once you have played it once or twice, I'll be all ears.

With that said, if you don't want to play new maps then that's ok and I understand, but that's not an entropy issue.

posted about a year ago
#10 rahThread: Imagine ping cut by 1/10 in TF2 General Discussion
ArieDiameter of earth: 12.756km = 12.756.000 meters
Speed of light: ~300.000.000 meters per second
Delay to anywhere if you can just point straight at it through the earth, is at most: ~42.5ms
Ping is send+receive.so 85ms is the best you can do.

Developing neutrino-based transceivers is an exercise I'll leave up to the reader.

In this rahTopia, the server is at the center of the earth so we manage to ping 42.

woodchipi dont understand how you consistently out retard yourself every time you make a thread

This post is absolutely harmless and you try to farm by being awful. Ironically, you're too stupid to do it right. Be nice next time.

posted about a year ago
#37 cp_entropy (5cp) in Map Discussion

Based on some feedback mainly from Australians, this update focuses on making the map more monochrome and visually consistent. Beyond that there are some cosmetic changes and it addresses some of the things mentioned above by FlipFTW and Katsu. Entropy is also on the workshop now.

- Z is changed to be far more spacious.
- The geometry by tetris is much "cleaner"
- Scouts cant double jump to dropdown from mid
- Sniper cant reach dropdown from choke
- The midpoint is lower and easier to jump up on

- The tower looks different
- Side entrance to lower lobby is now a broken wall
- Stairs to point are 50% wider
- Point is bigger
- Sighline from flank is slightly more covered up (not fully)
- Wax + grass is paved
- The truck is a crate removing the hidingspots and making rotating between the two choke doors easier

- Point caps slightly slower (3.9 sec 1x)

- Blu is bluer
- New textures and props
- Push brushes replaced


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posted about a year ago
#85 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos


posted about a year ago
#34 cp_entropy (5cp) in Map Discussion

This update mainly focused on the feedback from the draft cup. There is still one point I was unable to address which is matching rollout timings for right and left mid, I will hopefully have that in b5 or b6. The main changes are the scale of last, spawn times and the geometry of the flank.

- Medics can jump up the broken ramp with scout speed from the stack of wheels

- The divider on top flank has been removed
- The walkway is wider
- Doors from flank are more open
- Sightline to top flank is slightly more covered
- Anti-wallbug technology
- Spawntimes on 4 are the same as the rest of the map

- The depth of last has been reduced
- Spawn doors are more choked up
- Awning on attacker's far right
- Wall behind point curves to make it harder to block point
- Fewer sniper sightlines from spawn
- Captime reduced slightly (-0.25 sec x1)

- QoL changes here and there


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posted about a year ago
#33 cp_entropy (5cp) in Map Discussion

Small update for Entropy for the cup, it is identical to b3 in terms of gameplay.

- Cubemaps, thanks to xobile
- DM, thanks to steph and bv
- Small texture changes

posted about a year ago
#5 Subbase Entropy Cup 2 in TF2 General Discussion

now https://www.twitch.tv/yllen2

posted about a year ago
#4 Subbase Entropy Cup 2 in TF2 General Discussion

The draft will be around 7 cest today, ie in about 2 hours. There is a slight change in players as well.

posted about a year ago
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