nice april fools
edit - i love how this was so believable for so many because its starkie
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198078264231 |
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Country | Sweden |
Signed Up | January 2, 2016 |
Last Posted | November 20, 2024 at 6:37 AM |
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600 |
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Pheaa idea
this actually sounds really cool, so i stole it
thought about it for a bit and then this:
stuff like offclassing on last is not as strong since you need the generalist classes to get to the new point fast when it opens up.
as long as the round timer is short it should force fights often instead of having resets
wallbang? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Heals from arrows or arrows hit on friendly are not counted either, and the extra heals from arrows are very impactful to say the least
I'll be streaming tf2 dm/mge/pugs/pubs/scrims. Might stream some other games once in a blue moon.
Desired sidebar name: equal
Country: Sweden
Twitch profile link:
Process - Granary (like them both equally)
imo snake is worse, not a very shared opinion tho
I enjoy gpit...
flicking and tracking are just 2 ways of aiming and should be applied to your playstyle. cookye, quad and harry hook all had really good tracking, zebbo, nukkye and clockwork all had pretty flicky aim. they were all at the top in terms of aim when they played even tho they aimed different from one another
there is no, one way of aiming that fits all, when you develop a playstyle you develop a aiming style with it
even if you played on a instant respawn 100% crit unlimited ammo server, got a kill on every rocket that you shot it would still take you about 96,5 years to reach that number
saami never knew cookye as a potential cheater, are you saying that to show how good his aim is or was that actually a thing
him being accused was actually a thing,then he went to lan and pounded everyone
remember when he missed a shot? me neither
Played every map but the pl one in mixchamp, and this is by far (we're talking light years) the best one.
map looks insanely cool
Edit: last looks horrifyingly hard to push out of