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#4 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2025 (18-20 July 2025) in LAN Discussion
Jw(18-20 July 2024)

Reaching out to a mod to see if this can be fixed, TY.

posted 1 month ago
#2 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2025 (18-20 July 2025) in LAN Discussion


Calling All Artists! Unleash Your Creativity for RGL PHILLY 2025 LAN!

We're searching for a bold and iconic logo to represent the spirit of RGL PHILLY LAN!

The winning design will:

  • Be featured on official event merchandise.
  • Earn the artist a generous 35% commission on all merchandise sales featuring their design.
  • Receive a free item of their choice featuring their winning logo.

To enter:

  • Submit your original logo designs by February 20th, 2025 here.
  • Include a brief description of your design inspiration and the message you intended to convey.

Let your imagination run wild! We're looking for designs that are:

  • Memorable and eye-catching.
  • Relevant to the gaming and LAN culture.
  • Versatile and adaptable for use on various merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc.).
  • High-resolution and suitable for both digital and print applications.

The winning design will be selected by the RGL community in the RGL Discord the week of Feb 23 - March 1st, 2025.

posted 1 month ago
#1 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2025 (18-20 July 2025) in LAN Discussion

Previous LAN Article


Graphic made by MetalCloud

Location: 401 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19108 / Localhost in Philly Website

This article will be an update to communicate recent and new developments as we head closer to organizing a LAN for RGL Invite 6s Season 18 and the Open Tournament on July 18-20, 2025. The venue will offer us enough PCs to run a 12-team Open Tournament in addition to the 4-team Invite Playoffs. The venue will also have a main stage for Invite playoffs with dedicated seating for spectators for a greater viewing experience.

Tournament and LAN Details: https://rgl.gg/?a=1788&r=64

Tournament Registration + Spectator Passes: https://rgl.gg/Public/Registration?r=64

Philly 6s LAN Open Tournament

Team Registrations

The RGL 6s Philly LAN Open Tournament will take place at LAN and will give non-Invite Playoffs players a chance to play with teammates and friends in person! A maximum of twelve teams will be allowed to participate. Accepted teams will be determined on a first-come-first-serve basis, so sign up as soon as possible with your team of six with your fees paid if you want to participate. Teams will be assigned a set of six computers at Localhost Philly for the Tournament on Saturday and Sunday.

You must be on a registered team in the tournament to participate and also take advantage of the computer-free time outside of the tournament. Please note that LAN fees are non-refundable.

We will also be opening up channels in the RGL Discord for LAN-related discussions, announcements, and travel and lodging coordination.

New LAN Merch: https://merch.rgl.gg

posted 1 month ago
#22 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

The RGL LAN is scheduled to occur on the weekend of July 20th to July 21st (Saturday and Sunday). This will be two weeks after the regular season to allow the Invite playoff teams to prepare by booking flights and hotels. As it is being held on a weekend, it will be a two-day event. Day 1 will cover the first round and semifinals of playoffs and day 2 will cover the lower bracket finals and grand finals. For the Open Tournament, day 1 will be for group stages and round 1 of playoffs, and day 2 will cover the 3rd place match and grand finals.

The top 4 North American Invite teams will be competing for the share of a $9,386 prize pool in the Season 15 RGL Invite Playoffs. NOTE: This prize pool number is subject to increase once the final calculations are done (season league fees, etc.). You can catch the stream this weekend at 1 PM EST on twitch.tv/rglgg]!


  • 1. Like A G6
  • 2. froyotech
  • 3. Witness Gaming
  • 4. GlobalClan

Prize Pool Split:

  • 1st Place: $2,355.69
  • 2nd Place: $2,088.55
  • 3rd Place: $1,821.42
  • 4th Place: $1,554.29

Spectator Passes

Were you planning to attend the RGL 2024 LAN on July 2 at Localhost in Philly? 1-day and 2-day Spectator Passes are now available online for $20 and $30 respectively! Tickets can also be bought in person via an online portal; however, we do recommend you buy tickets on the RGL website if possible.

NOTE: if you were looking to purchase multiple tickets for others, please try to show up together when you arrive so we can validate your tickets. Thank you.

Check-in Reminders


For all players, please note that check-in time is from 12 PM to 12:30 PM EDT. Spectators check-in is at 12:30 PM EDT.

Seating Chart


The document above explains how the seating chart for players and spectators will be organized.

There will be a dedicated seating area for spectators of the LAN highlighted in brown.

For players, the LAN will consist of four areas:

On the stage: Section A (Red) Section B (Yellow)
Lower Bowl: Section C (Green) Section D (Blue)


Players attending the RGL LAN (Invite Playoffs or Open Tournament) are expected to upload all POV demos for each match to the shared Google Drive folder provided to teams for LAN.

There will be an RGL LAN Discord that LAN admins will be using to work with players to ensure the Google Drive for each player is setup.

Draft Cup Conclusion

Thanks to all the players for participating in the event and everyone who came out to support the fundraiser.

We managed to raise $1,836.82 so far in the cup! Proceeds will go to help cover the expenses of the teams attending the LAN.

Please view RGL LAN Update: LAN Reminders, Seating Chart, Rule Updates, and More for more information regarding LAN rules.

posted 8 months ago
#21 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion
PeZ1337Can I pay for a spectator pass at the door? Not sure if I'll be able to go or not, but I'm local to Philly. And if I do, is there any problems if I take photos? I want to mess with the camera I got recently.

Spectator passes are tied to your RGL page, so as long as you have one you can pay for one at the door. Though, we do recommend that you purchase a spectator pass through the RGL site here.

And there should not be any problems with taking photos. If you do end up going, feel free to share those with us!

posted 8 months ago
#1 RGL S15 LAN at LH Philadelphia: Day 2 - LBF & GF in Events


Graphic made by MetalCloud

posted 8 months ago
#1 RGL S15 LAN at LH Philadelphia: Day 1 - UB & LBSF in Events


Graphic made by MetalCloud

posted 8 months ago
#19 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

Matches for the Open Tournament of the RGL LAN have been scheduled for all 12 teams participating.

Please note that teams can start completing map picks/bans for each group stage right now. The purpose of this is to reduce delays that come with pick/bans so teams do not have to do this in person at the venue.

posted 8 months ago
#18 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion


Graphic made by MetalCloud

Several important updates/news with the Open Tournament:

  • We have reached 12 team signups for the Open Tournament with 1 team on standby. This means that there are no more remaining spots left. Note that if a spot opens up (e.g. one of the 12 teams decides to no longer go) then we will offer the spot to the next team on standby.
  • Team placements have been done for the Open Tournament which can be viewed here. Another update post will be made once all matches are scheduled to allow teams to complete their pick/bans for each of the group stage matches before the LAN.
  • A correction has been made to Open Group A and Open Group B - the group skill level of both is similar. This is because the two groups are merging into one in the playoffs (the top 2 from each group make playoffs). Doing this helps to ensure that we can have a 4 team playoffs for this Open group and that the top 2 from each group are comparable in skill level.

If you are still interested in attending the LAN, we are still selling spectator passes which you can purchase on the RGL site here.

posted 8 months ago
#1 RGL LAN Fundraiser: 6v6 Disrupt-n-Draft Cup in Events


SFM by Maven, Editing by Krissy

posted 8 months ago
#17 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion


SFM by Maven, Editing by Krissy

The Disrupt-n-Draft Cup is a one-day cup showcasing the talent of players from this season of Sixes Invite, but there's a catch! The competition will be streamed on Twitch and viewers will have the chance to influence the matches with disruptions via stream donation. All proceeds will go towards the RGL LAN fundraiser, which helps cover costs incurred by players and production.

Join the fun by watching the draft and cup at twitch.tv/rglgg on Saturday, June 29th, 2024 @ 5:00 PM EDT!

Draft Information

Team Captains:


View more information regarding the fundraiser cup here.

posted 8 months ago
#16 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion
BYS_ShadowFenixHowever, the new post https://rgl.gg/?a=1748&r=40 lists the map pool as

Most notably, the first article includes granary and product, while the second omits those and includes reckoner and clearcut. Presumably the LAN map pool is just the updated list with reckoner and clearcut, right?

Hi there, that is correct. The LAN map pool for the Open Tournament should reflect the latest map pool in the RGL Sixes S15 article. This is as follows which is the Advanced map pool for the current summer season:

Will update this in the article so this is clearer. Thanks.

NOTE: The map pool for RGL Advanced for Season 15 did change at the time of this post. I have edited the list to reflect the map pool that is being run for Advanced this season.

posted 9 months ago
#14 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

Updates to Open Tournament LAN Structure

We managed to secure 6 more PCs for Day 2 of the Open Tournament, allowing us to have 8 teams participate in playoffs, which was our original goal. This means we have a total of 48 PCs for Day 2. Here is the updated structure that we will be using for the Open Tournament:

Day 1 - Group Stage Structure

  • 3 groups (Div-1, Open Group Red, and Open Group Blue). Group stages consist of 3 groups with 4 teams each and they do the double round-robin for a total of 6 matches.
  • Teams will complete pick/bans to determine maps played using the Invite/Advanced Season 15 Map Pool for the group stage rounds.

NOTE: Priority is to have teams complete their pick/bans online before the LAN starts to help matches start faster during Day 1. This will discussed in more detail when matches get scheduled.

Day 2 - Playoff Structure

  • Div-1 has all 4 teams in their own playoff bracket (group stage round robin to determine seeding)
  • Open Group Red has top 2 seeds enter the Open playoff bracket (#1 is the 1st seed and #2 is the 2nd seed for playoffs)
  • Open Group Blue has top 2 seeds enter the Open playoff bracket (#1 is the 3rd seed and #2 is the 4th seed for playoffs)

NOTE: The plan is to have Open Group Red’s skill level be similar to Open Group Blue’s when placing teams.

LAN Team Registration Priority

There is a maximum of 12 teams that can register and participate in the Open LAN Tournament. Please note the following:

  • We will place priority on the first 12 teams that have 6 players rostered AND have fully paid up their LAN fee.
  • LAN fees are non-refundable so teams must commit if they are participating.

NOTE: Season 15 Invite teams are welcome to register, but must give up their spot if they do make Invite Playoffs.

posted 10 months ago
#12 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion
playoffs and pick/bans during group stages

Hey all -

Just to keep it short, our original plan was to run playoffs for the end of day 1 and day 2 part of the Open Tournament. However, we have to wrap up earlier on Day 2 (starting at 8 PM ET) because the venue closers earlier on Sunday as well as the fact that we have half of the number of PCs on this day (only 42 compared to 96 on day 1) made running the plan we had for playoffs more challenging than we would like. This was why our staff helping organize the LAN suggested the idea of the pickup games since we could fit it into the schedule.

We would like still to run playoffs for the open part of the tournament as it seems that it is something that players would be more interested in. At the moment, we are just trying to work on a playoff structure that would work with the schedule of the venue as well as potentially seeing if we can secure more PCs on Day 2 to help with this. Once more details are finalized, that will be announced.

Also, we can and will be doing pick/bans for the maps during the group stage rounds.

indecencymfs are about to have 3 different lans with pictures from the previous ones still missing

I get this is a meme, but I'm hoping to make sure that's not an issue for our lan anyway. We did release pictures for our first RGL LAN about several months after it happened.

Shoutouts to Hidi for being our photographer for that event and who will be attending our next lan to help too.

posted 10 months ago
#1 RGL.gg Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

Previous LAN Article


Graphic made by MetalCloud

Location: 401 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19108 / Localhost in Philly Website

This article will be an update to communicate recent and new developments as we head closer to organizing a LAN for RGL Invite 6s Season 15 and the Open Tournament on July 20-21, 2024. The venue will offer us enough PCs to run a 12-team Open Tournament in addition to the 4-team Invite Playoffs. The venue will also have a main stage for Invite playoffs with dedicated seating for spectators for a greater viewing experience.

Tournament and LAN Details: https://rgl.gg/?a=1739&r=64

Tournament Registration + Spectator Passes: https://rgl.gg/Public/Registration?r=64

Philly 6s LAN Open Tournament

Team registrations for the LAN have sold out. You can still purchase a spectator pass here if you want to attend!

The RGL 6s Philly LAN Open Tournament will take place at LAN and will give non-Invite Playoffs players a chance to play with teammates and friends in person! A maximum of twelve teams will be allowed to participate. Accepted teams will be determined on a first-come-first-serve basis, so sign up as soon as possible with your team of six with your fees paid if you want to participate. Teams will be assigned a set of six computers at Localhost Philly for the Tournament on Saturday and Sunday.

You must be on a registered team in the tournament to participate and also take advantage of the computer-free time outside of the tournament. Please note that LAN fees are non-refundable.

We will also be opening up channels in the RGL Discord for LAN-related discussions, announcements, and travel and lodging coordination.

LAN Merch: https://merch.rgl.gg

posted 10 months ago
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