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#23 RGL LAN 2024 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
MacronIt should probably be clarified that "the Cup" in the survey is referring to the potential open tournament.

Thanks. I went ahead and updated the survey to clarify this better.

To give more information about why we even have this survey, we want to get better numbers about how many people are interested in a potential open tournament/pugs/etc., so we can work with the venue to see how many PCs and stations we would need to reserve for the open tournament should there be enough interest.

posted 11 months ago
#19 RGL LAN 2024 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

RGL LAN Survey: We are looking for some feedback and interest in attendance for our 2024 RGL LAN in Philadelphia.

This will help us to get a general idea of how many players are interested in coming out to the LAN and also are interested in playing in open pugs/cups/etc.

Please take a moment and fill out our survey below!


posted 11 months ago
#5 RGL LAN 2024 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
eddiieeMothershipLastly, we wanted a location that would be big enough to host an open tournament
Please make this happen!

From our previous LAN anyway, feedback that we saw a lot from AM-INV 6s is that people wanted an open tournament or pugs so we want to keep that option open for us with this venue. Looking to provide those details once we can finalize them.

posted about a year ago
#5 RGL Staff Applications! in TF2 General Discussion

Applications for the 6s Staff team are still open as we head into the offseason for RGL Sixes S13. If you are interested in helping out, feel free to apply here.

posted about a year ago
#90 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion

Hi, just wanted to provide some updates and clarity from the team regarding recent concerns that were raised by players.

Concerns regarding how staff conducted themselves on the forums

To get to the point quickly, we acknowledge and apologize for how Camp3r has conducted himself publicly. Admins are held to a higher standard and have public expectations of how they behave in public because they do represent the league. This behavior conducted is just not the example that should be set forth by anyone on staff. Additionally, we have reached out to Camp3r internally about these concerns and he has agreed and acknowledged them. It should be noted that Camp3r has been going through difficult personal situations and will be taking a break to focus on these important matters. We also acknowledge and apologize for the fact that we had staff arguing publicly on a thread. It should just have never happened, but it did.

Evaluating internal and external policies

There are internal and external policies, ranging from Anti-Cheat to public relations to internal communication issues that we will be evaluating and making sure that our new and current staff follow to prevent many of these issues from happening again. The team will never be perfect with all of these, but it’s obvious that more work needs to be done to make sure that these things get enforced and followed.

We hope to provide updates on the above so players can see that it is being worked on.

Staff involvement with AC & Update on Advanced Playoffs

It should be noted that arcadia is making sure that the case is being looked at, but is not pressuring for a decision to be made. No admin, including the owner, has any say or pressure in AC’s final decision. This is AC’s decision alone.
There will not be a delay with 6s S12 Advanced Playoffs. We expect an AC decision on Sunday (07/16), and we will honor AC’s decision. Regardless of AC’s decision, we expect to hold playoffs starting on Monday, July 17th for Upper 1 and Upper 2 rounds.


If you have feedback regarding any of the above or anything not listed, please feel free to fill out this form here. It is an open-response feedback form that the staff team can read through it to continue to better understand concerns players may have. Thanks.

posted about a year ago
#5 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
maraudeRare these running now? i see 15 people added but no servers

As of the time of this post, we are not running any tests (pugs were ran yesterday). The site is currently up to allow players to click around with the prototype.

That being said, we plan to run more tests this evening.

posted about 2 years ago
#44 Update maybe? in TF2 General Discussion

Looks like Valve updated this part of the blog post from:

https://www.teamfortress.com/The last few Team Fortress summer events have only been item updates. But this year, we're planning on shipping a full-on update-sized update — with items, maps, taunts, unusual effects, war paints and who knows what else?! Which means we need Steam Workshop content! YOUR Steam Workshop content!


https://www.teamfortress.com/The last few Team Fortress summer events have only been item updates. But this year, we're planning on shipping a full-on holiday-sized update — with items, maps, taunts, unusual effects, war paints, and other community-contributed fixes for the game! Which means we need Steam Workshop content! YOUR Steam Workshop content!
posted about 2 years ago
#16 What can we do to stop the scene from dying in EU? in TF2 General Discussion
TheFragileYeeHawI don’t know about the lower divs, but prem/div1 is in a very healthy place right now.
This never matters, because prem/div1/invite/whatever will always exist as "the current best players of the scene right now", no matter how strong or weak they are. Prem/div1/invite exists whether there's 20 low div / open teams or 200 low div / open teams.

Pretty much this.

The foundation of any organization/league is fundamentally always going to be the lower divisions because they make up the majority of the teams/players in the league. The question that we should all be asking when growing the scene is not only to discuss how to support the top level but also how to grow and sustain the entry-level divisions (decreasing the barriers of entry to even play competitively in the first place). The latter is an area that needs to be improved upon if we want to have the scene be more accessible for new players.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Day 1 - Update on RGL PUGs in TF2 General Discussion

In RGL PUGs: Technical Alpha (12/19/2020), we announced details about the progress of a pickup game site under the RGL.gg umbrella. An independent group offered to work on this for us; however, the development has been arduous and long. We also understand that communication regarding the status of the project did not happen, and the community was ultimately left wondering where the project was.

Despite these setbacks, RGL still wants to release a PUG site under its umbrella and provide a service to the community that it initially announced back in 2020. This is why we are opting to bring a new option to the table under RGL PUGs, worked on by RGL’s existing and new developers and staff. As RGL is under new management with Taylor, we are excited to share more news about the project as soon as we can. For now, we would like to share the following details:

  • RGL will be switching to a new development team for the PUG site with DolphiN as a developer head and with exa and arcadia helping out with project management.
  • Progress on this site has already been going underway for the past several months, and we plan to provide full communication regarding the status of the project regularly (will be included in the monthly RGL articles).


Q: What does this mean for the "old" PUG site announced back in 2020?:
A: The old PUG site will still be in development with Nicell as a developer and b4nny staying as the project manager. This means the site will no longer be under the RGL umbrella. The original project is still being worked on, and similarly to other PUG platforms, RGL will feature them once it is completed.

Q: Why is RGL making a new PUG site instead of working on the already existing PUG site infrastructure that was announced in 2020?
A: RGL wants to offer the community the best experience we can, and we are dedicating resources to improving our existing PUG experience. However, we are open to working with other PUG services as partners as well. We will post major developer milestones on our RGL socials, such as our Twitter.

Q: How is this new PUG site going to be different from the old PUG site?
A: RGL has onboarded a new development team with several developers that will be actively working on the site. We will provide regular communication to the community about updates to the project and tests that we plan to run. As this PUG site is under the RGL platform, everything will be deeply integrated with the existing RGL platforms (e.g. the RGL site and Discord) and will utilize the RGL API and database (to utilize data regarding a player's RGL team history, division, bans, and more). Importantly, this cross-platform integration will allow for stats to be on RGL profiles and more.

Q: What is the timeline for this?
A: Public alpha for players to play on by Q1 2023.

Q: Can we see what the early alpha build looks like?


Day 0 - RGL Advent Calendar

posted about 2 years ago
#10 NEW: Seasonal RGL Merch Drop in TF2 General Discussion

A reminder that the new designs are live. Come check it out at the RGL merch shop if you are interested.




posted about 2 years ago
#1 Next Chapter of RGL in TF2 General Discussion

Moving forward, ownership of RGL will be transferred from sigafoo to Taylor. Sigafoo has the following statement regarding his decision and reflection on the league thus far:

When I created RGL in 2017, I had one thing in mind, push TF2 forward. Many thought I was crazy, wasting my time and money, but I believed that the status quo TF2 was in, was not for the better. That we needed to rethink how we structure things, take a stronger stance against toxicity/racism, and create a league with a culture of consistently iterating and improving.

I believe we’ve done that. Have we been perfect? No. Did I do as much as I would have liked? No. But I think we're asking the right questions and are heading in the right direction. There is still more to do, but I realized over the last year or two that I don’t have the same drive as I once did. The drive that is required for someone in my position. It is not fair for me to stay in this position if I’m not being active enough in it.

I’ve decided it is time to pass the torch on to the next owner of RGL. I met Taylor a while ago and we’ve had great conversations about TF2, the future, and what he can do now. He’s a person who matches the culture of RGL, wanting to push TF2 forward, wanting to do more, and supporting what we already do. He has the drive and energy to bring great things to the community and I’m really looking forward to his future with RGL.

Taylor has the following to say regarding his experiences with RGL and competitive TF2 and his new role as owner of the league:

When I first started playing in RGL, I was bedridden by an injury for months. Previously, my identity was wrapped up in sports and other competitive outlets. I had lost a lot of confidence and joy with those absent. So, a new friend invited me to play on a sixes team for an experimental map cup, and I had lukewarm expectations. I ended up having a blast.

Since then, I made lifelong best friends; the sense of self-improvement that TF2 requires translated into my real life in valuable ways; and, I deeply enjoyed being a part of an amazing community. This league facilitated the return of my competitive edge and spirit. Thank you Sigafoo for creating RGL.

Now, what initially attracted me to RGL is the strength of the structure–due to the amazing work of the staff who continually maintain and improve it. My first and most important task is to support them in a meaningful way.

Still, I am aware there are complex relationships as well as inefficiencies and efficiencies. They come with any community. RGL has made great, needed strides, but I am aware of the frustrations. Luckily, many solutions are already underway or lay dormant in existing staff and the players themselves. If you have ideas or suggestions for us, send me a quick email (pm.rglgg@gmail.com). I aim to be transparent and listen the best I can in order to provide a great league experience.

I’m genuinely excited because we have measured plans to grow RGL and keep it going for years to come. I will share more in the near future.

We would like to formally thank everyone for being a part of our organization so far. We are excited about this next chapter of RGL and hope to continually push to make the league better for everyone. Thanks!

See original article here.

posted about 2 years ago
#16 Announcing RGL 6s - Season 10 (+ Invite Quals) in TF2 General Discussion
more fees, no improvement

For clarification, the only added fees for this season are the "LAN Sustainability Support". All of this goes directly to help fund LANs.

It is a sustainability fund to make it sustainable for all parties involved. This allows us to increase the prize pool for the LAN season and allow players attending to at least break even, cover some of the costs for our staff to directly come to the venue and help out, and most importantly -- cover the costs for the venue rental and any production equipment.

We want to continue hosting a LAN(s) each year, and the funds allow the league to have the full resources to do so.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 i69 camerawork in LAN Discussion
DavyCThe camera work has been extremely underwhelming and cheat feed would improve it. If you're worried about pauses spoiling a last push why not develop a plug-in that would delay tac pauses until a certain point after the round has ended a la CS:GO.

For RGL LAN, we ended up informing the teams to only pause once the next round started to deal with the issue of spoilers for the last push. Though I think a plug-in that delay tac pauses would be neat.

posted about 2 years ago
#9 RGL S9 LAN at Patriot's Place (August 6-7, 2022) in LAN Discussion

Update #5

Specator Passes


Planning to attend the RGL 2022 LAN August 6-7 at Helix eSports Foxborough, MA? Weekend Specator Passes are now available for purchase online for $20!
While you're at it, grab some merch and choose venue pick-up to avoid shipping costs!

LAN Rules

LAN Rules

The purpose of this document is to detail what is expected of players at any RGL in-person LAN event. The rules will be enforced by administrator discretion, and these rules serve as a guideline for how these decisions are made. We strive to have a fair and balanced ruleset, so note these rules are subject to change.

Seating Chart

LAN Seating Chart

The document above explains how the seating chart for players and spectators will be organized.


The document above explains how the seating chart for players and spectators will be organized.

There will be a dedicated seating area for spectators of the LAN highlighted in brown.

For players, the LAN will consist of four areas

On the stage: Section A (Red) Section B (Yellow)
Lower Bowl: Section C (Green) Section D (Blue)

posted about 2 years ago
#8 RGL S9 LAN at Patriot's Place (August 6-7, 2022) in LAN Discussion

Quick PSA

If you plan on attending the Helix LAN, we suggest players and spectators get hotels and flights as soon as possible.

As the New England Patriots training camp is starting next week, this will likely will cause hotel rates to go up. Flights will get more expensive as the dates go by as well.

Draft Cup Conclusion

Thanks to all the players for participating in the event and everyone who came out to support the fundraiser.

We managed to raise $1,141.48 so far in the cup! Proceeds will go to help cover the expenses of the teams attending the LAN, as well as the production team.

If you are interested in still supporting the LAN, we have a shop here where you can buy LAN merchandise or donate. "Assist Points" are points that can be redeemed and unlocked for each tier in the image below. We are now currently at 1242 assists!


posted about 2 years ago
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