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Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted May 3, 2021 at 4:14 PM
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#3078 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
arilis it possible to change the border of the dead panel in tournament spectator hud?

the background of shrugger & rando, i'd like to define those as a completely different border

i think its TFFatLineBorder

posted about 8 years ago
#85 wavesui in Customization

i just pushed an update that added Bold48 to the font schemes. if its still not the size you want
go into the font clientscheme that youre using and add the size you want.

posted about 8 years ago
#82 wavesui in Customization

open resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res
and scripts/hudanimations_tf.txt

use hudplayerhealth.res file as a point of reference for animations defined in hudanimations_tf
go to the health bonus pulse section. youre gonna have to add in a line because i dont have it animated at all...
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "COOLBLUGREEN" Accel 0.0 0.0

then youre gonna have to change the health that is animated. i guess you just want it black so..
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValueColor FgColor "BLACKY" Accel 0.0 0.0

then hide shadow that animates when hp is buffed/low by changing alpha from 255 to 0 (alpha is transparency)
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValueColorShadow alpha 0 linear 0.0 0.00

then do the same for low health pulse section
also dont forget to edit the stop animations part at the bottom of the sections. these are incomplete instructions that just cover the gist of it. im confident you can figure out the rest :}

p.s. use hud_reloadscheme when you make changes so you dont have to restart your game

posted about 8 years ago
#80 wavesui in Customization

dolphinriders guide to weapon specific xhairs

in short.. vtf xhairs use the in-game xhair cl_crosshair_file "" aka default.
idk what youre trying to set it to, but if you want to use crosshair1-7 in-game then nothing in the hud will need to be changed.

if you want to use the default sniper rifle xhair
navigate to scripts, open tf_weapon_sniperrifle.txt
go to the crosshair section and use these definitions

"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "0"
"width" "32"
"height" "32"

posted about 8 years ago
#76 wavesui in Customization

i dont have any plans to approach the mvm stuff because of how i feel about the game mode in general :/

ambroonHow do you get rid of the buff cross like truktruk's?

change xpos or ypos of healthbonusimage in hudplayerheath.res to move it off the screen
"xpos" "2231"
or something like that

boomerdo you plan on supporting 16:10?

trying to get it to what feels like a more complete state before i break it down to other resolutions.
gets pretty time consuming switching res's and shit. so i guess well see

posted about 8 years ago
#71 wavesui in Customization


put the directory/location of your vtf xhair in the weapon specific txt. make sure in game youre set to the default xhair.

posted about 8 years ago
#68 wavesui in Customization
aniccathe searching menu in matchmaking is kinda broken http://comfy.moe/fweadu.png

fixed and updated.


posted about 8 years ago
#65 wavesui in Customization
aniccathe searching menu in matchmaking is kinda broken http://comfy.moe/fweadu.png

i designed it that way ;}

posted about 8 years ago
#62 wavesui in Customization

navigate to resources/ui folder, open hudplayerhealth.res, hudammoweapons.res, hudmedicharge.res.
find the shadow sections. change the color from "OPAQUESHADOW" to "BLACKY"

navigate to your scripts folder, open hudanimations_tf.txt.
find the bonus and low health sections. change the shadows color from "OPAQUESHADOW" to "BLACKY"

posted about 8 years ago
#58 wavesui in Customization
spammyI have exactly the same issue, but there are no surface-uber font in the fonts folder. I'm definitely doing something wrong, but what exactly?

search windows for your fonts folder or open it in control panel, uninstall (delete) all surface fonts and then reinstall the surface fonts from my huds font folder.

ExedusI changed the font from neutra to avenir, but the numbers are a lot thinner compared to the avenir font pictures that you posted. How would I go about making them thicker..? Sorry about not posting any pictures, not home atm

Res is 1920x1080

about to push what i think is a fix. if its still not working, do the same uninstall and reinstall method as the one for surface.

aeto change hp and ammo size we can just change the tall value on Bold38 and Bold22 right? testing rn

eh, i would change the font in hudplayerhealth.res, hudammoweapons.res, and hudmedicharge.res from like Bold38 to Bold48 or something just to avoid any potential complications. but you do how ever you wanna do

Kentyglorious work, gonna test asap

is it 4:3 stretched 800x600 compatible?

most likely not :/

posted about 8 years ago
#51 wavesui in Customization
indecency640x480 support?

nope :/

posted about 8 years ago
#43 wavesui in Customization
biskuitquick note, using a custom font in the console fucks up etf2l's status screenshot bots and they don't understand the steam ids which leads to problems
also net_graph letters are weird and on 4:3 stretched 1920x1080 the server time limit is not centered under the game clock

the servertimelimitlabel should centered now. changed all the fonts in sourcescheme back to verdana, hopefully that fixes that issue for you

nobelharvardsIs there a preview of everything in xhairshadow, xhairoutline and xhairflat?

theres only the 3 crosshairs as of right now. i havent made any good outline ones yet. and the flat just means they dont have the dropshadow

posted about 8 years ago
#29 wavesui in Customization
Hellbentany chance you can leave the damage indicators on or if someone can tell me how/link me to a post on how to do so?

in hudlayout.res uncomment #base "hudlayout - damageindicatorON.res" and comment (//) the off one.


posted about 8 years ago
#26 wavesui in Customization
panda106i love this hud, i hope you don't abandon

anyone know how to get stats back on there scoreboard?

working on #base scoreboard file so people can enable/disable a stat panel.

LimeBowlerVery nice HUD. Just a heads up though, the 'scrim' button on the main menu is set by default to join what looks like your server? At least in the version currently on Github when posting this.

oh shit lol. thanks for the heads up

posted about 8 years ago
#20 wavesui in Customization
Mr_WillI currently have an issue with changing fonts from neutra to surface, I've installed all the font files so when I use neutra my game looks like this:
Show Content

I then get a main menu like this:
Show Content

Any advice?

uninstall the surface-uber font. sorry about that, thought i had that issue fixed.

thanks for using screenshots :}

posted about 8 years ago
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