I think this a good share with politics being a big focus right now. It's really, really long, and the audio and visuals are not there to keep you entertained. But the content is valuable, and knowledge that everyone should have.
I don't really call myself a conspiracy theorist, but more of person who is skeptical about how trustworthy politicians and money are. This documentary is the history lesson I should have gotten somewhere in my 7 years of required history classes. It explains the origins of national banks and how they got entrenched in our governments.
TOO LONG; DON'T WATCH.. (my shortest summary).
national banks are "quasi" government branches that are primarily owned by a few private investors, they control the worlds money. our governments are manipulated by them so they can maintain an unimaginable revenue stream that they acquire through national times of crisis such as depressions, national debt, and war.