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Country Australia
Signed Up June 11, 2016
Last Posted September 16, 2021 at 9:41 AM
Posts 45 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2
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Headphones HyperX Cloud Core
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#14 Friend gets tilted from airshots in TF2 General Discussion
Yrrgetting airshot is something cool the other player did, not something bad you did

pencil jumpers

posted about 3 years ago
#43 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster

Even in the article you linked, mis can also mean "not" or "opposite", so by saying misconflated you're just making it less clear what you actually mean. And you're acting like conflate is a neutral word that just means blend even though it has a negative connotation in 99.9% of cases.

So if the goal of language is effective communication, I think you've failed at that...

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Clean scout frags? in Videos

quality sucks cos old but still is epic

posted about 3 years ago
#18 Yoshi interview in TF2 General Discussion

why does he rollout to mid on scout, then immediately run straight back to last and build a sentry

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Ascent.EU switch it up in News

this roster is actually so pog

posted about 4 years ago
#6 demo reviews in TF2 General Discussion


Ozf low prem match, looking for team advice (we are blu team)


posted about 4 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

from Dr_Fez to fez

posted about 4 years ago
#4 how to remove Viewmodels in TF2 General Discussion

my brain cells r evaporating

posted about 4 years ago
#1 OZF 28 High W7: white noise vs. cheesewheel in Events

go bonk

posted about 4 years ago
#25 advice for playing/improving with soldier in TF2 General Discussion
robingoeschirpok, i have the basic ideas for everything i listed down here.
i still however have some questions though:
- what maps should i put into my casual queue to "warm up" to? (if that makes sense)
- are there any maptalks/map reviews i should watch to know maps inside and out?
- how long would someone need to play soldier for to be considered "good?" (not really advice, more just a question)
- would using 3rd party aiming trainers (e.g Aim Lab and KovaaK) influence my aim in TF2?

1. I wouldn't really recommend using casual to warm up because it's not as intensive as something like mge, dm or even bot maps, that said small fast-paced maps like harvest, viaduct, nucleus would be my go to if I were going to use casual for that (basically small koth maps)
2. I recently came across some of FrickMyNick's map reviews which I thought were pretty nice: https://www.twitch.tv/frickmynick/videos?filter=archives&sort=time You won't be able to find a map review online for every single map in the pool though unfortunately
3. This question is kind of impossible to answer because everyone means something different by the word "good" and there also isn't a set amount of time you need to put in to get to a certain level at soldier, the time you need to put in will vary wildly depending on how efficient your practice is, previous experience in fps games, natural talent and a bunch of other factors.
4. From what I've seen aim trainers will definitely help with mouse control in tf2, however for soldier in particular they are probably not the best way of practicing since the biggest element of projectile aim is predicting the movement of real players.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 for those who like salad in Off Topic

gimme dat feta

posted about 4 years ago
#10 rM Team Fragvideo (RGL S2 6s) in Videos

Damn this is really good, the editing is really sick but at the same time it doesn't get in the way of the frags

posted about 4 years ago
#55 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion
Matthes3006Matthesbeing considered
-crossbow nerf (remove passive reload?)

idk maybe it's a stupid question, but could you not just reduce the amount of heals it gives?

removing passive reload means that medics have to be much more considerate of how and when they use arrows, combined with the fact they don't give as much uber as the medigun

the idea is to keep the burst healing ability, but making it so you have to be smarter in your use of it
in doing so the skill ceiling of med is raised and the crazy burst healing on offer comes with a downside if you abuse it

Didn't the crossbow used to not have passive reload, and it was only rarely used because of it? Genuine question cause I for sure wasn't around at that time. Probably still worth testing regardless.

I like the idea of making arrows heal over time. I feel like the annoying part of the crossbow is that you can get someone quite low but all they need is a second to stand still and suddenly your damage is meaningless and not possible to follow up on. If the healing was done over time, even if it was relatively quickly at least there would be a window of time where you could actually play off your damage.

I guess you could argue that changing arrows in this way would remove some of the clutch potential of arrows though so idk. Also maybe it would be hard to implement in a plugin.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 OZF 27 IM UPP: what the fuck am i doing vs. dream circle jerk in Events

go bonk

posted about 4 years ago
#24 1000$ in Off Topic

i hate that the $ is after the 1000

posted about 4 years ago
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