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Signed Up May 29, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2018 at 2:50 PM
Posts 191 (0 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 13
#21 4Plug in Customization

Goat_ Hud 2.0 is now available, everything is set up correctly which means drag+drop installation works without problems and it has a great number of scripted settings!

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Additional Forum BBCode Tags in News

//yo look at this crazy zoom script
alias +zoomt "fov_desired 70; r_drawviewmodel 0;"
alias -zoomt "fov_desired 90; viewmA;"

I just wanted to try this

posted about 11 years ago
#20 4Plug in Customization

Update v1.02
- Added 2 controls and a new scripting system to the settings to make more advanced options. They are not completely finished, I'm also gonna update the documentation when it is! You can see them in action in Goat_ hud 2.0 which will be released later tonight!

The linux/mac version will be ready in a couple of days as well!

note that the name of the executable was changed from TF2PlugInstaller.exe to 4Plug.exe

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Steam passes 65 million users milestone in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#19 4Plug in Customization
KanecoI would go for 4plug as well or 4Manager, much easier to brand and make it stand out from other stuff.

Yeah it sounds good, I wanted to make the name self explanation but 4Plug just sounds better.

KanecoAre you working towards a centralized server where all hud makers will be able to upload new version information or something like that? that would be the absolute max, being able to update and install any hud on demand.

I'm currently cooperating with someone else and I hope we can make that happen!

posted about 11 years ago
#7 HUD help in Q/A Help
mousiopePS: Waiting for 2.0 version of your hud Goat !!!!

Jesus I start to feel pressured :E

posted about 11 years ago
#7 prepare your facebook feeds in Off Topic

I had some decent fun with go animate :X

posted about 11 years ago
#14 4Plug in Customization

I can't think of a better name, does someone else have one that preferably does not contain the word install?

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Cancelled shows that you loved/liked in Off Topic

There was a dilbert tv series?!

I love the comic, I can't wait to watch it in animated form!

posted about 11 years ago
#13 4Plug in Customization
wareyaWhat is this magic, how did it detect that my HUD with no plugin metadata was a HUD?

Well, I check if some "key" files exist, so if the file "\sound\ui\hitsound.wav" exists it's a hitsound, if "\resource\clientscheme.res" exists it's a hud. If neither is true I check if the folder "\addons\" exists and it has a file that ends with .dll. Finally I check the custom and custom_ folder if there are any .vpk files. :)

wareyaAlso, windows thinks it's an installer and goes WAIT WHAT HAPPENED when I close it the first time.

I noticed this problem, Windows checks if the assembly of the file if the product/title of the tool contains "instal" and shows this message if the program does not write a registry entry for a uninstall path. It doesn't show up anymore after compiling but I guess it does when launched properly. The best fix would be to find a better name >.>

sp33dy1018This is amazing thank you!:D can't wait to see more of your future projects! good luck :)

Thanks <3

posted about 11 years ago
#8 4Plug in Customization

I am not sure why the program crashed for some people but it works now for morky so I'm assuming that it's fixed.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 4Plug in Customization
SolidSpeerlaiyeIt instantly crashed when I want to open it.

This might be because your computer does not have the .net framework 2.0 installed. I thought that it was installed on every Windows PC by default but maybe it's not in some cases. I made a small program only containing an empty window, if it crashes instantly then the issue is that you don't have the .net framework installed

posted about 11 years ago
#31 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

I just released this tool here!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 4Plug in Customization

What is this?
4Plug is a tool to manage plugins for team fortress 2. It supports multiple types of plugins (huds, hitsounds, VPKs, .dll Addons, unsupported) and can update them. Plugin developers can also script settings windows and make theirs plugins easily configurable, settings will be applied after an update!

You can drag 'n' drop .zip plugins onto 4Plug and it'll install them for you!

Steam group for all my tf2 releated projects
My new twitter in case someone wants to message me.

Main window.

download page

This is a Windows application but can be run on other systems via the mono framework. You can install it here or using the package manager on linux distros. The application will look emulated but works perfectly fine.

Double-click the if you're using linux and run.command if you are using a mac.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 How do I remove this in Customization
raikugibixhow about just putting visible on 0 ?
You may try it but chances are, it just wont work because tf2 is an interesting videogame.

Actually the value gets changed by tf2 since you don't need to see the window all the time time. The visible parameter only works if tf2 never changes it.

posted about 11 years ago
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