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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted April 15, 2020 at 2:11 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 ⋅⋅ 123
#1 ESEA-Invite: Don't Trip vs bp in Events

Don't Trip!

posted about 11 years ago
#141 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
FzeroBefore I go any further, I want to know how people feel about this statement, especially pro-gun people; What about a ban on auto and semi-auto weapons, or at least semi-auto pistols with extended clips? Or as others have said, limit the amount of ammo that one person can legally purchase?

I'm kinda pro gun.

I support fully automatic weapon bans, but not all semiautomatic weapons should be banned. I would fully support pysch exam requirements, limits on the number of firearms people can own, and stricter requirements on locking up weapons (if someone steals your rifle and kills somebody and it can be proven that you did not have it locked up to standard, you would face charges as well, or something along those lines).

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Let's Talk About Newbie Mixes in TF2 General Discussion
SeverianWell, I hope you can keep finding people to coach, as I'd really like to come to a newbie mix. I was going to last night, but I've been sick lately, and I was feeling really bad last night.

I play with a group of people that I work with- we play Lan in the office one night a week every week, and play a fair bit on other nights. The range of skill in the office is pretty wide. I'm the best player (mainly because I played some qw, and q3 and CPMA at one point,) but there are a couple of other people who are getting better. We're a little tired of pub nonsense at this point, and we're getting interested in playing something more organized.

I do think that our skill level is probably pretty low compared to the average pug, and we're limited in the classes we play. I've played mainly soldier, and my movement could be a lot better. And the other two mainly play Scout. I've been playing a bit of Scout lately too. None of us are good at demoman. So we're definitely not at a point where we could jump into #tf2mix, though I do plan on speccing some pugs there.

So I'd definitely like to play in a newbie mix, to start getting a feel for how the 6v6 game is played.

One thing I am a bit confused over is demos. I'd really like to find some demos of the best invite teams that let you switch to any POV on the team, so I can watch things like roll-outs and mid-fights from each perspective to try to get a feel for everything happening. Back when I played Quake they used to post demos of pretty much every match. But I haven't been able to find an archive of demos for the recent ESEA seasons, for instance. this should get you started on demos

posted about 11 years ago
#119 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
2sy_morphiendfrknI defended the legality of hunting rifles, not handguns or assault rifles. Read.

And yes, I am well aware they are easy to kill people with.

But to me hunting rifles are along the same line as cars, knives, and bow/arrow arguments made earlier. Yes, they can kill people, however it is not their sole purpose.

Considering 0 people in this thread have seriously endorsed a unilateral ban to firearms, what point are you trying to make?

I'm fairly certain mustard and I have been the most vocal proponents of gun control and neither of us have ever even conjectured (other than myself being sarcastic) that we should just ban guns forever instantly. If you want to own a hunting rifle because that's how you make your living, go ahead. However, you shouldn't pretend that limiting people to buying one gun a month, or mandatory psychological testing, or limiting how many fucking guns someone can own is seriously jeopardizing your way of life.

If you can really think of a solid argument for why duder needs 6 guns, I'd love to hear it.

I entered my view into the discussion and only mentioned hunting. Some nerd responded that my views would lead to some dude being able to kill a bunch of people with an assault rifle. Then when I pointed out that his post was unrelated to my statement, you again implied that it was because the same thing could happen with handguns. Again unrelated to my stance.


Roycefrknwanting gun regulations doesn't have to be wanting no guns whatsoever
That does sound pretty nice, though. Unless there are any other pros to guns than hunting. Seems like a lot of bad versus one recreational activity.

This how my view on hunting was made relevant.

posted about 11 years ago
#116 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
2sy_morphiendfrknthat's an assault rifle idiot
Because it's been demonstrated that it is so much more difficult to kill 20+ people with a handgun.


I defended the legality of hunting rifles, not handguns or assault rifles. Read.

And yes, I am well aware they are easy to kill people with.

But to me hunting rifles are along the same line as cars, knives, and bow/arrow arguments made earlier. Yes, they can kill people, however it is not their sole purpose.

posted about 11 years ago
#114 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
EggplantfrknIf you unilaterally ban firearms, you're taking away some people's perfectly peaceful way of life. That's the opposite of the principles this country was founded on.

that's an assault rifle idiot

posted about 11 years ago
#111 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
Roycefrknwanting gun regulations doesn't have to be wanting no guns whatsoever
That does sound pretty nice, though. Unless there are any other pros to guns than hunting. Seems like a lot of bad versus one recreational activity. Then again, America is fat as fuck, so we could really use as many reasons to get people to do shit outside as possible.

It's not only recreation though, in some areas people practically live off of venison during hunting season.

If you unilaterally ban firearms, you're taking away some people's perfectly peaceful way of life. That's the opposite of the principles this country was founded on.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 So what about it? in TF2 General Discussion
jesusi really dont see the reason of getting mad at what people do in DM. Maybe people look at DM differently than i do, but i go to shoot things, no matter who they are / what they use.

that's just stupid

posted about 11 years ago
#108 Yet another shooting in Off Topic

This is how gun control arguments always go.

Pro gun control dude: You don't want firearms to be unilaterally banned? MIGHT AS WELL GIVE EVERYBODY 50 ASSULT RIFLES FOR FREE


holy shit

wanting the right to bear arms =/= everybody owning 50 AK47's

wanting gun regulations doesn't have to be wanting no guns whatsoever

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Newbie Mixes in Events

Yeah what's going on with this? My friend (completely new to comp) wants to try it out

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Yet another shooting in Off Topic

one time I was hiking in Montana with my girlfriend and her dad and he shot a bear and saved our lives

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Yet another shooting in Off Topic

shits fucked up

posted about 11 years ago
#24 etf2l s14 in TF2 General Discussion
cbeartf2 is better w/o gunboats

I know it encourages cheesy play and dependency, but it can make the roamer position a lot more dynamic and game changing as well. When I roamed I usually used gunboats for rollouts/midfights and then switched to shotgun for almost everything else (depending on the map).

posted about 11 years ago
#45 ESEA MOTW CAST in TF2 General Discussion
G1hey the ugc post got deleted


UGC: tf2 growth is good but we want it all for ourselves. we cannot let any of our userbase even watch streams of other leagues

posted about 11 years ago
#3 etf2l s14 in TF2 General Discussion

sounds legit to me, those 4 weapons in addition to med unlocks is pretty much all the necessities that make the game more interesting/faster without bloating it with a bunch of other unlocks that are inferior or highly situational

cloak and dagger would probably be a good addition as well, though

posted about 11 years ago
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