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Signed Up April 20, 2014
Last Posted February 2, 2025 at 8:30 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ⋅⋅ 151
#13 b4nny doesn't support iseries in TF2 General Discussion

we dont need and never have needed any support from valve. theyve only fucked the game

idk why u guys think if they just throw money at the game then itll be good thats not how it works and even if it is how it works thats awful

as a community our focus should purely be how can we make the game more enjoyable to play

posted about 5 years ago
#8 b4nny doesn't support iseries in TF2 General Discussion

hes right but his complete disregard of these forums and like giving us a proper solution to these issues demonstrates that he has lost all faith in the community as a whole, which then actually stagnates everything because hes not working with us, at least to a proper degree

a lotta shit he was saying when he was talking wouldnt solve those issues anyway

posted about 5 years ago
#2 is there a way to remove enemy pyro flames? in Q/A Help

? then how u gonna kno wat the fuck going on son?

posted about 5 years ago
#11 30 mins vs American style in TF2 General Discussion

i was thinking about how a lotta froyo vs ascent or even some lower teams, froyo was often being beaten and then they have a huge comback and win. (like when cw is playing is what i mean)

thats probably because of the way they structure the games, but it shows how this rule set can have a major sway in how its played and i think i like the idea of there being a goal to reach. a lot of the games im playing now are slow as balls and are really decided at whoever has 3 rounds and then its just passive time wasting shit thats how a lotta EU players think and its not good for the game and i dont think it always says who really shouldve won

posted about 5 years ago
#4 30 mins vs American style in TF2 General Discussion

wat number would u rather space? i think 5 is not too little and not too much

playing 1 map per week i think is better easier to scrim gives teams enough time to think about how theyre gonna play it wasier to introduce new maps

posted about 5 years ago
#1 30 mins vs American style in TF2 General Discussion

its kinda weird how we play different rulesets from eachother especially when thinking about international lans. it changes the pace of the game and it would be better if we just had one.

wats the idea behind each one?

personally i think americans is better

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Loadout ideas! in TF2 General Discussion

Kinda pathetic

Its about individual style. If u need assistance trying to express your own style then u need srs help not just from the TFTV forums.

posted about 5 years ago
#58 Offclassing social stigma in TF2 General Discussion

u can do it because theres no perfect way to play but its not fun so fuck it

posted about 5 years ago
#24 what mge server are we gonna use in TF2 General Discussion

i think they would have all class on regardless of what people felt just to include as much people as possible

and people didnt really care enough to complain because they play it for like 10mins and then go scrim. most people in TF2 don't conciously practice

lots of twitch streamers/youtubers started casting the spy v spy battles and shit instead because they thought it was funny that someone would waste their time doing shit like that

posted about 5 years ago
#21 what mge server are we gonna use in TF2 General Discussion

i think they played on AS because it was just always the most full one, not because they enjoyed that server particulary. it wasnt a concious decision its just u launch tf2, that one has the players on and u join it

posted about 5 years ago
#18 what mge server are we gonna use in TF2 General Discussion

? But like the next 3 comments are about how bad the idea of having other classes than just Scout and Soldier are. Nobody wants to have their map hogged up by Snipers or god knows what else. I thought you were beign sarcastic.

Im a big fan of Steph but her MGE server represents everything that I dont wanna play on.

Also, I know this is just a me thing but I like elo, especially on the American servers where everyone is using some dumb longass alias/japanese name and theres no !div.

Its demoralizing and kind of kills the urge to practice when you are vs a noob, and then that noob won't leave the arena even tho they're getting 20-0'd because they wanna prove something and then it turns into a big waste of time when u could be playing a real guy.

I understand the problems with ELO tho, which mostly ammounts to angry ass 1800s trying their absolute hardest to get ELO off of 2k+ people, so i think the best idea is to have a low ELO cap. that way u can see differentiate between who is a real player and who isn't and the people who are at the top have nothing to gain by playing tryhard and evnetually the 1800s 'wont have a reason' either (it wont make a difference)

posted about 5 years ago
#17 Aim trainers as training for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

i agree with trip kinda its not really to do with mouse control a lot of players have good mouse control and its not muscle memory its more ur brains/eyes ability to read movements and react which is also why u can not open the game for 3 years and still out aim ppl who play 24/7

however thats probably not the case for those ppl who aim and u cant even see wats on the screen cause its all wobbly

posted about 5 years ago
#16 what mge server are we gonna use in TF2 General Discussion

Stfu bro every time a trans person makes a twitch chat message or forum post u guys bring this shit up when its irrelevant

posted about 5 years ago
#7 what mge server are we gonna use in TF2 General Discussion

Steph why have you included sniper? It should be only Scout and Soldier.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Aim trainers as training for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

u would be better off playimg quake not tht its hard its just u use a variety of different weapons so it helps diversify ur aim style

ur not gonna be like a god even if u hit like 50% lg because a lot of tf2 players can do that but its just the fact that ur using all these weapons at the same time thats hekpful

posted about 5 years ago
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