? But like the next 3 comments are about how bad the idea of having other classes than just Scout and Soldier are. Nobody wants to have their map hogged up by Snipers or god knows what else. I thought you were beign sarcastic.
Im a big fan of Steph but her MGE server represents everything that I dont wanna play on.
Also, I know this is just a me thing but I like elo, especially on the American servers where everyone is using some dumb longass alias/japanese name and theres no !div.
Its demoralizing and kind of kills the urge to practice when you are vs a noob, and then that noob won't leave the arena even tho they're getting 20-0'd because they wanna prove something and then it turns into a big waste of time when u could be playing a real guy.
I understand the problems with ELO tho, which mostly ammounts to angry ass 1800s trying their absolute hardest to get ELO off of 2k+ people, so i think the best idea is to have a low ELO cap. that way u can see differentiate between who is a real player and who isn't and the people who are at the top have nothing to gain by playing tryhard and evnetually the 1800s 'wont have a reason' either (it wont make a difference)