for me personally the biggest issue is how uninteresting the iseries lans have been for the past 2(?) years. watching the game is just not entertaining at all anymore.
like i remember screwming at my facking monitor watching that froyo vs nR game and i didnt even have an interest at 6s back then. that’s completely gone now it was just pug teams and then some somewhat cringe finals
i think like banny is suggesting we need to change this format, and nows the best chance to do it in tbe winter season where teams just kinda fack around.
the iseries is really the most important part of the scene. it introduces the most people to the game and showcases it to the community where u will see pros from other games and twitch staff in the chat. we are showing these ppl some slug ass molasses shitty facking gameplay and we cannot expect anyone to give a shit when we dont really even care
needs to be like a fully charged or some shit to talk about this and bannys gotta be on board to give his own views and work together or he can just pack it in mate and go pub
fully charge should consist of kaido, twikuu, banny, sigafool and be hosted by Getawhale/eXtine/WARHURYEAH, wearing a suit.