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Signed Up April 20, 2014
Last Posted March 6, 2025 at 3:28 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ⋅⋅ 151
#3 Custom IEM in Customization

Thank u very much sir.

I haven't seen anything wrong with the Etymonics so I've reordered them but I'm still open to the idea of CIEMs, mainly looking at customears and Jerry Harvey atm. Im doing my studying now so I dont have time to research some more so I ordered it with intent to send it back if I think something else is better.

The earphones sticking out won't be an issue because the study pair is never gonna leave my desk. I think I like the idea of getting like really expensive ones and even getting £20 basic ass skate ones in all honesty because I'll never really care about them whilst skating

edit: work colleague's boyfriend was gonna sell me Weston W40s for £230 yesterday but I turned him down for the Etymotics which im paying £240 for. The Jerry Harveys look good because they have a lotta good reviews, used by pros, have 3 speakers etc

Edit: Just thinking, would IEMs be advantageous for TF2 also?

posted about 5 years ago
#8 I love everyone in TF2 General Discussion

Love you back

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Custom IEM in Customization

Has anyone got any experience with IEMS?

I ordered the Etymotic ER4XR just now with intent to get a custom mould fitted onto it, but now I can see that I can get a 3BA CIEM for like the same amount so it makes more sense to do that, so I cancelled my order.

I have an audio budget of £600, but I want to also have a wireless pair dedicated to skateboarding. The IEM is dedicated to studying. I'd ideally like to spend £400ish on the IEM which would leave me £200 for the skate earphones.

Totally open to spending £500 on the study ones and £100 on the skate ones though because in reality I think it would be good to have the a cheaper one that I can lose/break.

With the custom IEM I am wondering which ones would sound the best. Having them being custom is important to ensure the comfort and isolation which are #1 priority

The custom one I would get though wouldn't be top of the line (1k+) ones though obviously so Idk if I should just buy the Etymotics which sound perfect for my needs or what

Anyone have any idea of what I should do? I've been researching this shit for 2 days now and I wanna go back to my studies @_@

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Noise cancelling headset/earbud or whatever in Hardware

Are these the best ones I can get that block people's voices? These are purely for studying but the neighbours outside keep sitting in the garden and talkign right outside my room. I can hear them like they're sitting right next to me and its really annoyin

Also thank u

edit: this is what im using atm i just picked these up cause i forgot my apple ones at the skatepark. i want something that would block significantly better than this.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Noise cancelling headset/earbud or whatever in Hardware

Thank u brian but those ones dont do what I want. I need the kind that blocks ppl's voices and this ones not gonna do that apparently. I wanna be temporarily deaf

posted about 5 years ago
#32 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 wouldn't be in a better place with Ruwin involved in terms of it beign closer to an eSport. It would be cool to have him continue playing, but he probably just would have left with the mix^ guys. We also wouldn't have got Lansky back if the Ruwin situation didn't happen

What that shit Star's saying does apply to is Tagg who was mistreated by the community and I think we lost out because of that

posted about 5 years ago
#28 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#357 favorite b4nny tweet? in Off Topic

That ones some real shit though. Idk why people think its funny to associate Banny with hate speech/racism all the god damn time

posted about 5 years ago
#25 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

its kinda crazy this topic just comes up out of the blue when its been like 5 years with the literal opposite reaction

he stopped streaming because 90% of the community hated his guts after he called the girl robust and it was obviously stressing him out u can see it in the video. even after he came back shortly years later when he would play MGE he would be stressed the fuck out like everyones out to try and get him and try and make fun of him

he quit TF2 all together because of that. his streaming thing lasted like a couple of months it was the first iteration of froyo where ruwin was pocket soldier this was like 4 games into the season

posted about 5 years ago
#18 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

i never understood this because invite players were saying wayyy worse things on stream before and after that. i guess it was more to do with how he handled it? but there really shouldn't of ever been a thread about that in comparison to everyone else

posted about 5 years ago
#15 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Banny used to have that many viewers too, for a long time, until recently actually

Kinda makes you think about what position we were in as a game that had much more of an opportunity of reaching the goal of being an eSport while we were all talking about how doomed the game is, and now it actually kinda is

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Pokemon Sword & Shield Gen 8 in Other Games

yeah u might aswell now that they're doing the official pokemon games there and smash exists and is at its height

posted about 5 years ago
#15 Pokemon Sword & Shield Gen 8 in Other Games

they keep adding all this useless shit that ruins the games and i hope they aren't continuing to do that. can't really say if this dynamax shit is gonna do that or not but sun and moon was awful, i still can't believe they fucked up a pokemon game it was literally boring

i think the issue stems from the fact that younger kids nowadays want a really basic simplistic and easy game experience like when i look at what my sisters are playing in comparison to what i was playing at their age, its really dumbed down which i think was the main issue with sun and moon was that huuuge tutorial at the start where you couldn't explore and they explained EVERYTHING in a fucking 20+ year old franchise they had to explain EVERYTHING and forced u to go through the whole thing

it looks to go in that same direction again but u cant really tell at the moment but this dynamax thing i don't like it

posted about 5 years ago
#3 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I think back in like 2017 there were a few full time streamers like Truktruk getawhale and i think Sezco attempted to but didnt have the viewership

now there arent any full time ones other than banny

posted about 5 years ago
#23 Lirik playing tf2 right now in TF2 General Discussion

seagull had that audience because he was good at the game tho he just retained it because hes nice

he was streaming for like a week prior to OW and i think him already having TF2 viewers from that attracted ppl to look and then they found out he was good and nice so he became a proper streamer

these guys are bad and generic making millions fucking my wife balling in clubs driving lambos

posted about 5 years ago
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