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Signed Up October 14, 2016
Last Posted January 2, 2023 at 7:53 PM
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#18 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

How are they not teaching about the "block" button in grade school yet

posted about 2 years ago
#94 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion
insombut he doesn't play for fun...ever. In the end it's a game, not a lan final so his treatment of others is just sad to see because everyone makes mistakes.

I think the reality is that, for him, winning or at least playing with/against everyone else at the very best of their abilities, is required for him to have fun. That's not bad, and it's the case with a lot (most, actually) highly competitive players. The problem is that in pugs he feels entitled to that environment and reacts poorly when it's not realized.

For me, the PugChamp days were the golden era of TF2

posted about 2 years ago
#92 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I sincerely hope he reads this thread.

When I first started playing TF2 many years ago, and knew nothing about the scene, I found it inspirational that someone could have so much passion for something relatively niche, in such a public way. That's not at all a dig at the game or anything like that. Honestly, for me, it's pretty amazing to see someone who is so entirely sure of their purpose and is willing to share that with everyone, while (probably) foregoing many other aspects of life in the process. Not a dig -- I can honestly admire that -- even if it's "only" TF2. Aside from having children, the vast majority of people will never know that kind of passion in their life, nor will they sacrifice things to share that passion with others.

b4nny is the probably the best player. More than any other player, he's probably right when he criticizes people and/or tells them what to do. Personally, I generally prefer to be on his team -- not only because I find winning to be more fun (and he seems to have a high win rate), but also because it's a chance to improve. He will generally provide feedback if you ask.

However, he really could use some improvement in understanding that not everybody has the same goals and motivations when they play. Most people like to win, and most people find winning more fun than losing -- but it is not the case for all people that "winning" is a necessary condition for all people to have fun. People can have fun when they lose. Winning is not, either, a sufficient condition for having fun -- most people (b4nny included) would agree that you can fail to have fun even if you win.

You can replace "winning" with "playing the game right", "being treated nicely", "improving", "being an asshole", etc. People play this game for a variety of reasons. In a competitive environment the stated goal of the game is to win, but the goals of the player are up to each individual involved.

b4nny seems to believe there is a social contract in pugs whereby all players agree that their main goal is to win -- logically, that's the purpose of the game, right? He seems to feel that any deviation from this, particularly if it is perceived to be intentional, is justification for him to lose his temper, berate, etc. I think he doesn't value other reasons for playing the game -- and I believe this is why he thinks he is justified in his treatment towards others. Regardless of how he defines this treatment: nice, mean, asshole, constructive... to him, it can all be justified from the lens of playing solely to win.

Crucially: While people generally have more fun winning -- and thus pick teams to win and play to win -- that is not the only thing that matters to them in a PUG environment.

b4nny to realize that the game is played in a social environment, and like any other social environment, the social contract is defined by others you are involved with at that time, and not strictly by yourself or by what is most logical. From the feedback gathered here, I sincerely hope he concludes that there are many situations where the social contract is not what he believes it to be, and that he can make an adjustment to how he interacts with others... while still being able to have fun himself.

Otherwise, honestly, it's on him to find other formats / activities / social groups where the players more or less share the same social contract (eg: matches, playoffs, etc). He should find his own happiness.

Lastly: There are some definitions, theories, etc, of what it means to be an asshole. I think it's beneficial for anyone to identify when they're an asshole, and try to change it -- even though being an asshole (or perceived as one) is not even necessarily bad (there are plenty of high functioning, successful, well-loved assholes) nor is it well defined (there's a whole sub-reddit debating scenarios). I'm well aware that I've been an asshole many, many times in my life, and in TF2 pugs TF2 Centers, etc, and I've found myself happier when catching myself rather than embracing it.

So for your consideration, here are some thoughts on assholes:

An asshole allows himself to enjoy special advantages in social relations out of an entrenched sense of entitlement that immunizes him against the complaints of other people. -- from Assholes: A Theory


Two tests to identify if someone is an asshole:
  1. After encountering the person, do people feel oppressed, humiliated or otherwise worse about themselves?
  2. Does the person target people who are less powerful than him/her?

There's also a list of typical behaviors:
  1. Insults
  2. Violation of personal space
  3. Unsolicited touching
  4. Threats
  5. Sarcasm
  6. Flames
  7. Humiliation
  8. Shaming
  9. Interruption
  10. Backbiting
  11. Glaring
  12. Snubbing

From The No Asshole Rule
posted about 2 years ago
#12388 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#4 Draftomatic Cup, sponsored by fx in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all. Put on a good show, have fun, and take my money.

Would be cool if this could get casted.

posted about 3 years ago
#68 is islamaphobia a bannable offense in rgl? in TF2 General Discussion

Man, I wish Christopher Hitchens still played TF2

posted about 3 years ago
#21 show your best clip in Off Topic

Ancient pug (with shade) where I airshot two soldiers with one rocket, then double airshot them both separately: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/119074047

This was kind of cool too: https://streamable.com/xgdx6d

posted about 3 years ago
#69 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion
C3rby_fxfxfxfxSo far the weirdest thing is that he's been playing like 10 pugs a day and then suddenly stopped once this thread was made.That tends to happen when he has been temporarily removed from the pug group until this all dies down or a verdict is reached.

Legends never die

posted about 3 years ago
#67 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion

So far the weirdest thing is that he's been playing like 10 pugs a day and then suddenly stopped once this thread was made.

posted about 3 years ago
#49 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion
untamedphobiacan someone explain me the deathcam clip what am i supposed to see im dumb
when sin respawned he said that there are soldiers in main before even seeing main and as an excuse he said he saw them going through his death cam, but in his death cam it didn’t indicate that if at all, so sin either had the best guess ever or he has walls

He saw them move forward on deathcam, and when he spawned he didn't see them in the usual forward hiding spots.. not a stretch that they "might both be main". Also not sure of the context of the game, maybe soldiers were trying stuff like that previously, idk.

The other clip of him on metalworks scout snapping to the soldier is ridiculous though. Not sure if that's just tf2 lag / spec stuff. Pretty difficult to imagine that's a flick since he when he flick aims it's usually shaky and not snappy.

Edit: responded without reading the whole second page. I'm hardly ever on here. Downvote me please

posted about 3 years ago
#5 RGL S7 Adv GF: yeti vs. FX DEATH CULT in Events

Where's the stream

edit: oh there it is.

posted about 3 years ago
#12 RGL S6 LBR1: Ford Gaming vs. GlobalClan Ice in Events

Alfa is never wrong. Just ask him.

posted about 3 years ago
#25 NA Fantasy Draft!! in TF2 General Discussion


$20k over budget, but I will pay out of pocket so b4nny loses to former teammates.

To any FROYO listening: If you all leave and start a team without b4nny, I will legit pay you the prize money out of pocket -- and if you win you RGL you can keep that prize money too.

posted about 3 years ago
#17 shounic's 1k usd ball juggling contest in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#29 Discord LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

good man, gets six

posted about 4 years ago
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