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Signed Up October 14, 2016
Last Posted January 2, 2023 at 7:53 PM
Posts 67 (0 per day)
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#54 tf2 insults in TF2 General Discussion

zilly once told me "you have sub-open movement" and i ragequit

posted about 6 years ago
#30 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion
lettodon't know if it crossed your mind but with 500$ you could make a pretty sick cup with normal 6v6

So pay $500 to watch games that I can already watch for free?

posted about 6 years ago
#29 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion
gibushey i wrote a sourcemod plugin that kills any player who uses +back


i havent tested it with more than 1 person in the server but it should work

Nice, thanks

posted about 6 years ago
#15 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion
cereaIif you make it so it suicides everyone will just unbind s so theres not rlly a point in making it kill you

The point is to enforce the rule that you can't use +backwards.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion
yuiceagreed with funs low grav DH on cp_orange is actually so fun to play and probably to watch too because it's just constant airshots.

What do you think the best format would be in terms of classes and weapons. Five soldiers seems a bit too chaotic.. maybe 3 soldiers 1 med?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion
Funslow gravity, direct hit only cp orange, 5v5 or similar

Good idea, will consider. Reminds me of scoutzknivez

posted about 6 years ago
#1 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion

I'd like to fund a tournament where "+backwards" suicides the player. It could be called "The Mongo Tournament" or something.

I have money and am happy to fund the tournament, but I have no experience with running a tournament. I would need (and am willing to pay for) the following:

1) A server mod that kills you if you try to move backwards
2) Someone/something to administer the tournament (brackets, servers, configs, etc).
3) People to cast it

If you're feeling altruistic and think it'd be fun to do 1, 2, or 3, reply here.

Also, if you have other ideas for bastardizing tf2 (eg, low gravity or something) let me know and maybe I'll go for that instead.

Yes, I'm serious, and I really want this to happen.

posted about 6 years ago
#52 mojo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Natural born fragger... fun as hell to be on his team in pugs

Good demo, though I think he's a natural scout

posted about 6 years ago
#3 NLFT, but want some feedback in Recruitment (looking for team)
n3its hard to tell a players skill level just off of pugs but you do have really good dm

Thanks. I'll take whatever feedback I can get. I just posted on yours without seeing this... weird. <3

posted about 6 years ago
#85 n3 lft s24 in Recruitment (looking for team)

From pug experience: When he tries and has a good team around him, he's invite level. Insane mid-range aim, smart, good comms. Usually gets 75%+ accuracy (which is insane) and deals tons of damage.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 NLFT, but want some feedback in Recruitment (looking for team)

I just want to get an idea of my strengths and weaknesses.

posted about 6 years ago
#52 rktKING LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Rocket has won me over. I used to not like having him be medic in pugs, and now I actually enjoy it. All in all, the only thing he needs work on is experience and his mental game. I sincerely hope he takes the posts here to heart and becomes a bit more modest and works on his ego.


  • super dedicated. can confidently say you wont find a more dedicated player
  • afaict has unlimited time to play
  • enjoys the game and has fun playing it
  • has definitely proven that he can learn and improve, in ALL aspects. he can listen better, position better, pop ubers better, prioritize better, etc.
  • a decent medic, good bows, usually good positioning
  • i don't think I've seen him tilt (unless everyone else does). he plays to win!

Needs work:

  • has a very distorted view of reality when it comes to his own skill level and performance. he takes subs in invite pugs and claims "its ok ill pound", obsesses over logs where he does well (and ignores those where he does poorly), and will often (not always) make excuses rather than own up to mistakes
  • along with the above, I have noticed an ego that prevents him from taking advice or listening to non-invite players seriously
  • if he makes an OK or decent play, you will hear about it in comms for a minute or two
  • he will make very risky plays in order to have a chance at getting some sort of miracle play
  • could work on having a wider view of the field and be more aware of whats alive (so that he knows to push or hold or whatever)

Take him!

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Sticky Traps in Q/A Help

Set up a trap, back up, start setting another trap when you know they can see you setting it. Watch first trap.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 why does sandblast love my open team? in TF2 General Discussion

was just in a b4nny sub game and thats all he was talking about

posted about 7 years ago
#4 B4nny Documentary in Videos

TIL there are tf2 groupies

posted about 7 years ago
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