Account Details
SteamID64 76561197978320222
SteamID3 [U:1:18054494]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:9027247
Country United States
Signed Up August 15, 2014
Last Posted July 18, 2023 at 1:35 AM
Posts 299 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.2
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Glorious Gaming Model D
Keyboard Ducky 65%
Mousepad Steelseries QcK+
Headphones Logitech G Pro X
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#7 RGL S12 Invite 6s Playoffs: #2 Greasy Dothogs vs. #3 THE COVENANT in Events

That was an absolute blast, awesome match to watch. Thanks for tuning in everyone, and I hope to do it again soon :)

Shoutout to Jay/siyo for making this whole thing happen - wouldn't have been possible without you. Also shoutout Giblert, as well as Marxist. Was great casting with you again my old friend

posted about a year ago
#18 Market gardener banned in soapDM in TF2 General Discussion
steph ddos like the past week, sorry. implemented this so it should be a bit better. also might be me compiling shit eating cpu. whoops. ill try to grab a separate box for projects lol

Hm potentially the ddos, but I remember having this problem for nearly a year now since I started playing the game again. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. It's not the end of the world, was just curious if anyone else had the issue or has fixed it for themselves. Appreciate all you do for these servers!

posted about 3 years ago
#234 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

One of the best matches I've ever seen. We are all witnesses.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Market gardener banned in soapDM in TF2 General Discussion

completely unrelated but does anyone else's ping spike randomly on the spaceship servers? Happens to me fairly often and it's literally the only servers where i have this issue. I'm guessing a routing thing but what do I know

posted about 3 years ago
#5 TF2 Broadcast Q/A in TF2 General Discussion
UBER_CAKE- Has being a caster / hosting LANs / making videos about TF2 ever helped anyone professionally get a job or give them opportunities in different esports?

Casting TF2 was largely the reason I got a job at Esports Engine (called NGE at the time) and have been there for 5 years now. At the time they were a startup esports production company of ~20 people and were planning on doing their own large NA Overwatch tournament series (Overwatch Winter Premiere) in which they wanted to hire a caster but also someone that could just generally work at the company full time after the event. Someone found me because of TF2 and figured the crossover to Overwatch was pretty natural.

After that OW event I mostly stepped away from casting and luckily the company was pretty great about letting people try new roles even if there wasn't a ton of experience doing that job previously. I moved to project management and oversaw small and large studio and live events for a few years like Fortnite Summer Skirmish LAN, Fortnite Fall Skirmish LAN, and Twitch Rivals, among others. I then got into the business side of the company for a year as a product designer, and then finally a broadcast producer, which is what I currently do.

If it weren't for my time in this game I wouldn't have gotten any of these opportunities, and for that I am eternally grateful. But also, it being right place right time was a huge part of it, as it is with most things, and the company's willingness to let people try new things and help them cultivate those skills.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 what's the best tf2 server provider atm? in Q/A Help

Anyone know of a server provider that has more central US locations than NFO/Tragic? I know that sounds silly because they have Chicago and Dallas, but I live in LA and typically get 75-80 ping to Chicago which gets into the territory of being annoying to play with, especially on projectile classes. And I typically hear players in Canada or the north east complain about Dallas servers.

IMO the Kansas servers on serveme are pretty much the best neutral location for everyone but haven't been able to find a provider that offers rentals in that location. I'll keep using serveme premium for now but would love to get my own private server in that location.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 LFM IM Pocket Scout & Main Caller in Mentoring

Hey all,

Played on Bonking Benjamin in AM this past season where we finished 7th overall (2nd in regular season, choked second round of playoffs).

Played pocket scout and main called all of S4 and started off S5 doing the same but had to take a few weeks off because life got in the way, eventually coming back and finishing the season on roamer. Going back to main calling on pocket scout this season with a new team and looking for someone to help guide me in building up my ability in not only playing the pocket scout role effectively but successfully leading my team in game as well.

My DM is solid for the division and I continue to try and improve it near daily, but I'm getting older and I know there are better aimers than me out there. So I'd like to try and get a leg up on them by using my big ol' noggin and improve my decision making as an individual and as an in game leader.

I'm chill, don't bite, take criticism well, and have a large drive to improve at the game.

Hit me up on Discord! Any guidance at all would be appreciated.


posted about 3 years ago
#25 lange banned from twitch in The Dumpster

posted about 4 years ago
#11 My Ass Is A Pussy. in The Dumpster

i was here

posted about 4 years ago
#157 What mouse do you use? in Hardware

Still rocking the Zowie EC1-A.

I haven't really tried all of these new light mice, because the EC1-A really just feels perfect to me.

posted about 4 years ago
#10 game stuttering every few minutes in Q/A Help

We may not be having the exact same issue, as I don't remember my game doing it when someone joins a team. But sometimes I will find my CPU usage spiking to ~90%+ every minute or two which causes pretty bad stutters (i7 9700k). Typically happens if I have too many chrome tabs open. Sometimes it's fine, other times it does this frequently. If I just close out all of the chrome tabs I'm normally good to go. I will also get stutters if the Discord overlay pops up a message while I'm in game.

Probably not all that helpful, but figured I'd share my similar experience.

posted about 4 years ago
#112 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry if I missed a discussion on this already, but did this update do anything with automatically changing your interp/lerp? Whenever I'm playing now, if I'm on scout it automatically changes me to ~.030 interp and if I switch to soldier, it changes my interp back to 0.0152. I don't ever remember this happening before and can't find anything in my config that would be doing it, but maybe I'm missing something or maybe this used to happen to me all of the time and I just don't remember.

I know people used to say interp around .033 for scout was optimal - is that still the case? What is the optimal for hitscan and projectile?

EDIT: My game is actually switching my interp to 0.0152 for every hitscan class I play, and 0.03030 for all projectile classes. I literally can't find anything in the config doing this. Other friends with the same rates are not seeing the same thing.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 LFP Amateur/IM Demo S4 in Recruitment (looking for players)
KylerKerseywhat is his steam?

posted about 4 years ago
#4 LFP Amateur/IM Demo S4 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Appreciate that :)

I started playing pubs a few months ago for fun and almost instantly fell in love with the game again. Excited to get back into the competitive side

posted about 4 years ago
#1 LFP Amateur/IM Demo S4 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Looking for a demo for S4. Not really sure what div we are going to play in yet, likely amateur or IM depending how scrims go. A few of us are former high ESEA open level players coming back to the game after not playing for ~4 years and now mostly playing on new roles. A couple of others only have some UGC experience from a few years ago but are natural born fraggers.

The current 5 on the roster are all friends IRL or outside of the game, so having a 6th that fits in well personality-wise will be a big factor for us. We are looking to have fun but definitely want to win too.

Looking to scrim 2-3 days per week.

Current tentative roster (might swap some roles around as we scrim):
Pocket Scout: Yung Princess
Flank Scout: Grunty
Roamer: Spoo
Pocket: gecks
Demo: TBD
Medic: HappyCatFish

Add me on steam to get a tryout!

posted about 4 years ago
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