FinnigangemmRemove all mapshow do u go all this time trying really hard to be funny and still not succeed a single time
jokes on you i got one upfrag not including myself
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SteamID64 | 76561198054949885 |
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Signed Up | August 17, 2014 |
Last Posted | August 21, 2023 at 10:11 AM |
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FinnigangemmRemove all mapshow do u go all this time trying really hard to be funny and still not succeed a single time
jokes on you i got one upfrag not including myself
not a fan of the tall crates. from a mid perspective reckoner wasn't great in rc2 because you could either go left or right and end up mirroring them or contesting them. mirroring seemed safer but there wasn't any real strategy to it. now you can only go left because going right leads to death and destruction (someone good at the game correct me if im wrong about all of that)
imo the best mids have a variety of strats you can use on them (e.g. blands, granary though that has it's own problems) and that would be something good to aim for
Remove all maps
butter my Bagel up daddy
my main issue is having stuff like server windows stuck behind the main menu with no way to click on them
if they're set to auto join then i have to restart to avoid being succed into a dm server mid pug (ahud)
track rather than flick (or track and make small final flicks) and be a little patient with your shots
also scope second
engyjordanVisdelete thisJon Snow jerks off to videos of me jerking off. What is the problem?
the fuck
Help I've fallen in the dumpster and can't get out
CorunsonThe real solution to this is simple by what you want achieved, somehow removed the ability to resub instantly or switch class immediately with a touch of a button.
If you change class manually but hitting comma and then clicking a class, it will be a good enough delay imo compared to just hitting your numpad the moment you hit spawn to change class. Also if you remove the ability to resub instantly you will get rid of people resupplying really fast along with them getting crit heals.
I agree tbh. The goals of the 3 second delay are fine but implementation wise it'd be very annoying for the player. Overall it'd weaken last defences, especially if it also applied to loadout swaps (even to the same loadout). I don't think it'd slow the game down at all.
I think there's bigger problems that need addressing with 5cp though
in general use the improved default hud for updates
not sure whether b4nny uses that or his own edit but this also fixes a bunch of other stuff
gemmmy parents have something to go to and they never have anything to go to
my brother has something to go to and he literally never has anything to go to
so i guess i'll jack off in the living room or something
me mum's ill so I'm out having a fancy black tie dinner with my dad and 3 other 50 year old married couples
Might sneak in a cheeky toilets wank
my parents have something to go to and they never have anything to go to
my brother has something to go to and he literally never has anything to go to
so i guess i'll jack off in the living room or something
dude's maincalling like he gets sentenced to death if he loses