morins a nice guy & a good player def worth a pickup.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198010628997 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:50363269] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:25181634 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | September 3, 2013 |
Last Posted | August 11, 2017 at 2:34 PM |
Posts | 116 (0 per day) |
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Stop bumping the thread like everyone here has already told you to go to ugcforums and has called you out for being toxic maybe it's time to call it quits and try again later. You're just digging your little grave deeper and deeper my friend.
status update:
cool guy [v]
weeaboo [x]
beta male [v]
its okay though he has a fun taste in music & he's pretty cool
THEBILLDOZERDraco_Meteorkool dude, good dmDraco_Meteorfaggota lot can happen in 4 days
We're still friends we just got done ultiduoing hehe
Schys a dedicated scout definitely worth the tryout.
A dedicated team to back up his will to improve will do him well.
im in the crasian fan club
Hi, you know me as geo` most likely so I'll keep it my alias in the LFT.
I don't really go by that anymore since I alias as "Hoodie/Aka" but feel free.
Took out the last 2 seasons playing in open again:
*Cloud 9 (Up until playoffs)
*No Megans (RIP)
Played scout on both teams and I feel I improved a lot over the two season period. Cloud 9 taught me a lot about my gamesense & pushed me to try harder as a scout having slem as my scout partner (the kids a monster) I never got to out dm him and I kinda lacked where my team gained I anchored that team hard but, twitch none the less kept me around and tried to teach me and catch me up. I took offseason to DM more and sharpen what I needed to sharpen gamesense wise and played for No Megans the following season. I was taught a lot by both teams went from terrible over-cocky soldier main to a scout main who hopes to improve.
Now following No Megans death I moved onto CS:GO again due to some lost hope. I hit SMFC yada yada scrimmed with some teams but TF2 still ended up winning on my little scale. I've been DMing/MGEing again to freshen up on the dm I lost from leaving for 2 months I should be back in groove in no time.
I used to be pretty toxic to be completely honest and I'm sorry for whatever bad impressions I've left.
I spent a lot of time actually fixing my attitude which was kinda fueled by me not knowing how to handle the stuff that was happening in my life.
I also spent a lot of time learning how to take criticism (Radeon/Crasian/Jinta/Twitch)
I'd like to say I'm friendly.
I'll play Roamer or Scout (Maybe Pocket)
You can add me here
Cat's always been a good gamer and a good friend.
Will do good on a high-o team if placed with the right people.
He definetely wants to get better specs our 6's scrims just to learn a few things and asks a ton of questions..
He will be a newer end medic but he'll improve quick if given the right team.
He's not toxic and don't let his dumb posts talk for his personality he's really easy to get along with and criticize.
Give em a shot.
were not welcome round' these parts
downpouranime hl team?
ill snipe
dude sorry I got you beat
this team owns tbh...
radeonSo some of us were baked in Mumble, and we decided to go to Canada and have a team bake fest in August. 4/20 does great things.
I can confirm my team is full of degenerates....
P.S juicy logs:
9:51 PM - radeon: The only reason why I'm not getting baked with you guys is because I have to figure out how to get permission from my parents to get baked.
9:51 PM - radeon: fml
9:52 PM - the jinta: L(
9:52 PM - the jinta: :(