How old are you? Just so you know, it's totally normal to not know what you want to do with your life until you're into or near your twenties. A lot of your friends who are planning university degrees or whatever may end up switching majors three times or just abandoning it completely. Don't sweat it too much if these people say they have plans. Not many people know exactly what career they want straight out of high school and follow through on it, in my experience. Plus - don't define or judge yourself based on how others are doing. There will always be A-type people who are off making millions of dollars and doing better than you and better than almost everyone else, so why waste your time thinking about that? Just worry about you.
As for a plan, I ended up picking broadcasting and film for my schooling at 22 after really reflecting on what my passion was. Is there something that you did as a younger kid that you would really love to do again? Some hobby or pastime that you'd love to be able to do for money?