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Signed Up July 28, 2022
Last Posted March 22, 2025 at 11:09 AM
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#6 the essentials folder in Customization

i made one of those, albeit way more barebones, awhile ago. included zoom ratio, null movement script, autoheal, fastswitch, etc. most of the preference things i left out though, since i wanted this to be something players can easily tune to their own preferences.
also noted what the scripts/commands do, in case newbies want to go through the file and pick what they'd like...

as for criticisms, i have hardly any. my gripe is with the lack of organization and as fellen stated, there is a lot of personal preference commands
i'd take the time and write a brief summary of what a most command (groups) do for those who are curious, and format everything so it's pretty. maybe different files for each group (e.g, optimization, preference, hud-related settings, misc...) of commands?

otherwise i like the idea. despite the critiques i'd refer this to a player starting out.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 earbuds recs (2022) in Off Topic

$50 wont get you anything very impressive.
i've been using the tin hifi t2's. they're around $50 and sound beautiful for their price, but the tips can be fiddly and they don't come with an inline microphone, so you may have to invest in a wire if you don't already have a standalone mic.

you could also pick up skullcandies or something from the kz line, but i've never got a chance to use them so i can't recommend them.

posted about 2 years ago
#39 baseball in Off Topic

the benefits of living in miami as a marlins fan is being able to pick up a marlins ticket at any time and watch them lose

posted about 2 years ago
#31 really bad tf2 memes (ill start)... in TF2 General Discussion

i'm pretty sure you made all of these memes yourself.

posted about 2 years ago
#14 Horsie's Viewmodel Editor in Customization

this is the type of modding i'd expect out of payday. now to find out how to center everything.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 can i disable pyroland high pitched voices? in Q/A Help
fellenpyroland voices are filtered in real-time, and afaik there's no commands to toggle this

that's what i feared. thanks for the response.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 can i disable pyroland high pitched voices? in Q/A Help

so far i've been able to get rid of most of the visual junk that comes with wearing pyroland cosmetics. i want to know what i can do with the voices. are there specific voicelines within the games files that i can replace, or are the voices' pitch raised by default.


posted about 2 years ago
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