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SteamID64 76561197985807310
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:12770791
Country United States
Signed Up October 11, 2012
Last Posted January 31, 2025 at 2:27 AM
Posts 1173 (0.3 per day)
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Mouse Roccat kone pure military
Keyboard quick fire rapid
Mousepad steel series
Headphones logitech
Monitor asus 144
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 77
#10 donald thembalwethu in The Dumpster
Gritomadidnt notice this was a nearly decade old necro and suddenly thought shitposting got good on this site again

they erased your memory again

posted 1 month ago
#24 new year in The Dumpster

damn...what a year, huh guys?

posted 2 months ago
#9 merry griffmas in World Events

Merry Griffmas to all and to all a good night!

posted 2 months ago
#21 new year in The Dumpster

great year huh guys?

posted about a year ago
#13 new to this competitive bullshit in TF2 General Discussion
loafegriffSomeone needs to step up as a leader because it's clear that the best player in the world isn't doing it. After seeing firsthand the hatred this community has, it's pretty clear why b4nny isn't doing it. I'm telling you right now, it's not going to be me.

I did it.

posted about a year ago
#10 new to this competitive bullshit in TF2 General Discussion

Someone needs to step up as a leader because it's clear that the best player in the world isn't doing it. After seeing firsthand the hatred this community has, it's pretty clear why b4nny isn't doing it. I'm telling you right now, it's not going to be me.

posted about a year ago
#52 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
Sale_boatgriffTake a look around sale, i'm doing my part too man
-keep truckin
also, what are you talking about please tell me

look around sale you can figure it out.

posted about a year ago
#49 Scratchh LFT S30 in Recruitment (looking for team)

you're forgetting one of the first people who gave you a chance.

posted about a year ago
#19 OMG 6 in The Dumpster
griffWhat You Don't Know About Elijah: A Word About the Way This Community Treats Others

As anyone who has been in the community for a while knows about Platypugs, I was the one who saw the problem and poached everyone from that server to make sure that a known cheater didn't get to play, along with all the other toxic players. I made ice cream with Medeev and had Elena carry the server on her back. Ice cream had a great reputation, and I slowly tarnished mine because I was horribly addicted to my home. Platypugs was Elijah's home, and now that everyone close to him has abandoned him, he probably resorted to cheating again (obviously, I have no idea).

Obviously, I owe everyone involved an apology, and I'm showing that by doing my part to make a new community where everyone should be given another chance to play (even banned cheaters). I haven't contacted Elijah; he doesn't know about this. This is more of a forgiveness letter, asking this community to stop spreading hatred towards others.

"and I'm showing that by doing my part to make a new community where everyone should be given another chance to play"

-enough said.

posted about a year ago
#18 OMG 6 in The Dumpster

im trying to help.

posted about a year ago
#17 OMG 6 in The Dumpster
untamedmods, can we delete OMG threads 4-6 because they’re useless for what their initial purpose was in the first place? thx. we must preserve the original OMG legacies

so do you want to make a thread then?, this discussion needs to happen.

posted about a year ago
#14 OMG 6 in The Dumpster
Brimstonethis shit is so unbelievably cringe

Once again, I agree that it is not okay for him to be unbanned, but I already posted my thoughts on this matter earlier. It is unacceptable that we remove people from the community without question. I did not go to Elijah, I did not contact Elijah, and I am not friends with Elijah. This is all conjecture.

posted about a year ago
#13 OMG 6 in The Dumpster
Wicked02what in the fuck are you talking about?grifftacocatOMG threads are officially over because wtf is this lmao
I initially reacted to the responses negatively because that's all I'm getting trying to do the right thing. Please read the thread very carefully, there's a reason it's titled the way it is.
posted about a year ago
#12 OMG 6 in The Dumpster
tacocatOMG threads are officially over because wtf is this lmao

I initially reacted to the responses negatively because that's all I'm getting trying to do the right thing. Please read the thread very carefully, there's a reason it's titled the way it is.

posted about a year ago
#11 OMG 6 in The Dumpster
Brimstonethis shit is so unbelievably cringe

so is saying shit like this.

posted about a year ago
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