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new year
posted in The Dumpster
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haha can't wait, damn 2016 sucks haa
see you guys next years

haha can't wait, damn 2016 sucks haa
see you guys next years
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nobody can die next year

nobody can die next year
11 Frags +

haha dude 2016 lmao people died that like never happens hahaha

haha dude 2016 lmao people died that like never happens hahaha
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see you next year :P

see you next year :P
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flufnobody can die next year

I will never die

[quote=fluf]nobody can die next year[/quote]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yaTCXcvTGY]I will never die[/url]
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bump haAH

bump haAH
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griffbump haAH

you're like 2 weeks late buddy

[quote=griff]bump haAH[/quote]
you're like 2 weeks late buddy
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GrapeJuiceIIIgriffbump haAHyou're like 2 weeks late buddy

i was also like two weeks early last year, who cares everyones always going to complain about "last year" thats the point

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII][quote=griff]bump haAH[/quote]
you're like 2 weeks late buddy[/quote]

i was also like two weeks early last year, who cares everyones always going to complain about "last year" thats the point
7 Frags +

we're stuck in a catch 22
if you lock this thread time stops and we can no longer acknowledge the passage of the years
if you dont griff just gets to shitpost more

we're stuck in a catch 22
if you lock this thread time stops and we can no longer acknowledge the passage of the years
if you dont griff just gets to shitpost more
5 Frags +

damn 2018 really sucked bros..

damn 2018 really sucked bros..
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hey guys it's finally that time again, hopefully 2020 can't be any worse then 2019!

hey guys it's finally that time again, hopefully 2020 can't be any worse then 2019!
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holy shit, 2016 was almost 4 years ago, what the fuck

holy shit, 2016 was almost 4 years ago, what the fuck
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i didnt realize this was a necro'd thread, saw 2016 and just figured this was the shitpost of the day

we're stuck in a catch 22
if you lock this thread time stops and we can no longer acknowledge the passage of the years
if you dont griff just gets to shitpost more

i was 100% right my dumb ass got memory erased by the men in black

i didnt realize this was a necro'd thread, saw 2016 and just figured this was the shitpost of the day


we're stuck in a catch 22
if you lock this thread time stops and we can no longer acknowledge the passage of the years
if you dont griff just gets to shitpost more

i was 100% right my dumb ass got memory erased by the men in black
10 Frags +

Hey Griff can your New year's resolution be to leave me the fuck alone? I blocked you over a year ago and you keep messaging me on other platforms.

Hey Griff can your New year's resolution be to leave me the fuck alone? I blocked you over a year ago and you keep messaging me on other platforms.
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haha can't wait, damn 2020 sucks haa

haha can't wait, damn 2020 sucks haa
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haha can't wait, damn 2021 sucks haa

haha can't wait, damn 2021 sucks haa
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2023 gonna be my year fr…

2023 gonna be my year fr…
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hey guys...2022 kinda sucked...surely 2023 can't be any worse...right?

hey guys...2022 kinda sucked...surely 2023 can't be any worse...right?
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2023 gonna be my year fr…

2023 gonna be my year fr…
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great year huh guys?

great year huh guys?
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2018 was 10 years ago

2018 was 10 years ago
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maraudeRthe passage of time refuses to cease. any who dares log into teamfortress.tv in 2047 will see griff has bumped this thread again, along with a congratulatory thread for b4nny who has won ERGL2A-I Season 142

and many years later I make pilgrimage across the California tundra for the last time,
to the place where Grant Vincent's PC tower once stood, a monolith swallowing the Anaheim skyline.
Its absence shocks me, the only testament to its existence the last few pipes of a heatsink, half a mile wide, sinking into the lake it has created in the permafrost.

A group of teenagers, dressed in styles I cannot possibly understand, are at the shoreline. They hurl stones into the water while having an animated discussion. Though most of their slang means nothing to me, I can parse enough to know they are arguing about unbanning the quickfix.

My wizened face splits into a grin.

[quote=maraudeR]the passage of time refuses to cease. any who dares log into teamfortress.tv in 2047 will see griff has bumped this thread again, along with a congratulatory thread for b4nny who has won ERGL2A-I Season 142[/quote]

and many years later I make pilgrimage across the California tundra for the last time,
to the place where Grant Vincent's PC tower once stood, a monolith swallowing the Anaheim skyline.
Its absence shocks me, the only testament to its existence the last few pipes of a heatsink, half a mile wide, sinking into the lake it has created in the permafrost.

A group of teenagers, dressed in styles I cannot possibly understand, are at the shoreline. They hurl stones into the water while having an animated discussion. Though most of their slang means nothing to me, I can parse enough to know they are arguing about unbanning the quickfix.

My wizened face splits into a grin.
9 Frags +

damn...what a year, huh guys?

damn...what a year, huh guys?
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