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Country Germany
Signed Up July 1, 2013
Last Posted April 22, 2020 at 4:14 PM
Posts 85 (0 per day)
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#5 MMO Mice in Hardware

Should've mentioned that I have already used the naga for a year and didn't really like it.
Also I just wanna try something new. Nothing in particular that annoys me about this mouse aside from a few quirks.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 MMO Mice in Hardware

My Logitech G600 is slowly dying and I don't feel like buying the same mouse twice.

Problem is, that over the years I've gotten used to having at least 9 thumb buttons. So I was wondering what alternatives there are to the G600.
Don't really have a budget either.

posted about 8 years ago
#165 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaInteresting, it might be related to driver support, since a difference between the 2 OS's to that extent doesn't seem right. Also you have a awfully good PC to be using my Potato/Toaster cfg.

Oh I'm not actually using that configuration, just wanted to have an extreme example.
I usually play with dx9frames.

posted about 8 years ago
#163 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaI know this is bit of a necro, but I'm kinda curious if anyone has the capability of showing benchmarks of

Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

I already benchmarked Windows 7 and 10 (Don't have an installation of 8) for another thread, and didn't find a noticable difference.
But since the other test only had an average of 2 benchmarks I decided to do it again with an average of 6.
And oh boy was I wrong before...

Windows 10

Comanglia's Max FPS for Potatoes and Toasters config and dxlevel 81

2639 frames 16.865 seconds 155.49 fps ( 6.61 ms/f) 8.321 fps variability

Chris' dx9frames config and dxlevel 95

2639 frames 19.329 seconds 132.22 fps ( 7.21 ms/f) 6.176 fps variability

Windows 7

Comanglia's Max FPS for Potatoes and Toasters config and dxlevel 81

2639 frames 13.611 seconds 192.02 fps ( 5.19 ms/f) 10.046 fps variability

Chris' dx9frames config and dxlevel 95

2639 frames 17.757 seconds 148.58 fps ( 6.57 ms/f) 6.909 fps variability

This would mean that, with a potatoe configuration, we are looking at difference of 23.5% between Windows 7 and Windows 10.
With dx9frames for both OS's it's "only" 12.3%.

CPU and overclock: 4930K @ 4.4 GHz
Graphics Card: 780

Driver version: 353.62
Resolution: 1920x1080 (Native)
Full-screen or windowed: Full-screen

I wonder if such a big difference in performance only applies to my setup, so maybe someone else can weigh in on this data.

posted about 8 years ago
#116 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
Knuckles_Does that include using a 3rd party program?

And I really just like windowed for the ease of alt-tabbing. The game minimizing triggers me

Well this has existed ever since Windows 8 came out and didn't have the option to disable the Desktop Window Manager anymore. People have tried different solutions to sort of kill the DWM process and thus get around the input lag.
These sort of work on Windows 8, but were still a pain in the ass since everything just kinda broke.

I've looked into this myself after trying out the Windows 10 Tech Preview a month ago and didn't find anything but those wonky work arounds.

So at the moment we are kinda left with fullscreen.

posted about 8 years ago
#101 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
TechDudeYesterday I was able to play TF2 and play a twitch stream on my second monitor without any TF2 frame lag.

Can anyone else confirm this killer feature?

Well when using fullscreen mode it's fine for me as well. But with windowed I can't do anything on my second monitor without getting unbearable input lag.

posted about 8 years ago
#75 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
popcorpSomeone should benchmark fps for Tf2 between Windows 7 and 10, for comparison.

I ran the old benchmark demo from this thread on both my current Windows 7 Profesional installation and the new Windows 10 Pro.

Windows 7:

2639 frames 18.530 seconds 142.42 fps ( 7.02 ms/f) 5.774 fps variability

Windows 10:

2639 frames 18.495 seconds 142.69 fps ( 7.01 ms/f) 6.143 fps variability

So yeah, no actual difference. At least for my configuration.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
DanceNumberRRPJust a warning, i used W10 insider version and i was constantly running into issues with it forcing vsync on in multiple ways and forcing vsync off from ingame settings and gpu drivers drivers did nothing. Also there's no way to disable desktop composition so if you plan to using W10 for gaming pc be prepared for buttload of input lag.

It's possible that final version doesn't have these problems but they effectively scared me off of W10.

Edit: and the W10 forced "vsync" didn't sync to monitor refresh rate but 60fps.

Fullscreen mode should allow the game to have control over the refresh rate.

The problem with that is just that fullscreen mode kinda sucks.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic

Still haven't received the update on any of my devices. Apperently some people are being left in the dark for a while due to Microsoft shipping the OS in waves. Just gotta wait I guess :(

posted about 8 years ago
#30 TF2 update for 7/8/15 (7/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Well, not being able to load maps now kinda killed offline jumping then ._.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 Team Fortress 2 Update Released Jul 2 2015 in News

Yeah the patchnotes didn't say anything about self damage / propulsion from explosions so it might be accidental.
But if this doesn't get changed then jumping is dead and we'll need to like rollback to older versions or something...

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Steam Controller Preorders Up in Hardware

I can finally step up my competitive game.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Harmony in Videos

Just FYI - There's stuff after the credits. Glow's a weird editor

posted about 9 years ago
#36 144hz Not Constant in Q/A Help
yttriumScrewballThere is a thread on on disabling DWM in windows 8.1

I run fullscreen so i never bothered myself.
This is the first I've heard of this.

Could you try this method out, tagg?

After fiddling around with it a little bit I got this working on Windows 10 Technical Preview so I guess it's gonna work on 8 as well, considering that the tutorial wasn't for 10.
Though aside from the (imo)overall worse look, which is the result of removing DWM, there are quite a few bugs, at least on Windows 10.

I mean this technically works, but I'd much rather like an actual fix of how DWM handles multiple displays :/

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Recent Spotify Update in Off Topic

The issue with ctrl + f is extremely annoying. I couldn't think of any reason to remove that.

posted about 9 years ago
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