shocka1harbleuthen you did a really bad job at it, since you completely destroyed the original message/intent behind my post.
Maybe you should read again what you wrote. Unless you want to edit it again, as you have already once.
i never edited the content of my post, i just added more onto the end of it. and no, you're still completely wrong. your "paraphrasing" of my post made it seem as if i was insulting players from lower divisions, which isn't true at all.
shocka1harbleuits not being humble when its true. or are you implying that i was never bad at this game? which if thats the case then thank you :3.
I think you're trolling at this point. Unless, again, you completely missed the point. I was correlating skill increase with an elevation in condescension
you didn't correlate that at all though, you just said i was bad at being humble. that in no way ties skill increase to condensation, and neither did any of your earlier posts either. you would have to somehow prove that i was different back when i was in open, which i assure you i have always viewed this game the same way.
shocka1harbleuthats sad that you refer to yourself as a shitty :( why would you do that?
again, you're probably trolling. but if not, I was clearly mocking you.
i think we got off on the wrong foot here then if you believe i think anyone not in invite is a shitty. i don't think they're as good as invite players and not as fun to watch because the level of play isn't as high, but i completely respect anybody who plays this game and strides to get better. are you saying our metalworks match vs iT or past lans we've played against iT weren't some of the best games of TF2 ever?
shocka1As you can see, this is a community based game. We all support each other. We are supposed to help each other in every way we can, whether it's casts/donations/websites/sizzlingstats/etc...And you are not being cooperative by trying to segregate Invite.
i'm in no way trying to segregate this game. what the hell are you talking about? some of you are basically sticking fingers in you ears and chanting malware, which in 0 ways affected you and are trying to switch over to a league that has 0 foundation in place to support the entire NA scene. im willing to switch if its the best for tf2, but the fact that nahanni has announced she has no intention of replacing esea should make you second guess your whole goals.
shocka1Get off your high horse and realize that some of us paid for you to get on that horse to begin with...
nobody every paid me to get good at this game. there are plenty of hobbies i could have invested my time into to get better at, i chose tf2 because it was the most fun to me. the fact that you are trying to act like people paid me to put in hours of practice a day to get to where im at is a fucking joke.
shocka1the analogy was regarding people donating to invite in any way, shape or form. that comment wasn't specific to harbleau... wait, why am I explaining this to you to begin with. troll
ah, now i see what you were trying to say. you just did a bad job at expressing it clearly. i have always given thanks to anybody in the community that has donated to the game. the fact that the community was able to send 2 teams to i46 and HRG to i49 is amazing. i have always taken pride that our team rarely asks for money, the last time i think we did was back on flow s11 when brad really came up with the donation strategy. i've always stated that people can chose what they want to donate to, nobody is forcing them to help teams attend lan. but the fact is a lot of people love watching lan matches and love seeing the competition so they're willing to pitch in. again you keep trying to make it seem like i look down on lower skilled players but that is completely the opposite. i started back in ugc and know what its like playing through it, i hope some day to see many of those players currently in ugc make it to invite and compete at the top. people play the game for different reasons, some play just for fun and don't care about increasing in skill level, i understand that. i had the most fun getting better and playing against better competition.