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Last Posted December 26, 2021 at 2:43 AM
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#244 TeamFortress.TV ZOWIE Invitational in News

that spawn wave manipulation ... although it doesn't seem to have any effect in this case? Do wave times only get bumped when possession switches from one team to another, rather than capturing an uncapped point?

honestly we were just as confused as you are. i yelled at squid and enigma to get off the cap but with banny pushing them they had to cap before we could spawn. somehow it didn't effect our spawns which i don't really understand.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Plat Players in TF2 General Discussion
Rankis it weird to not use asdf to move or something

most people use wsad

posted about 11 years ago
#336 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

also nerd essays the thread

posted about 11 years ago
#335 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
shocka1harbleuthen you did a really bad job at it, since you completely destroyed the original message/intent behind my post.
Maybe you should read again what you wrote. Unless you want to edit it again, as you have already once.

i never edited the content of my post, i just added more onto the end of it. and no, you're still completely wrong. your "paraphrasing" of my post made it seem as if i was insulting players from lower divisions, which isn't true at all.

shocka1harbleuits not being humble when its true. or are you implying that i was never bad at this game? which if thats the case then thank you :3.
I think you're trolling at this point. Unless, again, you completely missed the point. I was correlating skill increase with an elevation in condescension

you didn't correlate that at all though, you just said i was bad at being humble. that in no way ties skill increase to condensation, and neither did any of your earlier posts either. you would have to somehow prove that i was different back when i was in open, which i assure you i have always viewed this game the same way.

shocka1harbleuthats sad that you refer to yourself as a shitty :( why would you do that?
again, you're probably trolling. but if not, I was clearly mocking you.

i think we got off on the wrong foot here then if you believe i think anyone not in invite is a shitty. i don't think they're as good as invite players and not as fun to watch because the level of play isn't as high, but i completely respect anybody who plays this game and strides to get better. are you saying our metalworks match vs iT or past lans we've played against iT weren't some of the best games of TF2 ever?

shocka1As you can see, this is a community based game. We all support each other. We are supposed to help each other in every way we can, whether it's casts/donations/websites/sizzlingstats/etc...And you are not being cooperative by trying to segregate Invite.

i'm in no way trying to segregate this game. what the hell are you talking about? some of you are basically sticking fingers in you ears and chanting malware, which in 0 ways affected you and are trying to switch over to a league that has 0 foundation in place to support the entire NA scene. im willing to switch if its the best for tf2, but the fact that nahanni has announced she has no intention of replacing esea should make you second guess your whole goals.

shocka1Get off your high horse and realize that some of us paid for you to get on that horse to begin with...

nobody every paid me to get good at this game. there are plenty of hobbies i could have invested my time into to get better at, i chose tf2 because it was the most fun to me. the fact that you are trying to act like people paid me to put in hours of practice a day to get to where im at is a fucking joke.

shocka1the analogy was regarding people donating to invite in any way, shape or form. that comment wasn't specific to harbleau... wait, why am I explaining this to you to begin with. troll

ah, now i see what you were trying to say. you just did a bad job at expressing it clearly. i have always given thanks to anybody in the community that has donated to the game. the fact that the community was able to send 2 teams to i46 and HRG to i49 is amazing. i have always taken pride that our team rarely asks for money, the last time i think we did was back on flow s11 when brad really came up with the donation strategy. i've always stated that people can chose what they want to donate to, nobody is forcing them to help teams attend lan. but the fact is a lot of people love watching lan matches and love seeing the competition so they're willing to pitch in. again you keep trying to make it seem like i look down on lower skilled players but that is completely the opposite. i started back in ugc and know what its like playing through it, i hope some day to see many of those players currently in ugc make it to invite and compete at the top. people play the game for different reasons, some play just for fun and don't care about increasing in skill level, i understand that. i had the most fun getting better and playing against better competition.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion
EggplantDidn't you lose in one of the showmatches? Or the nations cup? I forget...

nope won ours against TCM, nations cup wasn't with mix^.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion
deadmau5why do people say without lan theres no reason/incentive to get better at the game, ETF2L doesnt have a lan at the end of each season afaik and they still kicked mix^/hrg's asses

im pretty sure we've never lost to a european team, the fact that we didn't attend i49 is irrelevant.

posted about 11 years ago
#323 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
shocka1harbleuim speaking from past experience. good job editing my quote though to make me look like a dick.
I didn't edit, I paraphrased for you.

then you did a really bad job at it, since you completely destroyed the original message/intent behind my post.

shocka1harbleui was bad at this game.now you're bad at being humble.

its not being humble when its true. or are you implying that i was never bad at this game? which if thats the case then thank you :3.

shocka1haven't seen this at all. as other people were stating, it gets requested by players OUTSIDE of the team that could get casted. and it has nothing to do with entitlement. Unlike Invite players who are so used to being casted that it is pretty much meaningless to them, us lower division shitties get excited when we might get casted.

thats sad that you refer to yourself as a shitty :( why would you do that? its still a sense of entitlement from lower level players in general that their matches deserve to be casted. nobody is stopping anyone from those divisions from casting games in their own division, but the truth is more people like watching NFL over high school football. its the same with invite and open.

posted about 11 years ago
#317 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
shocka1is it also a requirement, that if I want to make invite, I have to act like a complete condescending asshole?

im speaking from past experience. good job editing my quote though to make me look like a dick. i was bad at this game. im not one of these players who was invite since the game came out. i started out at the bottom. again in no way was i trying to mock lower divisions, but the fact that they act so entitled to think they deserve to be casted over invite games is beyond me.

maybe i just had a different mentality back when i was new. i never thought a game of mine was worth casting until i made playoffs with vires s5 and got to the finals.

posted about 11 years ago
#311 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
frknto be honest, most of the invite matches this season have been boring as hell to watch

depends, most of the ones with us/iT against other teams are. but the middle of the pack of invite is pretty competitive. i've enjoyed watching a lot of their matches.

posted about 11 years ago
#309 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

i played in open back before there was intermediate or main. i never expected to get respect for playing in open. i played with the goal of making invite in mind and finally getting recognized and noticed there. the only thing that should really be getting casted at all in open/im/main is playoffs. that's not to say if someone wants to cast a lower division game they shouldn't, the more casted games the merrier. but honestly its regular season and invite matches are played at a much higher skill level and more interesting to watch, if you want recognition get better and make invite. don't expect it handed to you while you're still playing against weaker competition.

thats not to say im trying to shit on newer players. but if your goal is to get recognized then keep practicing and keep getting better and eventually you will be. just enjoy it, have fun. honestly some of the most fun i had playing the game was back when i was in open/ugc. there was so much competition and i had clear goals that i wanted to achieve.

posted about 11 years ago
#289 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
downpourpeople make valid points and arguments, people say that they are mad and should calm down.
Invite matches are a pile of shit this season, Main has had far better and more interesting matches.
I think TF2 would be better off without invite.


posted about 11 years ago
#284 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethUS is bigger than Europe and slightly more expensive, but for a country that prides itself for doing things bigger and better than any other nation on earth, it shouldn't be a problem right?

you do know that nobody besides rednecks and idiots actually believes that, right? also did you just try to imply that pride will help pay the extra amount it costs to attend lan here? i'll have to let them know that next time i book my flight.

HildrethRemember, I-series is to, a community LAN based in the UK in which during the summer, the European TF2 community has turned into the best TF2 event of the year.

a community lan with tons of sponsor support and piggybacking off an already huge lan event. there are only 3 lans i can think of that have that here, and only one that is central. quakecon would be the only possible option right now. ETS and PAX are both east coast and would make it too hard for anyone from cali to attend.

HildrethIt can be done, don't delude yourselves that is can't. It just requires people to actually pull out the stops and sacrifice things, even if it is mostly focusing on one side of the country to begin with, the others will flock in. For i-series, majority of people in attendance are from Western Europe but we do have a lot of Eastern/Central/Scandinavians attend. Only the community can make it happen though...

again please don't try to compare european lans to american ones. flights in europe cost maybe half of what they do here. if a flight to texas only cost me $150 i would be fine paying the whole trip myself every 4 months. i agree a community driven lan is possible and i would love to see it happen, but to try and argue that because the i-series lan works that one would work as simply here is completely ignoring all of the differences between our continents. if we wanted to only have 1 huge lan a year like europe does then that's fine with me, but it better be a damn good one and people better attend. i feel that if we switched over to this new system everyone wants most people wouldn't even attend a lan because they're either too young or they wouldn't have $500 to pay for flights and hotels to attend it.

posted about 11 years ago
#279 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
zephyrPoor choice of words, what I meant is that there is the incentive there. I'm aware that most LAN attendees lose money and are going just because they want to. What I meant is that if the money wasnt there at all, I really doubt that anyone would attend every 4 or whatever months it is.

Of course they wouldn't. if there was no prize-pot to pay for flights then it would cost way too much money to attend every 4 months. like i said though, if esea stopped having a prize pot and just paid for everyone's flights im sure a lot of people would still love to attend. this isn't europe where everyone can drive 4-5 hours and make lan, or where flights only cost $150. I've bought my ticket early the last 4 lans and it still has cost me almost $400 each time for it.

posted about 11 years ago
#277 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
zephyrI don't doubt that they love playing in a fair LAN environment at the skill level they're used to, but you can't honestly lead me to believe that they dont care about the thousands of dollars in prize cash. Even if they're breaking even or losing a little bit, the reason they're going is for the cash (as well as every other aspect of LAN's, I'm sure it's a blast).

don't assume please. why would teams that know they're going to come in 3rd or 4th attend lan if they know they will lose money? almost nobody plays this game for the money. while it is a nice incentive, if esea stopped having a prizepot and just paid for everyone's flights instead i would still love to attend it.

posted about 11 years ago
#275 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoWOuld also like to add that the portuguese community hosts 3 lans a year (march, summer, dezember). While the size is not near as comparable as a russian lan or NA lan it shows how community organized events can be created and successful.

We host it in a hotel lobby as well, with capacity capped at 50 people and every lan the spots are all taken within 1 week after its announced and there are usually well over 20 people in waiting list

The idea that the tf2 community is not capable of hosting or creating their own events is bullshit.

portugal is literally smaller than my state of virginia. the fact that everybody in the country is within driving distance of a lan helps quite a bit in terms of attendance. this is the big reason every lan besides esea lan is just comprised of pug teams. without a prize pot to help pay for flights it would be too expensive to fly out a whole team. i've driven 15 hours straight to attend ETS lan up in canada before, but this shouldn't be expected of everyone. the US is a big fucking country and it just isn't as easy to hold a lan everyone can attend here like it is in europe. anyway i've remained mostly silent as these threads have gone on but i just thought i'd point this out. the comparison between european lans and american ones is a pretty stupid one.

posted about 11 years ago
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