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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted December 26, 2021 at 2:43 AM
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#28 tpa ezreal skin in Other Games


posted about 11 years ago
#25 Classic Mixup vs. Leviathan Gaming on cp_process in Events
morning_foxMrPoT4tOYou know, this bump gave me an idea: If someone has old stvs (that still work) wouldn't it be a cool idea to do some casts of them? For nostalgia sake.no

the idea actually sounds kind of neat, no need to be a dick. i still have some old pov's/stv's from past seasons. maybe have something with a couple of players from the match commenting on it and remembering plays from it.

posted about 11 years ago
#82 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
ScubaSquidi just dont understand how someone can be satisfied in any game where they are rewarded for getting kills from any type of turret/auto aiming/firing weapon lol. At that point it feels like your just playing the game for the sake of playing and not to have fun with it.
Also, what I've always wondered is what is the difference in skill level between someone who plays engie in steel versus someone whos on a top platinum team? I guess same goes for heavy too

Basically, highlander brings out alot of the things that irritate me about this game

i'd bring up the same comparison to medic in 6v6. everyone thinks they can play the class and that it doesn't take any skill while in reality there are only 3-4 players who are truly good at the class. yes you can play it and be semi-effective but there is still a much higher skill ceiling that is attainable. its hard to explain the things that make a top medic different than just any random high level one, but its normally those situations where the player makes you just go "wow" after pulling something off. its the same with engie/heavy in HL. there are very few actual good ones, and to most people they wouldn't really notice the difference between watching them play. but playing on a team with a high level heavy compared to a new/decent one (looking at you panic) its night and day.

posted about 11 years ago
#80 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSire1) Players from other games, mostly other competitive games (namely, TFC and CS), tried to etch out a competitive way to play TF2. This very clearly meant striking a balance between the order a competitive format demands and the chaos that the TF2 system supplied. Multiple formats were tested, 6v6 became a palatable way of organizing and executing competitive games that seemed more devoid of the spammy and casual happenings of the public/non-specialized game.

a big reason 6v6 became the more "standard" gametype was more due to the fact that its much easier getting 12 players on than 18, and that lans are much easier to organize/attend with only 6 players. the game and the meta has changed so much since release that maybe it is time to reevaluate the most effective format and see if the same findings still hold true.

BLoodSire2) That Public game
posted about 11 years ago
#77 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
TwinqeAs a previously only HL player, I find it to be a slow clusterfuck much of the time compared to 6s. I get bored of things like the heavy and sentry guns. I feel more accomplished when I win in 6s. I also think executing a great push is far more satisfying in 6s than in HL.

But HL is fun for me to screw around in still.

gametypes don't determine if a team plays passive or aggressive, players do. the meta for last esea was slow as fuck and it wasn't just because of the quickfix. HRG played a passive style and our team wasn't confident enough to play aggressive against them which led to the whole game being slow.

if people ever watch mTs play they will see our team almost never plays slow, even against teams that are notoriously passive. i will agree that more teams in HL play passive than most in 6s but that is definitely not a fault of the gametype; it is a fault of the teams either being too uncoordinated to play aggressive or just them believing that playing slow is most effective for them.

posted about 11 years ago
#55 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

pretty much what skyrolla said. both take skill, people that think HL takes less skill than 6s probably have never played it or only played at silver level. I enjoy highlander because it lets me practice my calling a lot more than 6s. communication in HL is huge and having your whole team on the same page takes a lot more skill than it does in 6v6. both are fun and challenging in their own regards.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 UGC Plat Highlander: Menace To Society vs. Street Hoops in Events

don't think anyone implied that. its like having mix^ vs hrg on and casting two low invite teams. its a disservice to the community and fans who want to watch. im not saying lower level matches shouldn't be casted but the hype matches between top teams should always be a higher priority. anyway i'll probably end up streaming my pov so people will at least have some way to watch it.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Charter Internet in SoCal in Off Topic

you'll probably still have 100 ping, atleast enigma does almost every night.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 A very late i46 frag video in TF2 General Discussion

i had some cool plays that lan besides just blowing myself up :x

posted about 11 years ago
#28 harbleu bowling champion in Off Topic
likowait did you imput "harb" as your name in bowling?

is calling people by their gaming nicknames irl a thing?

marisa and i met online so she is really used to calling me harb.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Gauging Interest for an Idea in TF2 General Discussion

sounds like an awesome idea. i'd love to see something like this

posted about 11 years ago
#12 harbleu bowling champion in Off Topic
FzeroHow the hell do you get 50? Grab a heavy ball and toss that shit in the middle to at least get 6-7 pins.

i did that! but since my fingers are kinda weird the end up bending funny when i throw the ball...

posted about 11 years ago
#463 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
9:12 PM - a little girl: harbbbb hook us up
9:12 PM - a little girl: with a scrim
9:13 PM - harbleu + marisa + nova: IM DOING HIGHLANDER
9:13 PM - harbleu + marisa + nova: #YOLO
9:13 PM - a little girl: thats fine, i mean like
9:13 PM - a little girl: later
9:14 PM - a little girl: pls im begging you
9:14 PM - harbleu + marisa + nova: we are alraeding scrimmin alfas team
9:15 PM - a little girl: i mean like SOMETIME
9:15 PM - a little girl: so that i can say 'ya harbs team will play us sometime, dunno when though"


posted about 11 years ago
#408 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
OOVOOVpsh as if both you kids arent trash



posted about 11 years ago
#162 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
TerywjI personally find it no coincidence that Platinum, TLR, and Seagull are on the same team and are all superstar pockets, excellent Demomen, and strong roamers

TLR, excellent demo?
Platinum, strong roamer?


posted about 11 years ago
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