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Signed Up January 12, 2014
Last Posted April 1, 2017 at 5:10 AM
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#24 AVI Recorder in Projects
dd5fIs it possible to use a h264 codec?

I'm running rather low on disk space and i can't find the h264 codec in the codec list.
I don't mind converting the AVIs into mp4 after recording but being able to instantly have them as mp4 would save some time.

The tool is designed to work with lossless codecs only, the h264 requires to submit the number of frames in advance, which the program can't know. However it seems to handle programs that don't send the number of total frames so I can unlock the codec if you want. Use at your own risk though, if you use h264 you might aswell use OBS or Nvidia Shadowplay because quality won't be lossless.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 AVI Recorder in Projects
Gibushl2mukkelGibushey i just made a video using this tool and the audio isnt synced up to the video :/

it starts out fine but by the end the audio is 3 secs ahead of the video. did i do something wrong?

(might be kinda hard to hear the in game sound over the music)

Could you tell me the settings you used and perhaps upload the demo so I can try to reproduce it? The program essentially appends all audio data it finds to the AVI file. Does it work fine when you use virtualdub? Note that audio isn't always synced up from the source recorder in source engine, however it could be a bug.

Here's what you can do: Record with the source recorder recorder while having "Delete TGA files on process" off, then render it in VirtualDub additionally. If you find difference in the quality of the movies, it's definitely a bug in the AVI recorder.

i rendered uncompressed with 60fps (8 frames processed per frame with 180 degree shutter) at 1080p

ive used srcdemo2 and sdr with virtualdub before and never had this issue

heres a link to the demos, i used the stv demo and start tick is at 207k

Alright I did some testing where I left the TGA frames and the audio stream the source engine produced intact. Here is a comparison of the audio stream of the AVIRecorder AVI file (top) and the WAV file produced by the source engine (bottom): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_ChJn3mlIOgaWJVNFRUMnlZcU0

Additionally I rendered a movie showing a comparison between the AVIRecorder AVI file (left) and TGA files + WAV file (right) [compiled using VirtualDub 480 fps]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_ChJn3mlIOgelExSE0teTNyNlE

The conclusions I draw from this are that the AVIRecorder does his job properly, the problem is the output of the Source Recorder being de-synced. This isn't new however, I've had this countless number of times and was fixed by streching the video.

Both the video stream and the audio stream are timewise identical. Additionally the tool does not manipulate the game in any way, all it does is write config files and start the game process using some command line arguments. The TGAs are fetched from the filesystem, not from the game.

AVIRecorder did its job properly, its the output from the Source Recorder that was desynced. You could try recording manually with host_framerate 480 and see if the issue presists, but on my machine it does.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 AVI Recorder in Projects
Gibushey i just made a video using this tool and the audio isnt synced up to the video :/

it starts out fine but by the end the audio is 3 secs ahead of the video. did i do something wrong?

(might be kinda hard to hear the in game sound over the music)

Could you tell me the settings you used and perhaps upload the demo so I can try to reproduce it? The program essentially appends all audio data it finds to the AVI file. Does it work fine when you use virtualdub? Note that audio isn't always synced up from the source recorder in source engine, however it could be a bug.

Here's what you can do: Record with the source recorder recorder while having "Delete TGA files on process" off, then render it in VirtualDub additionally. If you find difference in the quality of the movies, it's definitely a bug in the AVI recorder.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 AVI Recorder in Projects
D3M1G0DAnd all it took was a message, donation and some motivation. I'm so proud of you man, you've done fantastic work here and I'm extremely happy to be a part of it!

For those who use this tool, I highly suggest donating even a tiny amount of money to OP. He put a LOT of effort into this and I'd hate to see it get leeched.

Thanks man! And thanks again for your donation, I probably wouldn't have gotten back to work on it without you!

dd5fThis is pretty neat
Only issue i currently have is that it crashes when trying to change codec :(

Did you install .NET Framework 4.6.2? I have another german friend who has this issue aswell, however 3 other people that tested this were fine. If this keeps happening, make sure to submit an issue on the project site so I'll not forget about this.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 AVI Recorder in Projects
DoctorMiggyhow does quality/filecompression compare to something like ShadowPlay

The output of this program (given that you use a lossless codec or record uncompressed) is without any loss in quality. Since the Source Recorder is a non-realtime recorder the output won't have any lags either, which can happen in realtime recording. ShadowPlay uses h264 at high bitrates, however while the quality is decent it's nowhere near lossless.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 AVI Recorder in Projects

After the previous tools I released such as "The Crosshair Switcher", "PldX Recording Tool" and "Source Recording Tool" I decided to make the last iteration of my recording tool public.

This program allows you to use the Source Recorder with the ease of Fraps. You press F9 to start/stop recording and it'll produce frameblended, ready-to-use AVI files using a vfw codec (such as Lagarith or MagicYUV). It skips the VirtualDub step essentially. Not only is this more performant, it also saves you a lot of time. Please read the documentation so you won't run into surprises, there's also an FAQ at the bottom. You can use this tool with HLAE/Lawena together if you prefer.


If you have any issues, please post them on the repository, not here.

Have fun and happy recording! Kappa

posted about 7 years ago



Thank you so much for hosting this cup and keeping the ultiduo scene alive! :)

posted about 8 years ago
#66 EU Ultiduo Tournaments - 64+ Key Prize Pool in TF2 General Discussion

Lower tier


Soldier: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048722469/
Medic: steamcommunity.com/id/hl2mukkel/

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Aron Ultiduo Soldier Legacy in Videos
Obitorrit3) why have i never heard of him
It looks like he went by a different alias before he switched accounts and began aliasing as Aron.

Hey there,

I've always been known by the name Aron. I'm changing names quite often. In the past my name was ProjecTile, but back then I was pretty much playing public only on dustbowl & cp_floodzone. My old account is steamcommunity.com/id/AronParker (alias http://steamcommunity.com/id/DreamStalkers/, the one you just listed).

I don't use my old account anymore because of this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2431626/why.png . Essentially I always wanted to own the Valve Complete Pack, but I had 50% of those games already so valve did not want to give me additional copies.

I manipulated my tf2 stats though, so they're accurate hour-wise.

Sorry for the long post.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Aron Competitive Legacy in Videos


Enjoy! :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Aron Ultiduo Soldier Legacy in Videos



posted about 9 years ago
#2 ETF2L Season 20 Highlights in Videos

Excellent frags, excellent music & excellent editing aswell :)

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Skipping ticks bugs sound in demos. in Q/A Help
RainofLightsorry to necro but I think I'm the first person to find the fix to this bug

for whatever reason skipping ticks on certain maps sets snd_soundmixer to FreezeCam_Only

snd_soundmixer Default_Mix is the fix

That is goddamn amazing, how did you find this? :O My life is no longer a mystery

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Ultiduo Medic Passion in Videos


skip to 2:20 if bored

I apologize for the spam of videos lately, this will be the last ultiduo medic video for a while :P

I hope you enjoy :)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 BBall Fragvideo 3 by Aron in Videos
TitzyDidn't know you still play tf2, this makes me happy =DD

Didn't know anyone still knows me :D! Thanks for your feedback! c:

posted about 9 years ago
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