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SteamID64 76561197991269785
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:15502028
Country Greenland
Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted March 6, 2025 at 7:15 AM
Posts 517 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 34
#29 what do you think about ai? in Off Topic
drinksterIt’s helping me through my first year of college so I fuck w ai, just pray that none of you guys dont end up being treated by me cause i dont know what im doing

me when i go to a place of learning i pay for to not learn

posted 3 hours ago
#102 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion


posted 1 month ago
#8 Space Exploration Vs. After Life Exploration in Off Topic
BrockDbabe wake up, new brock schizo post just dropped
What exactly made you decide to go with that letter of the alphabet for that name, was it for Dumb, because you made a Dumb fuckin post. That circle jerk your riding has gotta be running outta air by now.

Deez nuts lmfao

posted 2 months ago
#22 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion


I'm not a pedophile. I have relationships with women, and jerk off to kids

posted 6 months ago
#3 Favorite part about Tf2's gameplay? in TF2 General Discussion
ravenShooting stickies at my medic and watching him die

Emergent Gameplay

posted 6 months ago
#18 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic


posted 7 months ago
#35 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion

OP i will find out where you live (creepy) and rig a piano outside your front door to drop on your head looney tunes style (not creepy), pancaking your body and replacing your teeth with keys from the piano.

posted 7 months ago
#3 teamfortress.tv shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic

i feel like theres a significant amount of names missing. wheres pankyman

posted 7 months ago
#18 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion

dressing up like a witch doctor, going on Women's Tiktok to learn how to make Hex Jars and how to cast Magicks to banish this fool

posted 7 months ago
#2 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion

appeal to my cock and balls troglodyte bitch. begone

posted 7 months ago
#15 Who the fuck is aimisadick & why are you creepy in Site Discussion

bitch your steam profile is linked on your tftv profile page you freak dumbgass

its crazy when youre the 1000thh person in this websites 12 year life span to post about how people should actually be playing highlander instead of 6v6 but with more words, then people decide to check your steam profile to see whether youre a retard full time or just part time.

im not owned,,, im not owned i continue to insist

posted 7 months ago
#13 Who the fuck is aimisadick & why are you creepy in Site Discussion
TynnyriSo you're saying you're being creepy because...you disagreed with my post.


me when i post publicly available inane garbage and then get confronted with the inane garbage i post

posted 7 months ago
#10 Ergonomic mouse users in Hardware
tragicI have severe carpal tunnel on both of my wrists, surgery is most likely needed. I went through a rabbit hole of egro mouse, keyboard, etc setups. I cannot stress enough that you want to keep your wrists leveled and minimize movement as much as possible.

Here is the secret sauce that I've found.

A split keyboard is a game changer and you won't go back. With standard keyboards, you're always shrugging your shoulders and your wrists are cramped. With a split keyboard, you'll be able to keep your wrists leveled and you can adjust it however you want. The flexibility is nice. It takes a little bit to get used to. Fair warning if you don't know how to type properly, it will be harder to start. I use the tilt and it's perfect. Highly recommend.

Kinesis Edge - https://gaming.kinesis-ergo.com/edge/

Avoid trackpads. They aren't good for your wrists, it's all wrist movement. The vast majority of mice are also terrible. Since I program for a living, I use a trackball mouse (for work) and a vertical mouse (for gaming). Even when I'm not gaming, I use my trackball mouse. You have little to no wrist movement. With a vertical mouse, you'll be forced to move the mouse with your arm instead of your wrists. Takes a little bit to get used to.

Kensington SlimBlade Pro - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BLRQ4116/
Logitech MX Vertical - https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Vertical-Wireless-Mouse-Rechargeable/dp/B07FNJB8TT/

Depending on how much pain you're in, you'll want to brace in different ways. Not all braces are the same.

Daily - Whenever I'm on the computer, this is what I use. It helps reduce my movement even more and feels nice when I'm having a bad pain day.

Sleeping - You would be surprised how much you move your wrists. If you have a bad night with how you position your wrists, it will suck very hard that day.

Physical activity - You'll most likely be using your arms/wrists. It's important to brace so you don't turn it the wrong way and injury yourself.

My case is extreme and the worst of the worst. You might not need to go this deep but this is what I've found to help me and reduce pain significantly.

Feel free to message on Steam if you need more info.

this is all very good advice. my symptoms aren't nearly as severe but ever since switching to a logitech MX Ergo for regular desktop usage and just switching to my deathadder when im gaming seriously (and trying to be mindful of how long ive been gaming for) i very rarely experience severe pain like i used to. theres the gameball and gameball thumb if you want to go that route as well but i have no idea about them. that's probably about the fastest and easiest (not cheapest) advice, stop using a regular mouse

go see a physical therapist and they will give you accurate advice about what stretches to do that will actually help, what is actually going on etc.

posted 8 months ago
#16 Timeguessr in Other Games

Some one de throne this little bitch Very annouyed by his smug-ass aura he keeps talking about "longitude" and "latitude" and pointing out when people have bare feet in the photos down mumble like a weirdo. Real sick of his shit

posted 9 months ago
#7 Timeguessr in Other Games

post your most devious scores


posted 9 months ago
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