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Last Posted June 16, 2021 at 1:58 PM
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#81 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion

Ha Ha Ha!!! You kids are getting everything you have coming to you. Enjoy!!!

posted about 3 years ago
#169 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
Karlinfinite-yea yea first it was redrum, then me, now kumori.. at some point don't you have to ask yourself.. my god, could it be me?
you're the retard who fucked up the s12 hl prize pool by making it credit card donations only and no option for paypal, and before that being a massive asshole to anyone and everyone.

you mean the retard that organized the whole thing and threw 400$ of his own money into it? You mean the retard that created the first ever community funded prize pool in TF2? Not accepting paypal was a tax/financial decision given to me by my accountant, of whom I generally don't disagree with.

maybe I've missed something since being away but what have you done, karl, other than have an opinion? talk is cheap bud

posted about 7 years ago
#137 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
infinite-GG boys and girls glad I left at the peak and enormous success at UGC :)
you in general made incorrect choices but still got carried by really good admins under you and the fact you were the only place for 13 year old pyro mains with no money

then you handed the league over to the worst possible replacement who's been aggressively driving it into the ground

nice legacy shitcunt

yea yea first it was redrum, then me, now kumori.. at some point don't you have to ask yourself.. my god, could it be me?

posted about 7 years ago
#127 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetsco_who would have thought that esea might die quicker than hl
HL has been the thorn in the side of 6's since the beginning. That idiotic game mode has attracted way more new players because it has such a low learning curve as compared to 6's.

6's is clearly the better game mode for top level play, its not even debatable. HL is really just a joke but they eat up the new player base because playing in a pub is like playing HL.

Imagine the 6's community with the HL player base folded into it. We would have several thriving divisions.

Gimme a fucking break - the circlejerk 6s community dug its own grave years ago with it's closed mindedness and lack of support for new ideas. Newer players didn't like the game you created - period. All the casts, kmart esea lans, comp guides, noob mixes, et al did little because the format itself was unsustainable. The only thing that kept it going as long as it did was UGC and the explosive growth of highlander. If someone had the balls to seriously merge the formats into prolander and not shat on everyone elses efforts and blamed UGC for your own failures you might have gotten a couple more years out of it.

Lange worked up a great deal for all you kids at CEVO after bitgate and you shat on his efforts and stuck with a bunch of crooks over a kmart LAN for the circlejerk. Now Sigafoo (dont even know him) is the only one of you that has the balls to put his money where his mouth is and try to keep the game going and bridge the gap between 6s failures and HL's popularity. But guess what? Your all shitting on him as well.

GG boys and girls glad I left at the peak and enormous success at UGC :)

posted about 7 years ago
#14 NA ugc team numbers compared to esea in TF2 General Discussion

Looks more like a missed opportunity to me than anything else.

posted about 7 years ago
#297 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

he's upset/frustrated because you've all destroyed any potential this game had with all the bans, circlejerks, same maps, shitting on new players/new popular formats, etc etc. he's dedicated a large portion of his life to getting good at this game and now theres nobody around to see it. nice work 6s

posted about 8 years ago
#15 #EngineerCanIntoCompetition in TF2 General Discussion

maybe if gunslinger and wrangler wasn't banned engineer would have more options but sadly he's been intentionally pigeon-holed by a bunch of scouts and soldiers.


posted about 8 years ago
#611 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordbowswer5I'm pretty sure the ESEA vs CEVO mentality was entirely a community-created conflict to keep ESEA LAN but more leagues weren't going to split the community any more than UGC 'splits' up the community.
It does though

do I need to retell the story of infinite killing Marxist's plan to integrate UGC 6s and esea-o a lot more

Still blaming me for the 6s communities failures? Still whining and complaining about everyone elses work?

How's this for an unpopular opinion:

For literally years and years the 6s community has hemmed and hawed about why their game mode doesn't grow and reach their expectations. At first it was all valve's fault for not seeing their point of view and implementing matchmaking. Then it was UGC's fault for not "officially" becoming a feeder league for ESEA-O. Even though the more obvious choice is an ESEA-FREE league to feed itself but that's a poor business decision AKA BS excuse you all licked up with pleasure from your ESEA gods. Additionally mustard, all our league data is public so if you manned up and actually did some work yourself you could have organized your own feeder program based off our results.. but that would mean you'd actually have to do some work yourself, wouldn't it? Now I am reading its all Highlander's fault 6s is still slowly dying or didn't reach its expected peak. This is the best argument to date - the fact that UGC (and ETF2L) helped bridge the gap for 10s of thousands of public players to get a taste of competition is somehow a bad thing.

Maybe.. just maybe.. its time to take some responsibility that the problems 6s faces are inherit in of itself, the decisions the small circlejerk enigma and company have made about maps, weapon bans, support/coverage on their news sites, etc over the years creating a format thats boring to watch (Valve 2014) and has very little appeal to the player base at large.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 Valve launches competitive beta public group in News
enigmakKaltUuhe's right thoughhe's actually completely wrong

highlander is a community-developed gamemode that removes class switching entirely from the game and arbitrarily enforces the all-classes-are-equal mantra which the developers (to my face) have said was never intended

Maybe so, but they certainly didn't intend for the same 4 classes to be used 90% of the time and a significant amount of content arbitrarily banned.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 The Highlander Open in News

Neat event though I am disappointed there isn't any official NA support.

If it's a "world cup" why not have an NA division and then have some equitable server sharing for the later stages if an NA team makes it that far?

posted about 10 years ago
#56 CEVO Community Meeting #2 in TF2 General Discussion
What will CEVO management do/handle things that have plague leagues like UGC? Such acts like racism, sexism, inappropriate behavior and unsportsmanlike conduct? I know this is a very difficult thing to tackle, but is there any sort of disciplinary rules to prevent such acts from becoming frequent?

All of what you listed are covered under section 8 of our rules. If teams encounter this type of behavior file a dispute and the offenders will be punished. We can do nothing unless a dispute is filed and it is brought to our attention. My apologies for posting in this thread but since we were specifically named I wanted to clear the misconception.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Idea for Showmatch in TF2 General Discussion

Interesting. How do you propose we handle servers? Is it even playable for Asian teams to join NA servers or vice versa?

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Nominations for a thing in TF2 General Discussion
I want to have a show match of sorts, with some major deviations from the way TF2 is competitively played. In fact, I'm hoping this can be the first of a series of showmatches featuring new and varied gameplay.

Sal, can you elaborate on this more? What are you going to change?

posted about 11 years ago
#20 UGC Community Donation Drive in News
Firefly and Pudding Cup are amongst the most upstanding people in the HL community, I agree but this won't affect how people respond if they don't intend to do it. Remember the donation drive for i49 was organised by upstanding people and that didn't stop the players involved being unresponsive. The only way to stop it is to bug them like hell, I don't doubt people will need prompting a lot to fulfill their obligations. The character of one individual won't change the character of several others.

Well that's your opinion which is cool, but I still have some hope left and maybe you will be pleasantly surprised. Only time will tell.

Minimal rewards result in minimal efforts, that is my point - Now ultimately, if you're given a small sum for winning a league and then you get messaged you need to make time to mentor Donator A, Sign weapons for Donator B and you are the sort of person who puts minimal effort into committments, it isn't a motivator - You're looking for reliable people to do this and my experience of top tier TF2 is people sure as hell ain't reliable.

Same as above, guess I am more optimistic than you. There are limits to what we can do as a community run league and not for profit. If we charged and profited off our players then we could offer more, but that isnt the model we strive for and there are other leagues which already offer that service.

Interesting how every comment you make is a lead on to attempt to destroy the character of the person who opposes your point of view, because trying to address the issues without coming across as a tool is beyond your mental capabilities. I did mention to one of my friends I might be interested, seeing how talking to UGC admins in the past has proven to be akin to talking to a brick wall with patronising graffiti sprayed on it, I haven't bothered to contact anyone. I am guessing my friend you refer to is Elena, she told me she talked to RedRum, but never specified what about and I didn't care enough to ask since I have much more on my plate right now. And no I don't intend to help, if it means working with you I'd rather not.

I am honestly not trying to criticize.. cause literally last night in a meeting it came up that Elena mentioned you were interested in helping out. Then I see you make a post saying you don't want to help out.. so I was trying to figure out what the true story was. You can make all the colorful criticisms you want but it was a legitimate question backed up by facts. That's fine if you don't want to help.. kinda weird though you would ask through covert channels but openly dismiss the idea in public.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 UGC Community Donation Drive in News
HildrethI can forsee half of the so-called "mentors" putting minimal effort into fulfilling their side of the arrangement: being incredibly hard to contact originally, being incredibly unresponsive to the mentee, being disrespectful of them, being late to the agreed time, only doing one session in total and not making time for others (you really want to help someone improve, you do more than one and you spread it out over time). You saw what happened after i49, some of the donators got fed up of the people who promised to do a few tiny things in return for a free trip to Europe - These guys are playing for like a couple of hundred bucks (maximum each) if they win for a 4 month season (if you include the time practising pre-season) in which you will spend 5+ hours a week practising, you add that up it's a small menial amount for the amount of effort you put in.

Not saying I am against the idea or that getting money for doing something you enjoy is a bad thing, hell no. And at least half of them will do everything they promise and possibly more. But people are naturally lazy, they will promise one thing and fail to deliver, especially if they do not even get something for it. I hope UGC enforce some sort of rule, do all of the perks before distributing money so they can control it if someone fails to deliver.

Also mentoring as a perk insn't the greatest one, I done it loads of time and it is equally frustrating if you can't find the right mentees as if you can't find the right mentors. I'd do it (for free) but I choose not to put my free time towards it at the moment, other things take priority.

What you hypothesize very well may happn, we are breaking new ground here and all we can do is hope people respect themselves enough to follow through with what they promised to do. I can tell you right now if what your saying happens, and 1/2 of mentors do the things you mention, UGC will have to reconsider organizing this effort in the future. I don't think that will happen though. We have two stellar people helping us organize this effort: firefly and pudding cup. They are straight up guys with lots of contacts and experience and we have faith in them, and our players.

Regarding your feelings that our prizes are minimal.. I can't disagree with you there. If you added up all the time it takes to become a top platinum player and divided it by the prize money it comes out to like $0.02 per hour. Isn't that true with all TF2 prize money though? Even ESEA, while providing a lot more cash when you take into account the same amount of time (though lots argue here 6s player put more time in than HL players) and then LAN travel expenses isn't it pretty minimal as well? I wish we had $20,000 to throw at a prize pot but we all need to come to grips with the reality that TF2 is what it is, 6 years after release. We are trying but there are limits.

It's interesting you mention you would help out for free but you have other priorities. Last night I heard one of your friends contacted Forn with a message that you wanted to help out with the donation drive. Sorta weird you would be saying the opposite here, unless your friend has things backwards? Despite our past differences we really could use all the help we can get and I welcome any assistance/advice you could provide to make this effort more successful.

Also to address some of the concerns regarding the $50.00 donation point to receive donator perks. Your concerns are heard and we will take them into account if we do this again. $50 was kind of a round, in between number seemed like the proper choice. It's a difficult balance between picking a reasonable number while not being so low that everybody and their brother receives the perk. Last thing we wanted to do was overburden our mentors and make them dread helping out in the future. So far about %24 of donations have been 50$ and over.. which is encouraging and shows for some people it is worth it. And yes, mentoring isn't this amazing perk but what else do we have to offer that makes sense and doesn't cost money itself? One great suggestion we received on our forums was to do the signed weapon thing. That's something we will think about next year but other ideas are welcome.

posted about 11 years ago
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