That thing's a mess.
At risk of not breaking anything (I don't know why half that script is there but I'm not going to argue incase it somehow does do something), this hotfix should work (though you really should look into getting a better script because at least half of this has gotta be pointless bloat):
alias +rj2 "spec_mode;-duck;+cr;alias checkrj +cr"
alias -rj2 "-cr;checkduck;alias checkrj"
alias +crouch "+crouchmid"
alias -crouch "-crouchmid"
alias +crouchmid "-cr;+duck;alias checkduck +duck"
alias -crouchmid "-duck;checkrj;alias checkduck"
alias checkduck
alias checkrj
alias +cr "+jump;+duck"
alias -cr "-duck;-jump"
bind alt +rj2
bind b +crouch
alias +crouchjump "+Qjump; +duck"
alias -crouchjump "-duck; -Qjump"
bind "ctrl" "+crouchjump"
//no up jump
alias +Qjump "+testKeysPressed; +jump; alias +crouch none; alias -crouch none"
alias -Qjump "-jump; -testKeysPressed; alias +crouch +crouchmid; alias -crouch -crouchmid"
alias enableQ+ "alias +Qjump "+testKeysPressed; +jump""
alias enableQ- "alias -Qjump "-jump; -testKeysPressed""
alias enable "enableQ+; enableQ-"
Basically just make it so that the crouch bind does nothing while jump is held. Big risk is if +/-cr needs to actually point to +/-Qjump for some reason, but I don't think it does and for that matter have no clue what cr is actually there for when everything that points to it can already just run those commands anyway.