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SteamID64 76561198029790592
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:34762432
Country United States
Signed Up January 22, 2013
Last Posted July 18, 2013 at 4:38 PM
Posts 25 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G400
Keyboard CM Storm QuickFire TK
Mousepad Puretrak Talent
Headphones AKG-K701
Monitor BenQ-XL2420T
1 2
#412 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Definitely not something I would normally listen to, but I rather liked the singing as the raw sound of it contrasts the acoustic guitar quite well, especially given the harsh nature of the lyrics. I however dislike the simplicity of the song from a sonic standpoint as the song (in this case) almost completely depends on the vocals for offering a sense of dynamism, which imo this lacks at times (although that statement is quite biased given to how much electronic music I listen to).

posted about 11 years ago
#476 yahud in Customization
AttakinBlakJakkcould you add the option of having the uber bar on the bottom back in? I actually really liked having that for medic because it was easy to look at. If there's a way to add it in from the old hud, I can do myself as a temp fix

For now just go to resource > ui > hudmediccharge.res, then under "ChargeMeterBottom" change the "visible" parameter to one and initiate hud_reloadscheme.

posted about 11 years ago
#474 yahud in Customization

oh my gootness got daym BUG ASDHLJKASHDJKLAS

posted about 11 years ago
#12 cl_interp at 0 in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSire0 for cl_inerp will set it to the servers lowest, I have no idea what setting interp_ratio to 0 will do, I never mess with interp_ratio

why do I never mess with interp_ratio? Should I? What cl_interp_ratio should I use? This is important, please help

It is solely a multiplier for cl_interp, just keep it at 1 and only adjust cl_interp. I've been on a decent amount of servers that restrict cl_interp_ratio to one (idk why) but have never encountered servers restricting cl_interp.

posted about 11 years ago
#432 yahud in Customization
whayayjoseCuervoYou can save some space by re-rendering the vtfs for that new woodsy background by setting the normal and alpha format to BGR888 as the source image appears to have no alpha channel, just 2048k of empty blocks for the alpha channel atm.Thanks for the tip, took in the change for all the background files :)


posted about 11 years ago
#430 yahud in Customization

You can save some space by re-rendering the vtfs for that new woodsy background by setting the normal and alpha format to BGR888 as the source image appears to have no alpha channel, just 2048k of empty blocks for the alpha channel atm.

posted about 11 years ago
#131 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
fosternudge did you get the kill feed to align from the left instead of the right? I've tried like half a dozen things and I still have no idea.

hudlayout.res > HudDeathNotice > "RightJustify" "0"

posted about 11 years ago
#128 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
povohatusing some small mods on yahud blank lower
health/ammo - increased to size to 72, 255 opacity
added quake live crosshair 7 with red flash on damagedplayer
killfeed font size 11
bold/shadow on damage
probably other things i forgot

Would you mind uploading that? The crosshair looks really great along with everything else.

posted about 11 years ago
#374 yahud in Customization
whayayjoseCuervowhayayAdded another main menu background (yay,

Please note that this doesn't really look great if you have low res textures.

That's because the flags "No Mipmap" and "No Level of Detail" aren't enabled on the .vtf files in question, I've done that as well as disabling reflectivity computations and thumbnail generation to reduce their file sizes. Here you go:!49sGgAbA!Ynd0OB6tUe28_5nd1T7b3msEx8d-WJR2zf64Drh_QLY

edit: also forgot to say not to fret about any loss in quality, after re-exporting the respective .vtf files as .bmp files they have the same hash value.

Thank you so much :)

My pleasure, also apparently you've defined fonts in sourcescheme.res which aren't in the fonts folder, specifically HelveticaNeue Light.ttf and HelveticaNeue Medium.ttf. I see they aren't referenced anywhere else so I just went ahead and removed them.

EDIT: Are the console and other menus supposed to have the black bar over them? I understand that it's there to dictate which window is in the foreground but it seems a bit unseemly when compared to the rest of the hud.

posted about 11 years ago
#371 yahud in Customization
whayayAdded another main menu background (yay,

Please note that this doesn't really look great if you have low res textures.

That's because the flags "No Mipmap" and "No Level of Detail" aren't enabled on the .vtf files in question, I've done that as well as disabling reflectivity computations and thumbnail generation to reduce their file sizes. Here you go:!49sGgAbA!Ynd0OB6tUe28_5nd1T7b3msEx8d-WJR2zf64Drh_QLY

edit: also forgot to say not to fret about any loss in quality, after re-exporting the respective .vtf files as .bmp files they have the same hash value.

posted about 11 years ago
#79 TF2 scout LFT in TF2 General Discussion
ToasterOk thank you for showing me the lght I have been a dick for way too long. I will go and comeback when I become more mature and more good at this game.

I genuinely hope this happens, good for you.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Hud close to default? in Q/A Help
BerethCommunity HUD.

iirc it's not updated anymore, although I recall very recently someone updating it on FPSBanana (it's in beta though). Anyways PVHud is quite close:

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Guide to make a looking thread in Recruitment (looking for team)

Thanks for this, very concise and useful.

posted about 11 years ago
#314 rayshud in Customization

Hi rays, thanks for all the work you've put into this as well as thanks to Tree for the fantastic updater. However I just have some small suggestions:

- In GameMenu.res under versionnumber, change "'command' 'toggleconsole'" to "'command' 'engine toggleconsole'" as clicking on your logo does nothing atm in regards to the console. Additionally in /ui/MainMenuOverride.res you can remove the "command" section for versionnumber as it's already localized in GameMenu.res

- In /ui/MainMenuOverride.res, "ScoreboardToggle" should be localized to GameMenu.res the same way versionnumber is done (make sure to remove the "command" so it's only in GameMenu.res)

- In /ui/MainMenuOverride.res, under "ScoreboardToggle", the parameter set for "command" (engine incrementvar cl_hud_minmode 0 1 1) could be changed to a much shorter param of "engine toggle cl_hud_minmode". Since cl_hud_minmode is a boolean you don't need to specify any values after the cvar.

- Change HUD font boldness through font editing instead of the weight command (specifically for the health/ammo numbers, it's fine everywhere else). The reason I say this is because adding boldness in something like fontlab/PS wouldn't have aliased edges that are quite as pronounced as in here for example (assuming weight was set to 0 for said font in clientscheme.res):

posted about 11 years ago
#4 moving my mouse occasionally clicks out of tf2 in Q/A Help

I've seen this issue before, primarily with multi-monitor users. Try this out:

posted about 11 years ago
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