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Signed Up August 29, 2015
Last Posted December 28, 2023 at 5:53 PM
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#1 why do people play on the UGC servers???? in TF2 General Discussion

I return to play dead video games and people choose to play on servers with horrible routing, constant rubber banding and stuttering around the map. Which I guess would be understandable if Panda/Spaceship didn't exist but those servers feel so smooth and pleasant in comparison so it's a bit mind boggling.

posted about a year ago
#5 Gunz: The Duel in Other Games

I used to love this game as a kid and I appreciate it a lot for being probably one of the most individually mechanically demanding shooter games out there that I can think of besides warsow/warfork? But I also value having functioning wrists lmao

posted about 3 years ago
#70 How would you nerf scout? in TF2 General Discussion

The problem isn't scout. The problem is that demo and soldier are very poorly balanced for the style of tf2 we play competitively. The game just wasn't designed around mostly exclusive dm classes 5cp/koth. To play soldier effectively *for the most part* you need to run gunboats which limits your clip to 4 rockets. In comparison a scout has 6 scatters and 12 pistol shots. A demo has 4 pipes and 8 sticks. Add on top of that to move around you have to expend part of your clip which often only leaves you with a couple of rockets to secure a kill. Demo and scouts have the luxury of beefing a few shots and still being able to frag. I would love to see some combination of lowering the base self damage that soldier/demo take so that they can be more mobile, make the gunboats take zero self damage and add an additional rocket, and maybe experiment with either base reload speed or perhaps gunboats would also offer increased reload speed.

Air_undo sticky nerf scouts instantly under control

I don't know why people get nostalgic about old stickies. Man I sure miss being able to just wave my mouse around like an idiot and just do an absurd amount of damage. Demo 100% needs to be buffed but I don't think old stickies or the current balance are particularly ideal.

bLarevert medigun change
no more air-strafing after double-jumping

Yea honestly this is it. While we're at it why not just remove air strafing in general so that the game is easier for people that can't aim.

vooshoosrevert medigun speed thing.

Yea I agree the medigun speed update totally ruined the balance of the game but at the same time I also just don't understand how people have fun on medic considering how the class is designed/balanced.

edincontroversial changes:
give scout 4 shots so he actually has to think about shooting stuff
make him reload slower so he actually has to think about shooting stuff
give him less ammo reserves so he actually has to think about shooting stuff
increase damage falloff

I've never understood people drawing their ire on scout when we play a competitive game that is contingent on making it as dissimilar as possible from casual tf2. Which is a great thing!! Base tf2 just has so many wacky elements that don't add anything to the quakeish dm elements that most people in the scene like. But the reality is that it leads to a lot of imbalances which wouldn't exist if 6v6 as we play it was its own game and was balanced around competitive play. Scout feels just right in terms of gameplay. It's soldier and demo that feel lacking in terms of being able to compete in free flowing dm.

I can only dream of a day where someone makes a promod where soldier and demo are buffed and designed to be more mobile/aggressive.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 What happened with Episode III in LAN Discussion

I am really curious why Esports Arena was so dead set against hosting another TF2 lan/the internal politics as you put it. Besides that, I think everyone appreciates the effort you (and all the other people making tf2 content/lans still a thing in 2019) put in the game. The whole episode III fiasco just seemed really poorly timed and with a game as small as tf2/only so much manpower behind organizing and production was kind of just unluko.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 6 years ago
#3 Look who I finally met in Off Topic
rongolwho cares keep this shit on facebook, ok?

r u ok

posted about 6 years ago
#7135 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#23 The collapse of SVIFT NA and the rebirth of FROYO BLACK in News


posted about 6 years ago
#75 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion
Spujynxedwtz-xpy9x +aizy

also who couldve sk gotten? dont think theres any new bright stars in the br scene (felps wyd??)
I didn't mean other BR players, autimatic would've been a much better choice imo and since Fnatic got bored and felt like demolishing their own roster KRIMZ would be a solid pickup for any team atm.
autimatic declined an offer from mibr

Yea I wasn't necessarily saying that realistically that could have happened, rather in hindsight it feels like a lot of the mediocre signings by several top teams have come back to haunt them. I doubt anything will match NaVi signing electronic but I can hope...

posted about 6 years ago
#73 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion
wtz-xpy9x +aizy

also who couldve sk gotten? dont think theres any new bright stars in the br scene (felps wyd??)

I didn't mean other BR players, autimatic would've been a much better choice imo and since Fnatic got bored and felt like demolishing their own roster KRIMZ would be a solid pickup for any team atm.

posted about 6 years ago
#66 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion

I'm not sure if it's because I missed a decent portion of the group stage or the troll announcement, but this was probably one of the most disappointing tournies I've watched in awhile. All of the roster changes lately have been awful. Fnatic and c9 are probably going to be in hospice for the next half year or so. Snax has managed to turn mouz into vp part 2. MiBR look a lot better w/ stew and tarik but I just can't help but feel like there are so other better players they could have tried to pickup but who knows. NiP, FaZe, NaVi, mouz, and Liquid all are a roster move away from being really good teams but I doubt anything exciting will actually happen in the off season.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 North Wins DreamHack Masters Stockholm 2018???? in CS2 General Discussion

when msl comes back stronger https://i.imgur.com/SXzFkWq.jpg

posted about 6 years ago
#29 best performances at i63 in LAN Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#30 Sacred Scout tournament in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#13 Ora Elektro and OMNI5 Esports EU join forces for Copenhagen Games in News

⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ :D

posted about 6 years ago
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