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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Posts 537 (0.1 per day)
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#175 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
Eggy i49 wasn't that huge for the american scene. please reconsider ;_;

+1 to harbleus points, but just to add something. It didn't do much for the NA scene, but the NA scene didn't actually raise a fair portion of that money. Everything has extvs name plastered all over it, sure, but I'm fairly sure the eu community donated just as much (if not more due to a few wealthy lunatics). The american scene alone did not and cannot raise that kind of money, certainly not for something less than the biggest spectacle of the TF2 year.

posted about 11 years ago
#80 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Unless there is some other initiative in the works that will require substantial community donations and is more worthwhile, why not? It seems people still find it appealing enough a cause to donate to, and while i46 didn't cause huge growth it definitely gave the vast majority of donors their moneys worth in entertainment (assuming they were american hehe sorry chaps..). As a player it definitely made the game more fun to play, but the main reason for that was because of the drive to regain some pride the next time we played the yanks - particularly in epsilon's case. I really doubt half those players would even still be here if it weren't for that desire.

Also I don't really get what good donating it to a prize pool would do. Look at the dreamhack venture - raising 10k for a prizepool was the least of anyone's concerns, and unless you raise it for such an event then it won't do anything more than another international i-series - probably less, and most definitely less spectator value.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 ETF2L Prem: Pokeman vs Quarantine in Events

koeitje scout of the season

posted about 11 years ago
#9 TFTV DM Servers Looking to Expand! in TF2 General Discussion

Add a NY server and you'll probably see some late night euro nerds playing on them too.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Epsilon vs Crack Clan: The Chaplain Perspective in News
SeptiqueNice article! Hopefully we can finally see someone challenging Epsilon


posted about 11 years ago
#2 Euro Cup: BlackOut Gaming Newbie Cup in Events


posted about 12 years ago
#15 To Europe and Beyond in News

I heard that djc guy might cast too

posted about 12 years ago
#48 The response... in TF2 General Discussion

Oh god just let it go.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Jake n Bake is back in Requests

First tf2 pov stream I could stand to watch. I approve!

posted about 12 years ago
#51 tftv top10 plays feedback in TF2 General Discussion

Should definitely keep it to top divisions only. Having clips from all manner of skill levels means it becomes really unclear to casual viewers why one clip is placed higher than another. As far as they can tell it makes no sense if #8 is a 10hp open player getting a 4 man, but then #7 is a top scout getting a clutch med pick. These videos work a lot better when there's clear context.

I think keeping it to invite/prem requires people go through the STVs though, otherwise you end up not actually having the top 10 plays of the month.

Also, it probably makes most sense to include prem. The seasons don't tend to run concurrently (at least not entirely) so you avoid having awkward months where there's no matches.

posted about 12 years ago
#51 PSA: 15 seconds of your time can help comp TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for the 3 billion new emails gang.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Ullapool Caber nerfed in TF2 General Discussion

You sure that server was up to date? Still works fine for me, just gives a 149 reading.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 FULLY CHARGED Discussion and Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I really think you should consider extending it a bit. It was slightly better this week with the new format, but I always feel like it takes you a while to warm-up and just as I'm starting to become interested the show is over. Nothing major; an optional additional 10-15 minutes to each segment is all I'm thinking. I just feel like it would allow you the freedom to follow trains of thought better.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Attention writey people in TF2 General Discussion

Mmm one of the main reasons they lost interest in TF2 was the lack of activity from the writers. Cause of VTF2 no one really went there unless directly encouraged so there was little motivation to put the effort in. For anything to really happen with cadred it would require the community to get on board as well as the writers really.

posted about 12 years ago
#76 b4nny pov in TF2 General Discussion
yukiClandestinePzI don't get how some people can act like pyyyour isn't qualified to criticize b4nny, when pyyyour was a member of the most dominant TF2 team in history, a team which was able to shut b4nny down despite the fact that he'd bee playing at an insanely high level all lan. In my opinion pyyyour would be the very best person to analyze b4nny's demo since he would be able to explain both why he is so effective and exactly what strategies and techniques mixup successfully used to counter him.

That being said I think pyyyour needs to develop thicker skin. Part of being a high level player in any spectator sport involves learning to tolerate criticism and abuse from idiotic fans. 2 trolls out of 100 viewers seems normal. Just ban the idiots and move on and just be glad they can't throw things at you while you play.

QFT. Pure - sure there may have been 2 people out of 100 trolling and not valuing your opinion, but the other 98 were the ones that really wanted to hear what you had to say. Isn't that what matters most? Assisting the majority that actually wants to learn and get better, compared to the mere 2% that were just being dongfaces.

Have no idea why anyone would dismiss Pure's opinion anyway. He is an extremely experienced and intelligent player - people would just be ignorant to think otherwise.

Ye this. I get people come on my stream everyday talking shit about how I'm not as good as b4nny and you don't see me going offline!

posted about 12 years ago
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