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Country Pirate
Signed Up January 26, 2016
Last Posted June 22, 2024 at 11:52 AM
Posts 258 (0.1 per day)
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#55 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic

Its not the worst, i think its in a good spot for an alpha, there are some clear balancing issues however I do feel it's nice to see some skill based elements put into a third person moba, if you look at overwatch for example, that is a first person moba without any of the skill based moba or fps stuff, deadlock has these things which is nice.

I think the artstyle is carrying it hard though, look up neon prime leaked gameplay its clear if it still looked like that no one would care. i think the valve polish will be why people play this.

really wondering if it does flop where valve will go, as that will be dota underlords, artifact and deadlock all failing, i kind of want that to happen as itll force them to re-evaluate what has worked before.

my main wonder is how long its going to take them to abandon this title next though.

posted 8 months ago
#1291 Post your setup in Off Topic
Brockkbtocrt gamin

Is that a freakin FLEXSCAN?!!! That is SICK, what version is it?

Its a T67S got it off a retired graphics designer who lives near me, was able to get 1280x1024 at 180Hz on it its really nice to use

posted about a year ago
#1289 Post your setup in Off Topic

crt gamin

posted about a year ago
#8 Post some awesome airshots here in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#72 sens check in Customization

been using it for like 6 years

posted about 3 years ago
#2 How to run a mix, pug or other group in TF2 General Discussion

rahmix should follow this guide

posted about 3 years ago
#2316 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
AimIsADickI feel that the package scripts could be merged into a Makefile.

who asked

posted about 3 years ago
#2199 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
AimIsADickscrambledAimIsADick...I had already tried preloading with both methods. I installed uvf as previously stated, crashes stopped instantly when I uninstalled the pack and started again when I reinstalled the pack.
We might need to use the console logs to diagnose this issue. Do the following:
  1. Go to the TF2 properties section and add the launch option "+con_logfile console.log"
  2. Launch TF2 normally and play for a bit. Close TF2 after some time.
  3. Upload the console.log file (located in Team Fortress 2/tf) and upload it to Pastebin.
  4. Delete all contents in console.log (just do <select all command> -> <delete>)
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 but launch TF2 through FACEIT instead. If it crashes that's fine; this is why we're using console logs.
  6. Delete the "+con_logfile console.log" launch option afterwards.

step 4 really is my favourite, thanks for clarifying that to "delete all contents" i should " select everything and delete it"
dunno what i wouldve done without that info in those brackets

posted about 3 years ago
#53 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization

I refuse to accept this is a real person, he gets the same response every single time he posts and he always comes back to post more

posted about 3 years ago
#662 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Proof that tf2 legit ONLY cares about single threaded performance:

Ryzen 7 5800x no OC
GTX 1660 2GB
16GB DDR4 2400
Mastercomfig medium low preset + chat disabled
only change was disabling amd cool n quiet or whatever in bios

dxlevel 91:
2639 frames 8.801 seconds 299.87 fps ( 3.33 ms/f) 39.173 fps variability
dxlevel 81:
2639 frames 8.219 seconds 321.07 fps ( 3.11 ms/f) 45.262 fps variability

In-game 6s i constantly hit my fps_max 361 at all times I haven't seen it dip at all

posted about 3 years ago
#12 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization

Thanks, this is groundbreaking I like the part where you told us to install a config and set our cl_interp values, I never thought of doing that until I read your guide.

posted about 3 years ago
#12 8000Hz in Tf2 in Hardware
AimIsADickkbtoHey guys, been looking at the Razer Viper 8K, and apparently in certain games 8khz polling rate fucks with the game engine and you see choppyness of movement and stuff, does anyone have this mouse can anyone tell me if these issues exist within tf2?
I currently use the Razer Viper Mini and I haven't encountered any issues with the high polling rate. If it does fuck you over for some reason, you can always lower the polling rate in Razer Synapse.

elektroA high polling rate does have a very bad effect on tf2. You should look for a mice with adjustable polling rate (such as the Razer Viper 8k) polling rate should be less than 2k for optimal experience. I will edit with a video example when I get home in ~3 hours what the differences are.
Wait really? I must have never noticed. What's exactly the problem with 8k polling rate in TF2 tho? For reference my polling rate is at 500. Also btw Razer Viper's polling rate can be adjusted, but only with fixed values.

Razer viper mini and razer viper 8k are two completely different mice, its called 8k because of the 8000hz polling rate which this thread is asking about

posted about 3 years ago
#10 8000Hz in Tf2 in Hardware
funhaver1998tommyid give 20 bucks to anyone who can tell the difference between 500hz and 1000hz in a blind test
it actually has a huge difference in both of my zowie mice. when using 500hz it has a more glidey feel which i used to like. also a huge difference with messing around with the LOD settings

yes definately, i used the intellimouse 3.0 for a really long time locked at 125hz and switching to 500hz was noticeable, and 500 to 1000z was also really noticeable for me higher mouse polling honestly kind of feels like game fps is higher sometimes.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 8000Hz in Tf2 in Hardware
HoppsI'm using a Razer Viper 8K. 8k polling rate works fine with tf2 if your cpu is strong enough. For me, sometimes when chrome and tidal are running simultaneously, the mouse lags in-game @8Khz. Though I never encountered lag @4Khz, I've set it to 2Khz just to be safe. fyi, I have a r5 3600 @4.55GHz.

I see im basically going to be getting a 5800x + 360hz monitor and the razer viper 8k all at the same time I would imagen the cpu would be able to handle it but if not i can turn down the hz of the mouse ty everyone for help

posted about 3 years ago
#22 The Case for Unlocks in TF2 General Discussion

also just like any change, no matter how good in theory it is the best we will get is a shitty pre season cup where no one takes it seriously, and then none of the changes are implemented, just like every single map / weapon cup in history, the only way you get real testing in is by league admins incorporating changes for an actual entire season

posted about 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 18