Account Details
SteamID64 76561198014888084
SteamID3 [U:1:54622356]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:27311178
Country Costa Rica
Signed Up July 26, 2012
Last Posted September 25, 2021 at 5:25 AM
Posts 217 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.2
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder 3.5G
Keyboard CM Storm Quickfire Rapid (Brown Switches)
Mousepad Steelseries 9HD
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M30
Monitor SAMSUNG S23A950D 23" 120hz
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 15
#20 sens check in Customization

800 1.6

Contemplating going a bit higher idk

posted about 3 years ago
#8 i really hate playing bad in TF2 General Discussion

I promise, I don't mean this in a patronizing way, but this is the type of problem that is best worked through with a therapist or psychologist.

What you are describing when you think to yourself things like "I'm never gonna get better" is what's called "Automatic negative thoughts", which suck but are pretty common. Feeling completely crushed inside when u play poorly in an extremely low stakes environment like a pub is a dispoportionate emotional response which I'm sure is very unpleasant. Fortunately, these are things which can be dealt with using DBT (a model of psychotherapy) very effectively.

If you can't afford it or don't want to go that far,, then I suggest looking up some info on DBT. u can Google like "Emotional Regulation DBT" or "Distress tolerance DBT" and you can find some resources to help you combat the reactions you're having, and learn more about what's happening and maybe learn some new skills to address it

What you're describing is common but it's not the way it has to be, and even if you decide TF2 is too much of an emotional trigger for it to be worth pursuing as a dedicated hobby, I can guarantee emotional regulation and distress tolerance are skills which will benefit you in all areas of your life.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 lfm pocket scout/maincalling in Mentoring

looking for someone to bounce short questions off of about specific maps, positioning, utilizing advantages, minimizing losses with disadvantages, etc.

demo reviews or comms+demo reviews would also be helpful, but really anything u can offer to help would be awesome.

Playing in IM this season.

posted about 3 years ago
#81 High Speed Rail in America in Off Topic
JwtojoWhere is the personal responsibility? I am against entitlement. People have forgotten that before government medical care programs existed in the United States, it was common for private doctors to treat impoverished patients, and medical charity was booming. Many charities for healthcare (and other things) are still operating today, despite the government's best wishes to crowd out the private sector.

Yes, charity existed, but it is and never will be a replacement for universal coverage. Access to care was sparce, what care you did get was intermittent, and death from preventable illnesses was high. The US has a garbage system regardless of ideology, the Netherlands has a functional mostly privatized (and subsized + regulated) healthcare system that isn't bloated by totally unregulated drug prices, medical device prices, doctor salaries, middleman fees taken by insurance companies, lack of choice in insurance (you get what ur employer gives you for the most part).

posted about 3 years ago
#22 killemdeader lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

ok but fr this time?

meatshot class, starter, im/main or something

posted about 3 years ago
#9 FreshHopItDon'tDropIt in Off Topic
eXtineNew version of our beer just got released:
They deliver to most places in the States:

Get it before it's gone

I'm outta town, so I haven't sipped it myself yet :(

can i get this in person in Portland somewhere?

posted about 3 years ago
#1 game feels like a slideshow in fullscreen/noborder in Q/A Help

I was having massive issues with the game feeling really choppy and I couldn't figure out why, until recently i decided to try windowed mode (without the noborder setting) and suddenly it feels smooth as butter. fullscreen and windowed noborder both have the same issue of choppiness.

Anyone else dealt with this? if so, any solutions?

posted about 3 years ago
#18 killemdeader lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

getting the itch, only as backup but would be fun to be on a roster again.

can play scout or medic

posted about 6 years ago
It should be a given that after such a traumatic incident done by extremist Muslims will make you more wary of Muslims as a whole. What you seem to miss is that it still doesn't make that fear justified or reasonable.

We know through facts an overwhelming majority of the Muslim community is innocent of extremist crimes and do not deserve the discrimination, but our body is telling us to be afraid and scared of them because of this traumatic event done by a fanatical few. If you cannot realize that and overcome that fear you have of them, then you only make things worse for all parties. The Muslims who are bring discriminated against feel at least as much if not more afraid of their future than you are as a result of this catastrophe they had no control over.

I really feel like you aren't reading or understanding my post. I did NOT say that the fear is justified. I am saying that from a psychology standpoint, there is a reason that so many people are becoming afraid of Muslims. I don't get why people think I am trying to justify racism or think this makes it ok. People who murder also have a reason that makes sense or else they wouldn't murder but that doesn't make it ok. What I am saying is that if we want to solve this problem of "islamophobia" and racism in general we need to start understanding WHY people are against Muslims. Then we can start rehabilitation for them. Its not as simple as just "overcoming that fear you have of them" like you said. First we need to understand why the fear is there so we can start helping them get over this fear. A big problem nowadays, even in the psychology world, is that people don't want to even try understanding racism and why people feel the way they do, all people want to do is throw out hate and fling about words that will ultimately cause the racism to get worse.

If you want to solve a problem the first step is to understand it. People seem to be missing this part.

Of course there's a reason. There's a reason for ISIS bombing civilians, even that's not "irrational". I don't see why its that relevant for you to be stating it, its basically a given that people being scared is fueling it.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 RIP Mexico in Off Topic
-protoiridescentFUZZphraxworryingly, the most confounding aspect of this storm was the speed with which it grew; in line with predictions by climate scientists of increasingly temperamental weather patterns. this kind of freak storm will probably become more and more common
I'm wondering how many storms of this magnitude it will take for the moronic climate change deniers to accept they've screwed us all over.
do those people still exist

Yea the current runner-up candidate in the polls for the Republican prez nomination (behind Trump) is a man-made climate change denier.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 new kendrick lamar album in Off Topic

I love the funk/jazz styling of the album. That said, this album is much heavier in content and more "conscious" which makes it much less accessible than GKMC which was basically the perfect hip hop crossover album. Only listened to it 3 times so far but I'm a fan and the lyricism and production are top notch. Also thundercat on almost every song is pretty awesome.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Premium Code in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaEveyone on your roster is already paid up lol

even at 2 people down you have 6 paid.

Those are for league fees, you still need to have premium.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Good AM3+ CPU For TF2? in Hardware

I have an 8350 and I only dip below 120 in pubs.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Low FPS With Good Computer in Q/A Help

The FX-4300 just isn't good enough to hold consistent 120frames in fights. TF2 is 100% CPU reliant, not sure why you thought upgrading your graphics card would help.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Windows Pointer Precision in Off Topic

It's basically a windows version of mouseaccel. Most people tend to think accel is bad because it's inconsistent, but some people use it. However, even if you like using accel, it's probably better to use adjustible ingame accel or an outside client that's more consistent (

posted about 10 years ago
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