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Signed Up August 23, 2012
Last Posted August 10, 2015 at 8:02 PM
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#2 Recruitment thread idea in Site Discussion

That's a great idea!

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Scout LFT - any level in Recruitment (looking for team)

Thanks everyone :)

Still looking, you won't find a more dedicated teammate!

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Scout LFT - any level in Recruitment (looking for team)

daily bump :)

posted about 11 years ago
#163 Fat shaming in Off Topic
smakersI think I was pretty clear, Renhet. I very well understand they're somewhat "hard coded" as you say. I understand a man with a homosexual predisposition cannot force himself to be sexually attracted to women just as I cannot force myself to be sexually attracted to men. I get it. I just don't agree with that lifestyle--it is biologically wrong. Do I shun people for it? No, I think they're free to live how they want, but they know it's not "normal" and it's not biologically correct. I respect your opinion, and it's fine that you don't want to use the word 'disagree'. I do, however.

So at the start of the thread you were all high and mighty about not judging other people, yet you're the biggest hypocrite here.

posted about 11 years ago
#141 Fat shaming in Off Topic
smakersI feel my above post might be taken too harshly. My stance on LGBT things is no secret; I vehemently disagree with the lifestyle. I do, however, know several people in those categories who I would classify as friends. I don't hate them or talk down to them for their lifestyle as it's not my place to do so. I don't agree with it, and if asked, I will respond as such.

you think being gay is a lifestyle choice? When did you choose to be straight? Do you wake up each morning fighting with the choice yourself? cause I sure don't.

The worst part is that you're old enough to know better, to inform yourself, especially when you have friends who have lived through this.

posted about 11 years ago
#121 Fat shaming in Off Topic

fat doesn't make you fat, sugar and complex carbs do. I eat a lot of fat, and it's bad for my heart, but you don't turn that into more fat before your body will pass it.

However I cut sugar and pasta out of my diet and lost 15 pounds without lifting a finger more than I normally would.

cut out the sugar!

posted about 11 years ago
#106 Fat shaming in Off Topic

ah ok, I thought since you quoted me it was for me :)

And in order to warn someone about something, I think you are judging them on it a bit. But I think that's ok, and why I brought it up.

posted about 11 years ago
#103 Fat shaming in Off Topic
Birdyrocksi agree its your duty to say you think they are making a mistake but its not your place to judge them for life choices also i don't see how sexuality can be considered a "bad choice"

uh, where did I say sexuality can be considered a bad choice? I said it was NOT a choice.

posted about 11 years ago
#95 Fat shaming in Off Topic
Birdyrocksreading this thread really bothers me how can people honestly be so stupid and close minded in modern society? peoples choices and lifestyles are their own and they shouldn't be judged based upon them, nobody has the right to say whats right and whats wrong and everyone has the right to live how they want

If your friend is making bad "choices" I sure how you do try to help them. Otherwise you're just a bad friend.

posted about 11 years ago
#92 Fat shaming in Off Topic

You are born with your sexuality, you are not born unhealthy.

Being fat is generally unpleasant because we inherently view healthy as sexy. Lazy fat is something the person can do something about unless they have a thyroid or genetic metabolic issue, in which case should still be treated because it will shorten your lifespan.

You cannot change your sexuality, no matter how much you want too. If you have to "make a choice" on what gender to date, then you're bi and just don't know it yet.

Anyone who compares being lazy fat and being gay is just ignorant. One is a choice, the other is not.

When I was a kid people still thought being gay was a choice, and I feel bad for anytime I made gay jokes, but we're talking decades ago before the internet and everyone was ignorant. There is no excuse these days.

If you think your friend wants to be more healthy, offer to go for a workout together or maybe try to take more walks/hikes. If they start to enjoy being more active they will start to change their lifestyle on their own. And try not to pig out on junk food in front of them. You can still mention it to them, but shaming isn't the way to go.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Mouse click delay? in Q/A Help

you are most likely experiencing input lag. There's some input lag through every part of the chain of events from the polling of the mouse, to your cpu and all the way to your monitor and what you see. Everything has it's own lag and all my setting helped with is the CPU lag. Try different USB polling speed options and or a different mouse to see if there is an issue there. Maybe both the laptop and the mouse aren't performing well so just try another mouse to rule that out for sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Mouse click delay? in Q/A Help

if you have an nvidia card you can check your max pre-rendered frames and drop it down to 1. Default is 3.

With ATI it's called flip-queue but I'm not sure how you would go about changing it there, sorry.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Scout LFT - any level in Recruitment (looking for team)

wow page 3 already, so many people looking..

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Bad internet net settings in Q/A Help

if you know how to do a trace route then paste a few here for the servers this is happening on and we'll see if it's your ISP or your routing. There's a chance you're being sent to a line correcting box by your ISP, which ups your ping by 30-40 on one hop.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Scout LFT - any level in Recruitment (looking for team)

I need to bump this myself since I doesn't ask all my steam friends to come post in my looking threads.

posted about 11 years ago
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