So I've avoided this thread because I have trouble holding back from trying to help everyone but I see a lot of people talk about their current situation like it's going to be how they live their whole life time.
You are going to go through many, many stages in life. School, stage. Work stage, Living with friends stage, living with a girl stage. You will have different amounts of freedom to game depending on the stage or combined stages you are currently in. In some of these stages you should be gaming very little if at all, but it's ok!
Once you get a stable job, place of your own and steady GF who lives with you, you will have plenty of time to game as long as you stay the fuck away from MMO's and give her a couple hours of quality time every evening before you head off to your PC. Chicks like to do boring shit like read before bed.... So you'll have plenty of time to complete you fav RPG's and compete in ESEA season after season. You just have to make sure you get your responsibilities taken care of, which is tough if you procrastinate like we all love to do.
The one thing you will NEVER get back, is the years you get to be irresponsible. Do not WASTE the teenage party years. Do not miss the college party years. Do not miss the bar/rave scene. And please.. please.. please do not miss hitting on every chick you think is even remotely hot when you're single. I know plenty of guys who held out for all kinds of stupid reasons and when we all sit back and talk conquests on UFC nights, those guys just sit around and listen and pawn over what could have been. Don't miss out just to make invite in TF2.
Now this does not mean you can't pass on some strange for a match, I've been there, done that. But you can't be doing that if you aren't already getting enough already. So you can game at a high level and party if you moderate everything.
Remember, you only live once; Just the tip baby, Just the tip.