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Last Posted August 10, 2015 at 8:02 PM
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#80 tenaciousg looking open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

No one is actively trying to troll him, these are all reactions to things he's saying.

TNG, I gave you some solid advice on page 1. People want to see that you'll be respectful and tactful when they have to hang out with you in mumble 3-5 nights a week for a couple of hours each time.

I think part of the problem is you see the game as just the game, as if you think people will just want to bring you on the team to do well. When in fact, people want to play with people they like. Sooo be likable first, good player second.

I'm sure many people empathize with the fact you've had a rough life, and I'm sorry your dog died, that can't be easy. But you can't expect people to know everything about you, we only know what you share and how you act in front of us. So act accordingly. It's no different then having to play along in the hospital, life is one long play, and you get to choose what character you are.

Be cool homie.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 ESEA, new section on team page?!? in TF2 General Discussion

This is neat, we can now see recent visitors on team pages. :)

posted about 12 years ago
#20 tenaciousg looking open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

All you have to do is display a little Humility or tact and it's easy to be forgiven. We all make mistakes. GL with re-joining the community.

posted about 12 years ago
#277 feelings thread in Off Topic

Well I said we have shared interests, which covers the "I have to be mentally engaged with my partner to be interested. If we don't share at least a couple of interests or hobbies, I am not interested." so why would you go on to say "that's not for you" when I specifically said we did. I'm pretty sure you're misunderstanding me at this point.

All I'm saying is it's ok to have some separate hobbies, you don't have to force your significant other to be involved in every last one.

And I'm not saying you can't play MMO's and be in a couple, there's a lot of people who play it casually or just PvP. And I know people can get lost in any genre of game. But if we are to compare MMO's to restaurants, you picked a good choice.

posted about 12 years ago
#275 feelings thread in Off Topic
RenhetMMO's aren't an issue, the issue is people who don't have any self-control or sense of priorities.

I know a guy who is 35 and married. He and his wife generally have different interests, but they still make an effort to include each other in their own hobbies. Dutifully doling out a couple of hours before you play games isn't really the right way to do it, although I guess that's what some people are okay with.
He teaches her gaming from time to time, gets her into games so he can play with her, like Diablo III, Dota 2 and Portal 2. And other times he'll go watch one of her shows with her. imo relationships work a lot better if you find somebody who either shares some of your interests or who is open to trying new things, even if it's just to spend a different kind of quality time with you. I enjoy playing games with my boyfriend and on my own, and I think it would be boring if neither of us made an effort to include each other sometimes in our hobbies.

I don't disagree 100% but I believe A couple will have shared interests and that's what those "dutiful" couple of hours are for. We have shows we watch together and it's part of our quality time. Or we'll make out in front of the fire while watching a movie or laugh at pictures of our kids and make albums for family. There's a lot of stuff to do with a significant other without having to also take on their hobbies. We do talk about our own hobbies, often, but we don't force each other to participate in them.

Women and men have different interests, it's a simple fact. She has shows she watches that I don't like, and I have shows she doesn't like. We don't make each other watch those shows for good reason. My wife plays peggle and other casual games and has zero interest in playing diablo with me. But we're both ok with that. She plays soccer and I hate it, so why would I play it with her? There's nothing wrong with having separate hobbies, in fact it's healthy to have your own lives still even while being a couple.

The issue with MMO's is the long time commitment you have to give it. If you raid you have to be there and awake and listening and fighting for up to 5 hours at a time. You can't break away to give your significant other attention when you're in the middle of that. SO that's why I suggest staying away from MMO's. Because everyone I know who plays them, are divorced now.

posted about 12 years ago
#274 feelings thread in Off Topic
EsDeeKayI always feel like shit except when i'm playing this game with friends/with my 6s teammates.
Get bullied on school.
Never had a girlfriend.
Note: i'm only 14. it's still fucking annoying never having had a girlfriend.
Am 5 foot 9/175 cm and weigh 156 pounds/71 kilo's
^ which is too fat. atleast imo.
I was doing really good @ school last year had good friends, had good grades..
But then we moved to another fucking city and here i'm getting bullied again and getting shit grades.

That's about it. Fml.

I wanted to single this out again because the previous post didn't address you directly. I moved every 4 years of my life as a base brat, so I understand your situation more than most would. Some people adjust very quickly and I was lucky enough to be one of them. However, I've had multiple friends or acquaintances commit suicide over the years. The statistics for suicides on military bases is astronomical compared to the general populace for more reasons than just PTS in soldiers. So, just remember things will be good again just like they were before even if it takes a bit of time. My only advice is to be more outgoing. Push yourself to be twice or three times as outgoing as you are right now, even if it's tough to talk to new people. If you're going to move again in a couple years, I suggest you start going out every weekend at a minimum because it's a vicious cycle.

Good luck and party on little dude, you're life it JUST starting!

posted about 12 years ago
#272 feelings thread in Off Topic
drmtcEsDeeKayI always feel like shit except when i'm playing this game with friends/with my 6s teammates.
Get bullied on school.
Never had a girlfriend.
Note: i'm only 14. it's still fucking annoying never having had a girlfriend.
Am 5 foot 9/175 cm and weigh 156 pounds/71 kilo's
^ which is too fat. atleast imo.
I was doing really good @ school last year had good friends, had good grades..
But then we moved to another fucking city and here i'm getting bullied again and getting shit grades.

That's about it. Fml.

Work out daily 45 min a day for a month or even better, two months. After that when you see the bully literally punch him in the nose and when you get called down to see the principal say you thought the bully was going to punch you, so you acted in self defense. also say hes been bullying you for awhile and that kid will get raped by the large dick of the penal system

First of all, there's no way he's going to walk up and punch the bully once and life will fix itself. There's a good chance that bully is some kid who's been beaten by his father long before this and won't just do down to 1 punch. It'll probably just piss him off and you'll get your grill stomped. Or worse, it's a group of kids and the moment you're winning a fight with one of them, 3 others jump you. Violence should be a last resort.

Do work out and focus on being strong and confident, it will help limit the being bullied a bit, but you really just have to learn to brush shit off and people will stop messing with you. You should learn to fight though in case it does come to that, but be ready for a real battle, don't ever expect a fight to be over in 1 or 2 punches. However, they rarely last longer then 30-45 seconds because both people will be winded or one will be knocked out by then.

This is real life, not Beverly Hills 90210

posted about 12 years ago
#271 feelings thread in Off Topic

So I've avoided this thread because I have trouble holding back from trying to help everyone but I see a lot of people talk about their current situation like it's going to be how they live their whole life time.

You are going to go through many, many stages in life. School, stage. Work stage, Living with friends stage, living with a girl stage. You will have different amounts of freedom to game depending on the stage or combined stages you are currently in. In some of these stages you should be gaming very little if at all, but it's ok!

Once you get a stable job, place of your own and steady GF who lives with you, you will have plenty of time to game as long as you stay the fuck away from MMO's and give her a couple hours of quality time every evening before you head off to your PC. Chicks like to do boring shit like read before bed.... So you'll have plenty of time to complete you fav RPG's and compete in ESEA season after season. You just have to make sure you get your responsibilities taken care of, which is tough if you procrastinate like we all love to do.

The one thing you will NEVER get back, is the years you get to be irresponsible. Do not WASTE the teenage party years. Do not miss the college party years. Do not miss the bar/rave scene. And please.. please.. please do not miss hitting on every chick you think is even remotely hot when you're single. I know plenty of guys who held out for all kinds of stupid reasons and when we all sit back and talk conquests on UFC nights, those guys just sit around and listen and pawn over what could have been. Don't miss out just to make invite in TF2.

Now this does not mean you can't pass on some strange for a match, I've been there, done that. But you can't be doing that if you aren't already getting enough already. So you can game at a high level and party if you moderate everything.

Remember, you only live once; Just the tip baby, Just the tip.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Scout/Sniper Lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'd give some reason as to why you're on a new account. Cause around here;

only plays hitscan + almost zero hours or games on account = good chance of being a cheater

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Solly/Demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

good guy, get him a team!!

posted about 12 years ago
#6 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Great guy, do not hesitate to give this guy a shot.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 ESEA roster locks? in TF2 General Discussion

I asked this same question today;

kuza: hey man, do you know when we'll be able to port our s12 team over to s13?
Killing in the Name #esea: soon
kuza: like days, hours?
Killing in the Name #esea: more hours than days
Killing in the Name #esea: probably
kuza: ok thanks man

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Is this site any accurate? in Q/A Help

edit: I see it now

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Re-found funniest video ever in Off Topic

Life is easier when you have a sense of humor.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Mouse for Friend's Birthday in Hardware
Banaynayi am going to have to recomend the mouse i love, the deathadder. i have had it for 5 months now and it still works great and is a cheap price. but at times the software in annoying.

you don't need to runt he software, just set it to 1800/1k and un-install. Heck, I set mine up on another PC then just plug it into my game PC so the software is never loaded on there.

posted about 12 years ago
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