Ok here's what you do to help get a bad router in your path fixed or bypased.
- Type "command" in your run window to bring up a command dos prompt.
- Do a traceroute to the server in question giving you 120 ping.
c:\Users\you>tracert server.name.com.or.ip
-You will see a bunch of hops along the path, you'll want to find the one that jumps up a lot from the previous one.
1 1ms 2ms 3ms mymodem-gateway-ip[]
2 12ms 14ms 15ms next-hop-isp.com[]
... many entries later...
11 12ms 14ms 15ms next-hop-isp.com[]
12 110ms * 115ms bad-chicago-router-BAD[]
13 112ms 114ms 112ms game-server-chicago[]
- Now you can send in this traceroute to your ISP, it might take a few calls to get to higher and higher level support but don't give up!!!
There's a good chance if you bug them enough, they will either contact the owner of that bad device or they will eliminate it from their list of allowed hops.
If this fails fret not, it's only because the economy is in the tanker in chicago so people are slow to fix stuff like this. But eventually it'll be replaced, rebooted or completely fail taking it out of your path.