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Signed Up August 23, 2012
Last Posted August 10, 2015 at 8:02 PM
Posts 681 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
#1 Re-found funniest video ever in Off Topic

I've watched this video a couple times a year for the past few years, anytime I want to almost crap myself laughing. Listen to the audio because this guy is a hot mess. He completely destroys this treadmill and you can watch his reactions the whole time as he goes through this.

"I thought I was joking"
"That's not funny, it's not funny at all"



posted about 12 years ago
#17 Snow Sports? in Off Topic
wafflebCant ski since I moved to the UK but will probably be taking a trip to chamonix if I can find a cheap enough way to go


I AM EXCITED :::::::3

I've been there, it's spectacular. I've skied and snowboarded all around the world and the alps in SWLD and France are just awesome. Austria has some nice places too.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 Mouse for Friend's Birthday in Hardware
GeknaiirI have heard nice things about the CM Storm Spawn. It's also 39 dollars atm :3 http://www.amazon.com/CM-Storm-Spawn-Switches-SGM-2000-MLON1/dp/B004RJJMBI

avoid this mouse if you plan to use windows 7, read below, still not fixed a year later. I love the shape of the spawn but I can only use it on my XP machine.


posted about 12 years ago
#3 attn: enigma in Site Discussion

I would think the database at tf2logs is getting hammered constantly, I used to think it was a network issue but it's probably an app issue with how common it is.

posted about 12 years ago
Khakikuza*snip*kuza this is the posting your own picture thread, not the cutest kids of halloween 2012 thread

could not resist

posted about 12 years ago


posted about 12 years ago
#60 Favorite Word in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago
#4 How do i disable the halloween fog in TF2 General Discussion

I was bitching about this last ngiht and everyone thought I was on crack, is it only happening to certain people?

posted about 12 years ago
#71 Account Hacked in TF2 General Discussion

ah I didn't know we were in IM by the time you joined, must be wrong person.

posted about 12 years ago
#66 Account Hacked in TF2 General Discussion

There is nothing in that video that shows any sign of hacking imo. And Otaku was a medic for a long time, but he also liked playing scout. So it`s understandable he`d still be playing one of those. He seemed like a good kid when he was on treason but he got grounded right at the start of the season. In fact he was the reason we started an age rule but it`s really not his fault, lol.

I`d give him the benifit of the doubt until we see something conclusive.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Verizon Fios bad routing? in TF2 General Discussion

show us your traceroute to these servers. We'll see if it's bad routing or 1 bad hop.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Verizon Fios bad routing? in TF2 General Discussion

Ok here's what you do to help get a bad router in your path fixed or bypased.

- Type "command" in your run window to bring up a command dos prompt.
- Do a traceroute to the server in question giving you 120 ping.

c:\Users\you>tracert server.name.com.or.ip

-You will see a bunch of hops along the path, you'll want to find the one that jumps up a lot from the previous one.

1 1ms 2ms 3ms mymodem-gateway-ip[]
2 12ms 14ms 15ms next-hop-isp.com[]
... many entries later...
11 12ms 14ms 15ms next-hop-isp.com[]
12 110ms * 115ms bad-chicago-router-BAD[]
13 112ms 114ms 112ms game-server-chicago[]

- Now you can send in this traceroute to your ISP, it might take a few calls to get to higher and higher level support but don't give up!!!

There's a good chance if you bug them enough, they will either contact the owner of that bad device or they will eliminate it from their list of allowed hops.

If this fails fret not, it's only because the economy is in the tanker in chicago so people are slow to fix stuff like this. But eventually it'll be replaced, rebooted or completely fail taking it out of your path.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 eCigarettes in Off Topic

I like the nicotine free ones, grape is the best. Cherry and Blueberry are ok.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 120hz monitors - discussion i guess in Q/A Help
tranchemusicLCD monitors refresh in a different way than CRT monitors, and 120Hz isn't actually really a big difference.

you're getting frames sent to the screen twice as fast. How is that not a big difference? As long as your screen refresh is faster then 15 ms you're golden.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 This community is getting to be too much for me. in Off Topic

This is just a simple case of whiskey throttle. You know when someone hops on to a motorbike and locks on the gas and forgets to let go? They end up running into something before they stop. Just gotta learn to ease up on the gas a bit :)

posted about 12 years ago
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