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Signed Up August 21, 2012
Last Posted August 7, 2015 at 11:23 AM
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#48 hueheuh i repot u in TF2 General Discussion

What i meant by that last paragraph Buick, Gggly and Brad was that you guys have a lot of influence in the community and people will copy/do what you say especially viewers on streams.

All im saying is just think about what you say before you say it especially when you're live on stream. I know not thinking about it is what makes you who are gggly but maybe be a little bit more careful when you're being streamed. A joke is probably not worth 20 people thinking you're serious about something like that.

posted about 12 years ago
#30 hueheuh i repot u in TF2 General Discussion

i understand that enigma and i know you guys have respect for them but it came from one of your channels and not all of those viewers know that. all they hear is people shit talking extv from one of your streams.

If pyyyour did care he could have told gggly off or said that those aren't my opinions.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 hueheuh i repot u in TF2 General Discussion

So lets try and clear some things up

Mix^ plays nNn in week 1 and forces nNn to play 5v6 no waiting no rescheduling. Now nNn does the same exact thing to HWG.

So some of the mix^ guys don't like how nNn forced HWG to play with 5 so they report them get a player banned for some language violation even though they did the exact same thing a few weeks ago.

harbleurofl. am i really getting thrown under the bus for this? literally the whole mumble (14+ people) was telling me to do it. lansky/craig were in there too. i wasn't going to go through with it actually until everyone kept saying to do it.

You're saying you did it cause of peer pressure?? Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. you don't have a mind of your own?

Meanwhile pyyyour on stream calls out nNn as being dicks for not waiting even though his team did the same thing.

Also towards the end of the stream someone mentions that pyyyour had 200 more viewers than extv and gggly decides to say: thanks for watching us instead of shitty EXTV. fuck those guys.

Whether he was joking or not or Pyyyour said it or not. it was on stream with 200 people watching. Didn't extv help get your team to i46 a week ago? shouldn't a little more respect be shown? Is that how you want to represent your stream?

posted about 12 years ago
#4 day2 i46 reddit bomb in TF2 General Discussion

maybe you should link to and instead of just the teamfortress link cause was being kinda overloaded yesterday and was going down a bit

posted about 12 years ago
#7 When does i46 start? in TF2 General Discussion

Go to the casting room and say hi

posted about 12 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 39 40 41 42