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Signed Up August 10, 2014
Last Posted June 7, 2019 at 2:48 PM
Posts 249 (0.1 per day)
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#28 RIP Net Neutrality in World Events
KEVCHEVeducate urself https://youtu.be/Vguz5CuATEE?t=2m30s

in many places of the world people do not have the liberty to chose from multiple isps

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Star Wars 8 [spoilers] in Music, Movies, TV

This movie was fantastic.
Spoilers from here on out, do yourself a favor and go watch it before reading:

Show Content
This movie surpassed my expectations by far. Rather than copy the story of Empire strikes back like TFA did with A New Hope it paid homage to certain scenes but had much original content too.

There were many stunning visuals and great scene composition, Luke's final fight and Snoke's throne room come to mind. I absolutely loved the X-wing fights as well. All the fights had great choreography.

In my opinion the detour to casino planet was questionable and could have been left out as was Leia's certain death and survival through her force capabilities, though i was glad it wasn't a huge part of the movie. Certain scenes, characters and animals were clearly meant to appeal to younger audiences and sell toys but i wasn't bothered much as it was nowhere near as stupid as the prequels.

Snoke surprised me by being outsmarted and dying like a bitch, really thought he was gonna stay the big bad guy and seem unbeatable till episode 9. Also surprised Rey's bloodline isn't special considering her power and natural talent though Kylo may have lied to her. The love story between Rose and Finn seemed unnecessary but maybe it's just me not liking her character.

I was amazed when they brought back Leia's hologram message as well as Yoda's force ghost proving they also wanted to appeal to older fans of the franchise. The nerd in me was happy. Luke first showing off his huge power and then going the path of Obi-Wan, facing his physically superior fallen student to buy time for the new hero carrying hope was excellent and him becoming one with the force as he was looking at the two suns as the binary sunset theme plays was a great way to end his arc. Another big plus was Luke explaining the force similar to Obi-Wan in the original trilogy rather than some midichlorian bullshit.

I wonder if Luke is gonna continue to guide Rey as a force ghost and if other force ghosts will make an appearence again (maybe redeemed Anakin to Kylo?). Also I'm curious what they will do with Leia in 9.

For me this movie ranks top 3 in the franchise, right after V and IV. Looking forward to 9 now!
posted about 7 years ago
#13 - Fixed not being able to detonate stickybombs whe in TF2 General Discussion

ultra mega epicness

posted about 7 years ago
#8 cp_stitched in Map Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#4 Why do all the top medics have breasts? in The Dumpster

what a garbage thread

posted about 7 years ago
#37 ETF2L S28 GF: SVIFT vs. Ascent.EU in Matches
decemberwho won
why's this bo4?

svift had a 1 map advantage going into this

posted about 7 years ago
#3 WOW in TF2 General Discussion

glad to see my boy eskimo making it to the big screen

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Don't read this. in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#4526 stream highlights in Videos
scopeVulcanTwiiKuuWARHURYEAH crackshot
It's the coolest bug. You can even shoot rockets through the crack :D

not allowed in etf2l though

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Missing Directs? This info could save your life! in Off Topic

say thank mr capnnofapn and good pelvic floor will come to you

posted about 7 years ago

i think it's important to note that his achievements in pugs could also be linked to using a primary that is forbidden in all leagues
on this note i actually wonder, haven't the new unlocks gotten enough playtesting for the pugchamp whitelist to be updated again? thinking of the pretty boys pocket pistol as well

posted about 7 years ago

i think wanting to develope the meta is a good thing but you can't do this in pugs because of the lack of coordination and incentive to try to win, most players would rather get done with a game playing against pyro fast than try to counter him together
this has nothing to do with being stuck up 6s players rather than how fun and rewarding playing against pyro isn't compared to other classes
you can play it in leagues all you want, no rule to forbid it, also there you will force anyone wanting to win your division to counter your play therefore "developing the meta"

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Essentials.TF Monthly #2 Season 0 in TF2 General Discussion

can merc unless we field an ora elektro roster

posted about 7 years ago
#2 good videos thread in Off Topic

have fun

posted about 7 years ago
#5732 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
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