Bump for this season, will edit op when I'm home, looking mostly to soldier or demo now
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197994364738 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:34099010] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:17049505 |
Country | Canada |
Signed Up | August 24, 2012 |
Last Posted | April 8, 2024 at 9:48 AM |
Posts | 1203 (0.3 per day) |
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Mouse | G407 Hyperion |
Keyboard | G710+ |
Mousepad | PureTrak Talent |
Headphones | |
Monitor | HP shitstain (but i love it) |
badlands and granary have been in the map rotation since the dawn of time and they are clearly outdated and possess major flaws and that has been apparent for some time with the attempts to make pro versions of the maps that have not really improved the game play, plenty of reason to exclude these from the map list. Even iconic maps in other games (dust2 for example) can't stand the test the time with ever shifting metas, eventually they all need a massive overhaul or need to be rotated out of the map pool.
100% the most dedicated player i've ever been on a team with, once he gets his mental game down he will be a monster because the talent and drive is there for him, just sykes himself out. Also hilarious guy and will be your really good friend if you're on a team with him and is always positive
glassat the end of the match shade said he ran fulltime kritz, which would make this 50x more impressive, but i can't remember if that's actually true or not
It's pretty true
this is dope, lets get together and watch some stuff sometime man! im always close by
alias: aniph
country: Canada
stream: https://www.twitch.tv/aniph
ESEA-I medic, play lots of pugs as multi classing
botmodeWhen I left I tried to ensure the team wouldn't die but some stuff has happened and scizor's computer went boom so now I'm not sure if people know, I think all the roster transfers might've been used up, which might be the nail in the coffin
if they just message tri the roster transactions can prolly be bypassed tbh
Hi all
unfortunately due to school stipulations pauldogg has had to step down from our squad and we are looking to replace him, this LFT is being posted as no one on our team can find anyone suitable that we are in contact with currently so its put us in an interesting situation.
This is basically a open tryout to anyone who thinks they have the potential to be highIM-low invite at any of the 3 positions listed and at this point our options are very limited which makes us very open minded.
Please have a professional attitude and be a good teammate, we are playing in invite this season mostly to try and develop for the following season and onwards. If you're concerned about fees don't be, fees are covered.
add me on steam for inquiries, thank you very much!
mathemaphysicistexcuse my ignorance but who are these players? I only know of ghostac and lucrative
Apt, pauldogg and ghostac are invite debuts. Unf has been in and out of invite for like 9 years, same with me. Okiewaka made invite with DDD a while back
I just noticed this thread, hopefully you guys will support us as we develop through invite this season and hopefully the next.
Reading the comments though has got me a bit rattled and I would like to take this opportunity to make a little PSA to all teams and players of this community.
Yes, it is awesome that some new sponsors are in the scene. Yes, it is awesome that there will be more exposure for TF2 in this regard. That being said, Fable did not go out of there way to sponsor us, this was not some gift from the heavens or a pity party, it was something my team earned and deserved and I need every team in TF2 to start understanding this. I know a lot of you guys are young/probably don't care, but i'm gonna put this out there anyways.
TF2 is an awesome game, a lot of people who don't play 6v6 enjoy watching it or at least know about it and we have a really amazing community here in terms of passion, but what we are seriously lacking in (and has been for a long time) is real professionalism. I know a ton of players in TF2 think that eSports organizations don't pay attention to our game, and our community, and I'm here to inform you that they absolutely do and they see the way we conduct ourselves. From the outside looking in, its really hard for orgs to feel motivated to get involved with this game because there isn't a ton of benefit for them in terms of exposure, but it makes it even harder for them to want to be involved when they see the lack of professionalism in our teams.
Anyone who knows me or has played with me knows I take the branding of my teams very seriously and I try to get my players to uphold high standards of sportsmanship and competitive play whenever possible, and ill be honest when I say a ton of teams don't care for this notion at all or don't take it seriously, ether one. This is what allowed me to land a partnership with Fable, not being the best team around, but because I have been establishing a culture of professionalism in my teams over the years and people have noticed, and I promised Fable we would represent their org to the highest standard and do the best we possibly could to better their organization. A lot of teams will say its impossible to get sponsors involved in this community, or that people don't have an interest in funding TF2, when really teams should be realizing sponsors don't care to fund people who don't take their passion for the game seriously and would rather make meme teams and alias like adolescents on ESEA (where literally everyone is going to be looking)
Literally any decent level team in this game could land some sort of representation if said teams would conduct themselves in a more professional manner and took their team brand more seriously, that's how it was back in the day when there were tons of multi-gaming orgs involved with TF2. It wasn't hard then and it isn't hard now, the culture here is just different now.
this match is happening tonight now, not sure if its still being casted
This match is 99% not happening tonight
doing this is just going to be TF2 shooting itself in the foot, again.
none of your points are invalid, but you're also making points based on the idea of growth in this game which is literally a pipedream and shouldn't be the focus of competitive play. The games growth is completely stagnant, and that's not caused by ESEA and moving away from ESEA is not going to help growth in the slightest. The game is 10 years old, get used to the idea that its downhill from here and to keep it quality while it lasts.
secondly, if your priority is to stem the bleeding moving to a free league with no prize pot is 100% not going to solve that. We just spent the last week running around making last minute invite teams to save the invite division because top level competition, whether you choose to accept it or not, is the lifeblood of competitive. The sooner you accept this the better off you will be and the sooner you will realize how important ESEA is to the game right now.
also in terms of
making the transition from low level to high level easier and splitting the league into actual divisions again instead of one massive shitshow.
lucrativeHonestly, this isn't as bad as it appears to be. Obviously its a downer because its a sign of the deflation we are going through currently, but realistically the IM division was being diluted in skill level and the gap between even mid to high IM was huge, basically there is no difference between mid open and low IM anymore and that's not really a good thing.
With the merged division, the best teams will still come out on top and the lower end teams will still end up playing each other more due to the schedule balancing and the competition will be more balanced overall when it comes to matches, at least that's how I see it going. Throw in the occasional underdog match up in there and there is a huge margin for improvement on lower end teams, and better competition for higher end teams.
On top of that, it will be easier to actually gauge teams real skill level overall I think so that could make progression easier in terms of getting accurate and balanced practice.
Chin up boys, it could be worse.
Honestly, this isn't as bad as it appears to be. Obviously its a downer because its a sign of the deflation we are going through currently, but realistically the IM division was being diluted in skill level and the gap between even mid to high IM was huge, basically there is no difference between mid open and low IM anymore and that's not really a good thing.
With the merged division, the best teams will still come out on top and the lower end teams will still end up playing each other more due to the schedule balancing and the competition will be more balanced overall when it comes to matches, at least that's how I see it going. Throw in the occasional underdog match up in there and there is a huge margin for improvement on lower end teams, and better competition for higher end teams.
On top of that, it will be easier to actually gauge teams real skill level overall I think so that could make progression easier in terms of getting accurate and balanced practice.
Chin up boys, it could be worse.