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Last Posted April 8, 2024 at 9:48 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ⋅⋅ 79
#52 Mr Slin - Potential Fixes for 5cp in Comp TF2 in Videos

Just posting what i posted in the other 5cp thread cause this is exactly the same.

the 5cp meta is fine and everyone who thinks that stalemates are a result of the game mode you're just wrong. Trying to force stalemates out of the meta is a lost cause considering it is a strategy that was developed by players, not by the design of he gamemode (this is why 10 minute stalemate timer is included in the gamemode). It is simply the safest and easiest way to play at high levels as top level players can turn any pick into a winning push. Its not the greatest to watch or the funnest way to play, but is effective at what it does and teams shouldn't be forced to turn away from that just because people find it boring to look at.

If you change the rules, or change the gamemode, players will develop another strategy equally as "unfun" to play against and people will complain about that too, like they always do.

Some teams stalemate more than others, that is true. But the way I see it if you can't get creative enough or have enough strats in mind to try and break a solid defense by an opposing team, do you really deserve to win anyways? Why would a team ever push against an offense they know won't win. In terms of actually winning games, there is no point.

its been said in here before, change the maps and the 5cp ruleset as much as you like, the things that are creating the problems are the mechanics of the games and mentality of the players, not the design of the gamemode.

I would say people would be better served in here trying to suggest mechanical changes as opposed to map or gamemode changes, but obviously those things are hard to implement/impossible because valve wouldn't do it. I always thought the best thing ever to make the game more fast paced would be to make uber half the duration (5 seconds) but increase the speed of the charge time by like 50% or something. Changes to the uber mechanic would be huge when it comes to this discussion as stalemating almost solely revolves around even uber situations and a huge percentage of the time breaking stalemates is about popping the other medic (obviously there are other routes, but they are far less frequently used.)

posted about 7 years ago
#3 BLANC Lite LFP medic and roamer IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

nazara and hedge are monsters, crazy potential on this team

posted about 7 years ago
#10 my 5cp idea to help with stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
Starry_NebulaeAlthough I agree that there are ways to break any stalemate if you play your team and advantages right. the problem is even the best players sometimes suffer to break stalemates because of nerves and the game itself with it's classes and weapons (weapons can be balanced but it's much harder for classes to be balanced).

Pretty sure top level games are slowed down a lot and stalemate is because top level players are extremely good and can turn any advantage into a win and it makes it risky to make plays when big games are on the line.

Nerves are not really a relevant argument on this topic, and nether is weapon balance.

PontI think if we put in a 10 minute round timer, teams will just turtle up on last if they lose mid and refuse to push until the round ends. 10 minute timers could actually have a reverse effect on what we're trying to accomplish?
posted about 7 years ago
#4 my 5cp idea to help with stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

the 5cp meta is fine and everyone who thinks that stalemates are a result of the game mode you're just wrong. Trying to force stalemates out of the meta is a lost cause considering it is a strategy that was developed by players, not by the design of he gamemode (this is why 10 minute stalemate timer is included in the gamemode). It is simply the safest and easiest way to play at high levels as top level players can turn any pick into a winning push. Its not the greatest to watch or the funnest way to play, but is effective at what it does and teams shouldn't be forced to turn away from that just because people find it boring to look at.

If you change the rules, or change the gamemode, players will develop another strategy equally as "unfun" to play against and people will complain about that too, like they always do.

Some teams stalemate more than others, that is true. But the way I see it if you can't get creative enough or have enough strats in mind to try and break a solid defense by an opposing team, do you really deserve to win anyways? Why would a team ever push against an offense they know won't win. In terms of actually winning games, there is no point.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Dyl4N/bomberman- LFT in Recruitment (looking for team) this is dylan

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Beelthazus lft Mid/High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

beel is a great dude, amazing attitude towards the game and will improve fast. great guy to shoot the shit with in mumble. I could see him developing into a great in game leader one day.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 carpel tunnel syndrome in Off Topic

I had similar experiences because I broke a lot of fingers in rugby. I can tell you for a fact that given your age, unless something dramatic has happened to your arms or fingers, that what your experiencing most likely isn't carpal tunnel. Reason 1 being, symptoms DO NOT come up that fast out of no where, the pain is caused by the slow and steady pinching of the nerves near your carpal bones in the hand, 3 days is wayyyy too fast for this pain to develop in a significant way. Secondly, Pain is your arm is extremely rare as a bi-product of carpel tunnel, your condition would have to be pretty severe to feel pain in between your hand and your elbow. the regions pain from carpal tunnel occurs most commonly is in your upper carpals just below your finger tips, and you can feel it alot on the underside of your palm and stuff.

posted about 7 years ago
#63 Would you be in favor of a map rotation revamp? in Map Discussion

people are missing the major detail that esea runs the rotation with 8 maps so increasing the map pool size isn't a thing

posted about 7 years ago
#15 dev lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

dev was honestly a fucking beast, we just didn't mesh as teammates. you're making a mistake if you overlook this guy for your IM team he has really good comms and a big brain, also great dm.

posted about 7 years ago
#139 Rate Current Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#42 Would you be in favor of a map rotation revamp? in Map Discussion
SpriteI think the idea of adding more maps is a good idea but they need to be added overtime, putting 5 new maps into the rotation next season would be stupid, teams would have to create a new "meta" for how to play the map 5 times over and whilst it sounds good in theory "oh we'll get interesting strats and things people didn't consider" really it'll just be a DM shitfest where people aren't quite sure what to do as we saw in the livestreamed cup

personally i think this is a lame cop out.

The teams that wont care to go over the maps or try to make strats for it are the ones that will try to turn it into a dm shitfest and will be the ones that eventually lose to another team who took the time to figure the map out and learn the holds, best mids, etc. Also literally nothing what you said changes the "meta" of the game, that's done within the balancing of the classes, weapon bans and what people find strong etc. The maps don't change the meta. there are meta's within certain maps but those are entirely different and don't reflect the overall metagame

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Would you be in favor of a map rotation revamp? in Map Discussion
botmodein theory this sounds nice, but in reality most of the maps available (that have been listed) are not ready for league play / have already been tried and disliked

snakewater and process when they were both inserted into the rotation had the exact same thing said about them and they were in early states as well. they were developed over time and are way different from the originals and people ended up liking them just fine, enough to be a stable in the rotation for over 15 seasons. whats to say these maps do not have the potential to do the same?

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Would you be in favor of a map rotation revamp? in Map Discussion
Daggerkeep badlands in the rotation
playtest the new maps more, maybe have another cup, and do a poll or a vote

Im not really sure I trust the voting system considering the last 15 seasons.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Would you be in favor of a map rotation revamp? in Map Discussion
saamTwiggysince there is multiple seasons per year both in esea and etf2l it would be cool to have 'themed' map pools, like 1 season with regular maps, one season with 2 koth maps and one season with something else (1 A/D map and one upcoming map for example).

If $$$ or cups.jpg become an issue playoffs/lans can still be played with the consensual map pool.

Highlander has this obsession with changing maps every season and it's super dumb. It also means almost every season has a map so bad people won't even try on it.

Map list should be the 8 best maps available and it shouldn't be changed until a better one comes along.

I agree that maps shouldn't be inserted into the rotation that aren't objectively "good" maps, like what was happening before when horrible maps were getting voted into the rotation. That being said, I think these 4 maps barring some slight tweaking (maybe warmfront a little more) are more than playable in the rotation. what makes these maps "good" for the most part i think comes down to preference, I know tons of people who love badlands and just as many that absolutely loathe it and its been in rotation since day 1. Sometimes I think it should be considered that adding in new things that teams need to adapt to and learn is a good asset to creating good competition, not just keeping what is objectively "the best" and what every team is comfortable with playing. by forcing teams to become masters at something new, or giving other teams who maybe aren't great with the current rotation a chance to also become good on a map that another team hasn't, I think you're adding a really healthy and solid situation to competitive play in general.

plus it would just be fucking fun to play some new maps :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Would you be in favor of a map rotation revamp? in Map Discussion

EDIT: Revived for pre season 27 map discussion

Since the conclusion of the new map cup I've been hearing alot of people chatting about the potential for some of those new maps to make it into the rotation. We have been running the exact same map rotation since season 13-15 ish (with one map being rotated out). With maps that people really enjoy playing (or seem to) and see alot of potential in like cardinal, kalinka, koth_bagel and koth_warmfront, would you be in favour of doing a major overhaul of the current map pool to include most or all of these maps?

Personally I would love to see 3 koth maps, I think having the chance to play koth only once a season seems like a weird and random situation to me (think about if CS:GO had one random Hostage map in the rotation as opposed to the regular Attack/Defend mode) and I would ether remove the mode entirely or include more maps. I think maps like badlands, granary should see their time in the rotation done as they have been included since the stone age, and I know people would like to see some unpopular maps out of the rotation (sunshine, metalworks maybe?)

I think a major map rotation revamp would be really good for "refreshing" competition per say and just bringing an overall modern and differnt feel to the upcoming seasons, and it would just be a lot more interesting to see an abundance of new maps played IMO.

example of a map list i would LOVE to see

cp_cardinal (possibly change this one for metal)

posted about 7 years ago
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