Just posting what i posted in the other 5cp thread cause this is exactly the same.
the 5cp meta is fine and everyone who thinks that stalemates are a result of the game mode you're just wrong. Trying to force stalemates out of the meta is a lost cause considering it is a strategy that was developed by players, not by the design of he gamemode (this is why 10 minute stalemate timer is included in the gamemode). It is simply the safest and easiest way to play at high levels as top level players can turn any pick into a winning push. Its not the greatest to watch or the funnest way to play, but is effective at what it does and teams shouldn't be forced to turn away from that just because people find it boring to look at.
If you change the rules, or change the gamemode, players will develop another strategy equally as "unfun" to play against and people will complain about that too, like they always do.
Some teams stalemate more than others, that is true. But the way I see it if you can't get creative enough or have enough strats in mind to try and break a solid defense by an opposing team, do you really deserve to win anyways? Why would a team ever push against an offense they know won't win. In terms of actually winning games, there is no point.
its been said in here before, change the maps and the 5cp ruleset as much as you like, the things that are creating the problems are the mechanics of the games and mentality of the players, not the design of the gamemode.
I would say people would be better served in here trying to suggest mechanical changes as opposed to map or gamemode changes, but obviously those things are hard to implement/impossible because valve wouldn't do it. I always thought the best thing ever to make the game more fast paced would be to make uber half the duration (5 seconds) but increase the speed of the charge time by like 50% or something. Changes to the uber mechanic would be huge when it comes to this discussion as stalemating almost solely revolves around even uber situations and a huge percentage of the time breaking stalemates is about popping the other medic (obviously there are other routes, but they are far less frequently used.)